Hunan Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Bureau supervises mine safety supervision in Zhangjiajie City

From March 5 to 14, Chen Yuanzhong, member of the Party Leadership Group and Chief Engineer of the Hunan Bureau, led a team to Zhangjiajie City to carry out a special inspection of mine safety production during the mining festival and the National "Two Sessions", and also carried out supervision and inspection of mine safety supervision in Zhangjiajie City.

The inspection team inspected the performance of mine safety supervision responsibilities by the governments of Zhangjiajie City, Cili County, Sangzhi County, and Yongding District, and conducted random inspections on the implementation of the "guarantee" responsibilities of some county-level leading mines; Four underground mines and three open-pit mines were randomly inspected, and 12 mine safety management personnel were tested on the study of the "Hard Measures" of the Security Committee of the State Council. In response to hidden dangers and problems found in enterprises during supervision and inspection, they were handed over to relevant departments in accordance with procedures. Handle the matter seriously in accordance with the law.

On March 14, the inspection team held a feedback meeting on the inspection. Chen Yuanzhong attended and delivered a speech. Shang Shenglong, member of the Standing Committee of the Zhangjiajie Municipal Party Committee and Executive Deputy Mayor, reported on the situation of mine production safety and made a statement.

Chen Yuanzhong emphasized that the Zhangjiajie Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government attach great importance to production safety and have not had mine production safety accidents for five consecutive years. However, at the same time, there are also problems such as mining enterprises 'insufficient awareness of running mines in accordance with the law, weak foundation for non-coal mines, and insufficient implementation of territorial supervision responsibilities. Municipal and county governments and mine-related regulatory authorities should further improve their political stance and thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on production safety. It is necessary to improve policies and measures to ensure that the "Opinions" and "Hard Measures" of the two offices are implemented and effective, study and promulgate the "three batches" classified disposal plan for non-coal mines as soon as possible, and clarify the time limit for completion one by one. We must adhere to the goal orientation and continue to promote the three-year campaign to tackle the root causes of mine production safety. It is necessary to strengthen supervision and law enforcement, urge enterprises to establish a firm concept of running mines in accordance with the law, and improve the level of running mines in accordance with the law. It is necessary to strengthen the implementation of rectification, support and cooperate with national supervision to perform supervisory duties, and actively cooperate and proactively accept supervision.


On March 14, the Provincial Energy Administration held the 6th Party Group (Expanded) Meeting and the 4th Bureau Affairs Meeting in 2024.

Convey and study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, the spirit of the National Two Sessions, the spirit of important meetings of the State Council, the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, and study, deploy and implement relevant work. The meeting was presided over by Chen Hua, Secretary of the Bureau's Party Leadership Group and Director. Xie Chaojian, deputy head of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group dispatched by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Provincial Supervisory Commission to the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology; Liu Biyan, Xu Guangwei, Liu Xiaoyang and Yao Tongbao, members of the Bureau's Party Leadership Group and deputy directors; and Peng Zhen, member of the Bureau's Party Leadership Group, attended the meeting.

The meeting pointed out that this year's National two sessions are important meetings held in the crucial year of the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China and the realization of the objectives and tasks of the 14th five-year Plan, and are of great significance. During the two sessions, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered a series of important speeches, which provided a fundamental basis for us to do a good job in our work at present and for some time to come. It is an important political task to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during the two sessions. It is necessary to fully understand the requirements of the "Government work report" on the deployment of energy work, combine with the actual conditions of Guizhou, set standards and tables, and implement them item by item, so as to promote the continuous development of energy work. The meeting demanded that it is necessary to consolidate, expand, study and implement the achievements of Xi Jinping's ideological theme education on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. It is necessary to conscientiously study and implement the revised "regulations on Communist Party of China's Inspection work," and promote the implementation of various provisions of the "regulations." It is necessary to do a good job in building the brand of party building in government organs and enhance the political and organizational functions of grass-roots party organizations. It is necessary to strengthen the information submission of the party committee and accurately reflect the actual situation of energy work. The meeting stressed that it is necessary to conscientiously implement the "three-year Action Plan for tackling the root causes of Coal Mine Safety in Guizhou Province (2024-2026)," carry out in-depth gas prevention and control, and study and deploy special tackling and rectification of roofs, mechanical and electrical transportation, and so on. We will deepen "fighting against non-violations" in coal mine safety production. It is necessary to take effective measures to strengthen forest fire prevention, protect power systems, oil depots, and long-distance oil and gas pipelines, and implement various policies and measures for safe production. It is necessary to strengthen the application of scientific and technological achievements at the forefront of energy, cultivate and strengthen new quality productive forces, and promote the high-quality development of new energy. It is necessary to conscientiously do a good job in reducing logistics costs in the energy field, promote "transit railway" and multimodal transport, and further reduce energy transport costs. It is necessary to adhere to the problem-oriented, continue to do a good job in the work of "setting up, reforming, abolishing, and releasing", and actively integrate into the national energy market. It is necessary to increase the attraction of investment, improve the quality and help the strong, solve difficulties, and create a good environment for the development of the energy industry. It is necessary to do a good job in the implementation of all kinds of work in the field of energy in the "comprehensive reform implementation plan for the large-scale development of the western region in Guizhou". Other issues were also studied at the meeting. Zhang Quanyi, the first-class inspector of the bureau, and the responsible persons of all departments and departments of the bureau attended the meeting.

