近日,《推动大规模设备更新和消费品以旧换新行动方案》公开发布。4月11日,国务院新闻办举行国务院政策例行吹风会,介绍相关情况。 会上, 工业和信息化部党组成员、副部长单忠德 表示,下一步, It will focus on key industries such as petrochemical industry, steel, nonferrous metals, building materials, machinery, automobiles, light industry, textiles, and electronics, and carry out four major actions: advanced equipment renewal, digital transformation, green equipment promotion, and safety level improvement to comprehensively promote equipment renewal and technology transformation.

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The first is to implement advanced equipment renewal actions.

For industries such as industrial machine machines, agricultural machinery, and construction machinery, we will speed up the replacement of backward and inefficient equipment such as old machine tools that have served more than 10 years; for industries such as aviation, photovoltaics, and power batteries, we will benchmark against the international advanced level and update a batch of high-tech and high-tech, high-efficiency and high-reliability advanced equipment; update and upgrade a batch of test and testing equipment around weak links such as R & D and design, pilot test verification, inspection and testing.

The second is to implement digital transformation actions.

Focusing on promoting the digitalization, networking and intelligence of the manufacturing industry, we will promote the application of intelligent manufacturing equipment such as industrial robots and intelligent logistics to build a number of smart factories; strengthen the construction of digital infrastructure and accelerate the industrial Internet, Gigabit optical networks, and computing power centers., etc. Large-scale deployment.

The third is to implement green equipment promotion actions.

推动石化化工、钢铁、Apply and promote green equipment such as energy conservation, water conservation, and environmental protection in key energy-using industries and key links such as nonferrous metals and building materials; promote motors, transformers, boilers, pumps, etc. 重点用能设备更新换代;加大工业固废处理设备设施更新升级。

The fourth is to implement actions to improve the level of intrinsic safety.

Promote the application of a batch of advanced and applicable safety equipment, accelerate the comprehensive technological transformation of old petrochemical and chemical equipment, promote the "mechanized replacement, automated reduction of personnel, and robot replacement of personnel" in the civil explosives industry, and strengthen equipment upgrading and equipment equipment configuration in safety emergency, fire protection and other fields.

The following is a record of answering reporters 'questions: 21st century economic report reporter

In recent years, the scale of equipment investment in the national industrial sector has accounted for a large proportion of the overall equipment investment scale. What specific measures will be taken next to promote large-scale equipment renewal in the industrial sector? Thank you.

Deputy Minister of Industry and Information Technology Shan Zhongde: 谢谢您的提问。党的十八大以来,在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,中国工业发展取得历史性成就,体系全、品种多、规模大的独特优势更加明显,创新力、竞争力、抗风险能力显著提升。推动大规模设备更新和消费品以旧换新,是党中央、国务院着眼于高质量发展大局作出的重大部署。推动工业领域设备更新和技术改造,有利于扩大有效投资、有利于提升先进产能比重,既利当前,又利长远。2023年,全国工业领域设备投资规模达4.4万亿元,同比增长8.7%,占全社会设备投资的70%以上,设备更新空间大、潜力足。

工业和信息化部认真贯彻落实党中央、国务院决策部署,联合六部门印发了 [ 《推动工业领域设备更新实施方案》 ]( 。将围绕推进新型工业化,以大规模设备更新为抓手,实施制造业技术改造升级工程,以数字化转型、绿色化升级为重点,坚持市场化推进、标准化引领、软硬件一体化更新,推动制造业高端化、智能化、绿色化发展。到2027年,力争实现工业领域设备投资规模较2023年增长25%以上。
下一步,将聚焦石化化工、钢铁、有色、建材、机械、汽车、轻工、纺织、电子等重点行业,开展先进设备更新、数字化转型、绿色装备推广、安全水平提升四大行动,全面推动设备更新和技术改造。 The first is to implement advanced equipment renewal actions. 针对工业母机、农机、工程机械等行业,加快服役10年以上老旧机床等落后低效设备更新替代;针对航空、光伏、动力电池等行业,对标国际先进水平,更新一批高技术、高效率、高可靠性的先进设备;围绕研发设计、中试验证、检验检测等薄弱环节,更新升级一批试验检测设备。 The second is to implement digital transformation actions. 以推进制造业数字化、网络化、智能化为重点,推广应用工业机器人、智能物流等智能制造装备,建设一批智能工厂;加强数字基础设施建设,加快工业互联网、千兆光网、算力中心等规模化部署。 The third is to implement green equipment promotion actions. 推动石化化工、钢铁、有色、建材等重点用能行业、重点环节,应用推广节能、节水、环保等绿色装备;推动电机、变压器、锅炉、泵等重点用能设备更新换代;加大工业固废处理设备设施更新升级。 The fourth is to implement actions to improve the level of intrinsic safety. 推广应用一批先进适用安全装备,加快推动石化化工老旧装置综合技改、推动民爆行业“机械化换人、自动化减人、机器人替人”,加强安全应急、消防等领域装备升级改造与配备配置。