Chen Yuandong, chief engineer of the Sichuan Bureau of the State Administration of Mine Safety, investigated and supervised the intelligent work of coal mines

In order to conscientiously implement the "Opinions of the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council on Further Strengthening Mine Production Safety", promote the implementation of the "Three-Year Action Plan for Mining Safety Production (2024-2026)", and accelerate the pace of intelligent construction of coal mines in the province, From March 11th to 15th, Chen Yuandong, chief engineer of the Sichuan Bureau of the State Administration of Mine Work Safety, led a team to Leshan City and Panzhihua City to carry out research, supervision and guidance on coal mine intelligence work.

Chen Yuandong and his party went deep into the coal mine to learn in detail about the construction and operation of the intelligent working face, and had in-depth exchanges with comrades from enterprises and local regulatory authorities. Chen Yuandong emphasized that the intelligent construction of coal mines is the only way to upgrade coal mines, prevent and resolve major safety risks, and promote the transformation of coal mine safety management models to preventive measures. Enterprises should not hesitate, departments should not wait, and governments should not wait and see.

Chen Yuandong demanded that state-owned enterprises should be at the forefront in the intelligent construction of coal mines and truly play an exemplary and leading role. While doing their own related work well, they should help and promote the intelligent construction of private coal mines. One flower is not spring, but a hundred flowers bloom all over the garden; private coal mines should steadily promote intelligent construction based on resource occurrence conditions, duration and economic strength, and in accordance with overall advancement and key breakthroughs; Local governments and regulatory authorities must improve their political stance, effectively shoulder the political responsibility of "promoting development and ensuring safety", provide more help, guidance and support for the intelligent construction of coal mines, and regard the intelligent construction of coal mines as the direction of industrial development and cultivate an important area of new quality productivity, promote the high-quality development of coal mines in the region and the province, and ensure the continued stability of the production safety situation of coal mines in the province.

###Shanxi accelerates energy low-carbon transformation

The recently held 2024 Shanxi Province Energy Work Conference proposed that Shanxi will focus on accelerating the planning and construction of a new energy system, better coordinate development and security, coordinate energy supply guarantee and green transformation, and strive to create a pilot pilot area for comprehensive reform of the energy revolution.

As an important new comprehensive energy base in the country, Shanxi plays an important role in ensuring national energy security. Last year, Shanxi ranked first in the country in coal output, accounting for 30% of the country's total output, and guaranteed the supply of 620 million tons of thermal coal to 24 provinces; its power generation reached 437.6 billion kilowatt-hours, transporting 157.6 billion kilowatt-hours to 23 provinces. Electricity; unconventional natural gas output was 14.59 billion cubic meters, which ensured the energy demand of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region in addition to its own use.

While firmly ensuring energy security, Shanxi focuses on multiple goals such as stable production and supply and low-carbon transformation, pays more attention to the systematicness, integrity and synergy of high-quality energy development, and is guided by reform and innovation to advance the energy revolution in depth. Accelerate the cultivation of green productivity and new quality productivity.

Build a smart energy system and actively seize new tracks

"The number of dangerous positions such as underground mining operations has been reduced by 96, and the comprehensive mining level has been increased by 20%. Through intelligent transformation, the coal washing plant washes an additional 300,000 tons of raw coal every year, increasing efficiency by more than 10%." Fu Tianguang, head of Shanxi Tiandi Wangpo Coal Industry Co., Ltd., said that in the past three years of intelligent coal mine construction, the role of "reducing people, increasing safety, and improving efficiency" has gradually emerged.

While the number of people in dangerous positions is "reduced", the demand for a number of new types of work such as intelligent coal mine miners, intelligent coal mine boring workers, and mining safety monitoring system duty officers is increasing rapidly. Tiandi Wangpo Coal Mine has teamed up with Huawei, China Coal Science and Technology and other scientific research units to create a 5G+ intelligent innovation incubator to enhance the pool of intelligent talents.

Promoting the deep integration of the digital economy and the energy industry and building a smart energy system from a high starting point are important focuses for Shanxi to promote the construction of a new energy system, actively seize new tracks, and proactively deploy new business formats.

Deng Weiyuan, Party Secretary and Director of the Energy Bureau of Shanxi Province, said that in 2023, Shanxi's intelligent transformation project of production coal mines with an annual production capacity of more than 1.8 million tons has all started. A total of 118 intelligent coal mines, 1491 intelligent mining working faces, and 3200 chambers have been built unattended, and important operating locations have achieved "no monitoring and no operation." At present, the focus of intelligent construction of Shanxi coal mines has shifted from mining work to intelligent construction of entire mines. By 2025, all large and disaster-prone coal mines in Shanxi Province will be intelligent.

The integration of digital economy and the real world in the energy field is giving birth to new industrial forms. The global headquarters of Huawei Coal Mining Corps has settled in Taiyuan, Shanxi. Many intelligent manufacturers have put into operation in Shanxi for R & D and manufacturing. The provincial coal industry Internet platform will soon be put into operation, further promoting the cluster and chain-based development of intelligent coal mining industries. While accelerating the construction of smart coal mines, Shanxi will also make every effort to build a "source-network-load-storage" collaborative and interactive smart power system this year; promote the application of new technologies such as the Internet, big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence, and scientifically promote smart gas field construction, promote the increase of storage and production of unconventional natural gas; vigorously develop smart green power, accelerate the construction of large-scale wind power photovoltaic bases and new energy supply and consumption systems, and improve the reliability and stability of green power.

Accelerate the transformation of low-carbon energy and cultivate new momentum

"There is a wind every year, blowing from spring to winter." This local folk saying expresses the advantages of wind resources in Shanxi Province, where the "Roof of North China" is located.

In Datong, Shanxi, construction of a 6-million-kilowatt large wind power and photovoltaic base in northern Shanxi is being stepped up. Pieces of blue photovoltaic panels open up a new way for the management of coal mining subsidence areas. The scars of the land that were originally damaged by coal mining have become a valuable resource for the development of the photovoltaic industry. This is one of the 12 large-scale wind power and photovoltaic bases that the country promotes the layout of the "double carbon" goal. After completion, it can deliver 27 billion kilowatt-hours of clean power to Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei every year.

While large-scale development of new energy, the development of distributed photovoltaic on roofs in 26 entire counties in Shanxi has accelerated. The installed capacity of distributed photovoltaic developed using highway slopes and service area roofs exceeds 200,000 kilowatts, and the cumulative power generation exceeds 100 million kilowatt hours.

While chasing the wind and the sun, Shanxi, a major traditional energy province, is accelerating on the new energy track. Data from State Grid Shanxi Province Electric Power Company shows that as of January 2024, the installed capacity of wind power and photovoltaic new energy in Shanxi Province exceeded 50 million kilowatts. In 2023, Shanxi's power generation will reach 437.6 billion kilowatt-hours, of which new energy and clean energy power generation will account for 25.2%, equivalent to 1 out of every 4 kilowatt-hours of electricity is clean electricity.

Due to the random, volatile and intermittent characteristics of new energy power generation, in order to adapt to the new situation of increasing proportion of new energy in the power system, Shanxi actively promotes the construction of pumped storage energy and new energy storage projects, accelerates pilot demonstrations of virtual power plants, and strengthens New energy consumption infrastructure construction and continuous improvement of the power market.

Herong Energy Storage Power Station, located in Xiejiachang Park, Xicun Township, Xinrong District, Datong City, is Shanxi's first new independent energy storage project on the grid side. In May last year, the first phase of this project successfully started power transmission, which is equivalent to a "charging treasure" that can store 200,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity. It mainly participates in services such as power grid peak shaving and frequency modulation, accident backup, and energy storage capacity leasing to improve the flexibility of power grid operation.

As of the end of 2023, Shanxi has connected 20 new energy storage projects with an installed capacity of 781,000 kilowatts. At the same time, Shanxi Province took the lead in establishing rules related to auxiliary services in the power spot market, supporting new energy storage to participate in power spot trading and peak shaving and frequency modulation auxiliary services.

On December 22 last year, the Shanxi Electric Power Spot Market, which had been in trial operation for five years, was put into official operation, becoming China's first official electricity spot market. Under the power market system of "medium-and long-term + spot + auxiliary services", the Shanxi Electric Power Spot Market allows new energy power generation to give priority to market transactions and prioritize power generation space, and uses a price mechanism to guide thermal power units to generate new energy power when there is sufficient wind and light. When increasing, proactively reduce power generation output or shut down, thereby broadening the space for new energy consumption. Build a modern energy industry system

Strengthen the energy industry chain

Entering a new era, Shanxi is undertaking important missions such as building a national resource-based economic transformation comprehensive supporting reform pilot zone and a comprehensive reform pilot for the energy revolution. Based on the actual situation of the province, Shanxi regards promoting the integrated, coordinated and coordinated development of the energy industry and manufacturing industry as the key to promoting new industrialization and energy revolution.