Promote digitalization and intelligent equipment updates and technological transformation to accelerate the pace of digital transformation of the manufacturing industry

CCTV reporter

At present, the popularity of digital transformation in China's manufacturing industry continues to rise. What considerations does the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology have in promoting digital intelligent equipment updates and technological transformation? Thank you.

Deputy Minister of Industry and Information Technology Shan Zhongde: 谢谢您的提问。推动制造业数字化转型,是推进新型工业化、加快构建以先进制造业为支撑的现代化产业体系的必然要求,也是适应引领新一轮科技革命和产业变革的迫切需要。工业和信息化部深入贯彻落实党中央、国务院决策部署,将以大规模设备更新为抓手,“点线面”一体化推进数字化转型。 "Click" on就是打造数字化、智能化转型标杆,包括量大面广的中小型企业,"Online"就是推进重点产业链数字化协同改造,"Face" 是推动重点产业集群和重点园区数字化提升,加快推动制造业高端化、智能化、绿色化发展。力争到2027年,实现规模以上工业企业数字化研发设计工具普及率达到90%以上,关键工序数控化率达到75%以上,特别是要推动工业大省大市和重点园区规上工业企业数字化转型全覆盖。主要有三个方面重点工作:
The first is to promote and apply a batch of intelligent manufacturing equipment. 中国智能制造装备的产业规模已经达到3.2万亿元以上,制造业机器人密度已经达到了每万名工人392台。下一步,我们要加快推动智能制造装备普及应用和更新升级,推广应用数控机床、增材制造、机器人、智能物流、传感检测、仪器仪表等通用智能制造装备,开发应用针对特定行业、特定场景的专用智能制造装备,加快生产作业、仓储物流、质量管控等环节数字化智能化改造,推动工业软件和工业控制系统一体化更新。
The second is to continue to increase the construction of digital infrastructure. 截至去年年底,中国已经建设5G基站338万个,实现了“村村通宽带、县县通5G、市市通千兆”,“5G+工业互联网”应用覆盖了41个工业大类。后续,将进一步加大工业互联网、5G、千兆光网等规模化部署,鼓励工业企业内网外网改造。构建工业基础算力资源和应用能力融合体系,加快部署工业边缘数据中心,推动“云边端”算力协同发展。加大高性能智算供给,在算力枢纽节点建设智算中心。特别是鼓励大型企业集团、工业园区建立各具特色的工业互联网平台。
The third is to accelerate the construction of a number of smart factories. 截至去年年底,中国已培育421家国家级智能制造示范工厂,带动了各地建设万余家数字化车间和智能工厂,在石化、印染、家电等行业形成了一批高水平示范企业。下一步,我们将加快人工智能、5G、边缘计算等新一代信息技术应用,把数字技术、信息技术、智能技术等与制造业深度融合,形成典型场景,带动更多行业推广应用。推动设备联网和生产环节全流程数字化链接,提升柔性化制造、智能化管理水平,实现科学化生产、科学化管理,打造更多数字化车间和智能工厂。发挥龙头企业数字化转型示范作用,更好引领带动上下游企业进行数字化改造,提升产业链供应链韧性和竞争力。

source| Industry and Information Technology News

edit| Li Qian

audit| Liu Jiajun

planning| Chen Xiaoli


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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