Among the 16 provincial-level key industrial chains identified by Shanxi, five industrial chains are directly related to the energy industry: photovoltaics, wind power equipment, hydrogen energy industry, new energy vehicles, and new energy storage. In the Small and Medium-sized Manufacturing Industrial Cluster Park of Shuozhou Economic Development Zone, on the perfluorinated ionic membrane production line of Shanxi Guorun Energy Storage Technology Co., Ltd., perfluorinated ionic membranes as thin as paper are produced from an integrated film-forming machine. "New energy storage is an important part of building a power system with new energy as the main body. The perfluorinated ionic membranes we produce are mainly used in new energy storage fields such as flow batteries." said Zhang Jiale, general manager of Shanxi Guorun Energy Storage Technology Co., Ltd.

This company, established in 2020, is a domestic high-tech enterprise that comprehensively integrates the manufacturing of all-vanadium flow battery equipment and the production of core membrane materials for flow batteries. It is also a "chain core" enterprise in the new energy storage industry chain. Last year, it was successfully selected into the list of Shanxi provincial-level "specialized, specialized and innovative" small and medium-sized enterprises.

In 2023, multiple photovoltaic manufacturing projects such as the first phase project of Shanxi Zhonglai's High-Efficiency Single Crystal Battery Intelligent Factory will be put into operation, and the photovoltaic industry chain will achieve revenue of more than 20 billion yuan. At present, the construction of Jingke Energy's vertically integrated base project with an annual output of 56GW and a new energy 10GW photovoltaic production base are accelerating. Shanxi has initially formed a photovoltaic industry chain of "polysilicon-single crystal silicon wafer-cell-module".

In one year, the Shanxi Province Hydrogen Energy Industry Alliance and the Shanxi Province Wind Power Equipment Industry Alliance were established one after another. China's first hydrogen-powered locomotive transformed from a diesel locomotive-China CRRC's "Ningdong" hydrogen-powered locomotive was rolled off the production line in Datong. The province's coke oven gas, chemical tail gas, and electrolyzed water production capacity reached 31,000 tons/year. The entire new energy vehicle industry chain achieved significant revenue growth.

At the same time, Shanxi has advanced the layout of new energy vehicle charging and replacing infrastructure. Last year, 30,500 new public charging piles were added, reaching a total of 63,600 units, achieving full coverage of charging stations in highway service areas, and accelerating coordinated development of the energy revolution and industrial transformation.

Jiangxi Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration plays a good "three-step chess" to promote the quality and efficiency of performance self-evaluation work

Jiangxi Bureau strictly implements the requirements of "living a tight life" and takes the self-evaluation of project performance as an opportunity to make a "three-step move", focusing on three aspects: laying a solid foundation, improving quality and efficiency, and strengthening application, to effectively improve the efficiency of financial resource allocation and Use benefits.

The first is to make a good "first move" and lay a solid foundation for work. The first is to strengthen the main responsibility. In accordance with the principles of "who spends, who is responsible" and "who uses, who evaluates", the responsibility for self-evaluation of performance of each project is clearly defined to the department, and the Finance Department is the responsible body for self-evaluation of overall project expenditure performance. The second is to harden performance responsibility constraints, require relevant departments and offices to designate special personnel to be responsible for performance evaluation, and consolidate responsibilities to specific positions and specific people. At the same time, the performance self-evaluation work will be included in the annual target assessment of department work to ensure that the performance self-evaluation work is deployed and implemented.

The second is to play "key chess" well to improve the quality and efficiency of work. The first is to achieve full coverage of the evaluation scope. All projects included in budget management in 2023 will be taken as self-evaluation objects, achieving full coverage of performance self-evaluation in terms of budget levels and budget forms. The second is to unify and standardize evaluation standards. A process method of "self-evaluation by business department managers + preliminary review by main responsible persons of business department + review and summary by financial department managers + final review by main responsible persons of finance department" has been established to achieve review by multiple entities and check by multiple links. Clarify the scoring rules for performance indicators, clarify the calculation method for performance indicators, set up "hard constraints" for system scoring, and no scores will be scored if key evaluation indicators have not been completed. Third, the self-evaluation score is targeted. When scoring quantitative indicators, business offices need to provide pictures, video materials, written materials and other relevant supporting materials to effectively reduce the phenomenon of random scoring and effectively improve the authenticity, accuracy and effectiveness of self-evaluation results.

The third is to play "long-term chess" and strengthen the use of results. Adhere to a problem-oriented approach and carry out self-inspection and rectification around project goals and indicators for projects with self-evaluation scores below 60 points. For performance indicators with scores below 60%, establish problem ledgers, analyze the reasons, and rectify them one by one. Through the application of performance self-evaluation results, we will further strengthen revenue and expenditure management, compress and control administrative costs, and continuously improve our bureau's project management capabilities.

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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