##The Yunnan Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration strengthens supervision efforts to improve mine safety levels

从国家矿山安全监察局云南局了解到,矿监系统立足职能, Combined with Yunnan's actual situation, we will increase supervision efforts to actively promote the continuous and steady improvement of mine safety levels in Yunnan Province. In 2023, nearly 16,000 mines will be connected point-to-point, and mine safety supervision capabilities and management levels will be significantly improved.

The Mine Safety Supervision System of Yunnan Province conscientiously implements the deployment of the Ministry of Emergency Management, the National Mine Safety Supervision Bureau, the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government. Based on the actual situation, it strives to strengthen supervision and law enforcement, supervision and inspection, and accident investigation, continuously improves the efficiency of performance of duties, and successfully completes the "supply and security" task. The raw coal output is 74.44 million tons, exceeding the target task, and the coal mine production safety situation is generally stable.

Based on its core functions, the Yunnan Mine Safety Supervision System strives to strengthen supervision and law enforcement, supervision and inspection, and accident investigation, and continuously improve its performance efficiency. Improve mechanisms and promote the promulgation of important documents and systems such as high-quality development plans for the coal industry at the provincial level, basic conditions for coal mine management, non-coal mine supervision responsibilities, and the connection between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice; optimize and improve the quantitative assessment system for supervision responsibility targets, formulate and revise 18 business work systems, and strengthen the system to manage people. Intensify supervision, supervising coal mines 657 times, random inspections of non-coal mines 265 times, supervising and inspecting coal mine safety supervision 112 times, and non-coal safety supervision 68 times, exceeding the supervision plan; strengthening risk analysis and control and hidden danger investigation and management, The State Administration of Mine Safety supervised and assisted Yunnan to rectify all feedback issues; the "big start" work of concealing accidents in coal mines has been solidly carried out, and the intensity of accountability for accidents has been the highest in history.

In 2023, Yunnan Province will make new breakthroughs in solving the "stuck neck" problem that has long restricted coal mine production safety. Landmark results have been achieved in the transformation of "dual-loop" power supply in coal mines. The province's coal mines have achieved 101 "dual-loop" power supplies and 65 new ones have been added. Breakthroughs have been made in the precise "wearing of hats" of adjacent outburst mines, and 42 adjacent outburst mines have been carried out one by one."Consultation"; Urge all 172 production and construction coal mines to carry out a census, and make substantial progress in the census of hidden disaster-causing factors.

##The Emergency Management Department of Shanxi Province held a special lecture on "Coal Mine Production Safety Regulations"

In order to conscientiously implement the requirements of the "Notice on Implementing the" Coal Mine Production Safety Regulations "issued by the Ministry of Emergency Management and the State Mine Safety Supervision Administration, and in accordance with the series of special training work arrangements on" Strengthening Safety Supervision and Law Enforcement Capabilities to Promote the Three-Year Action to Solve the Problem ", March 21, the Emergency Management Department of Shanxi Province held a lecture on emergency management-a special lecture on" Coal Mine Production Safety ". Zhang Wenjie, the chief and director-level safety inspector of the National Mine Safety Supervision Bureau, was invited to give lectures, and Gong Kaiqing, deputy director of the Provincial Emergency Management Department, presided over the lecture.

Zhang Wenjie titled "Enterprises Responsible for Local Supervision and National Supervision", reviewed the development of the coal industry and coal mine safety situation, the "Coal Mine Production Safety Regulations", as well as the discussions on "Enterprise Responsibility","Local Supervision","National Supervision","Legal Responsibilities" and The future The "Coal Mine Production Safety Regulations" were in-depth interpreted in seven aspects, including coal mine production safety. The teaching content is systematic and comprehensive and thorough. It has both theoretical and practical depth. It has important guiding significance for deeply understanding the connotation of the regulations, accurately grasping the requirements of the regulations, and effectively implementing the regulations.

meeting pointed out ,该条例全面总结了近年来煤矿安全生产工作经验,是煤矿领域的一部基础主干法规,对煤矿安全生产工作影响深远。抓好条例的贯彻实施,将有利于全面规范山西省煤矿安全生产工作,对促进全省煤矿安全生产形势持续稳定好转具有重要意义。

meeting requested ,各级应急管理部门及各煤矿企业要深入贯彻落实好条例精神,深刻领会、准确把握核心要义,切实把精神实质和工作要求内化于心、外化于行。要深入开展学习宣贯活动,通过举办专题培训班、专家讲座、以案释法和岗位自学等方式,积极开展“学条例、懂条例、用条例”活动,并充分利用各类媒介,广泛宣传条例主要内容,让全社会更加关注和支持煤矿安全生产工作;各煤矿企业要切实履行安全管理责任,认真组织本企业及所属煤矿对照条例开展自查自改。各级应急管理部门要严格规范监管执法,将条例作为日常监管执法重点,对不符合条例规定,特别是存在重大事故隐患的,一律依法严肃查处、跟踪督促整改,切实推动煤矿企业主体责任落到实处,坚决杜绝重特大事故发生,为扎实推进中国式现代化山西实践提供坚强有力的安全保障。

The teaching adopts the "on-site + video" method. Relevant leaders and supervisory and law enforcement personnel of emergency management departments at all levels, relevant leaders of Shanxi Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Bureau and various supervisory and law enforcement departments, relevant leaders and production safety management personnel of coal mining enterprises, and more than 3200 people participated in the training.

##Deputy Director Zhang Xin, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the National Mine Safety Supervision Bureau, went to the Guangdong Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Bureau to conduct investigation and inspection

On the morning of March 20, Zhang Xin, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the National Mine Safety Supervision Bureau, conducted an investigation and inspection work in the Guangdong Bureau and visited and expressed condolences to the cadres and workers in the overall situation. Feng Guoxiang, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Guangdong Bureau, reported on the work of the Guangdong Bureau since 2023 and its work ideas for 2024. Members of the leadership team of the Guangdong Bureau and the main leaders of the departments participated in the discussion and exchange.

Comrade Zhang Xin fully affirmed the work of the Guangdong Bureau since 2023 and put forward hopes and requirements for the next step of work.

Comrade Zhang Xin emphasized ,要不断强化理论武装。一是学深悟透习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,要深刻理解其核心要义、精神实质、丰富内涵、实践要求,全面系统掌握这一思想的科学体系,准确把握其立场、观点和方法。二是深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于安全生产重要论述,坚持人民至上、生命至上,切实扛起防范化解重大安全风险的政治责任,履职尽责,坚决防范遏制重特大事故。三是全面推动两办《意见》落地见效,要抓紧抓细抓实。

Comrade Zhang Xin requested ,要切实履行核心职能。一是科学研判风险。针对不同地区、不同时段、不同矿山、不同矿种、不同矿种、不同灾害,根据事故的规律和特点,结合广东、海南两省实际进行研判,增强防风险的主动性、预见性、针对性。二是精准开展执法。严格执行监察计划,按照现场检查方案开展监察执法。三是严格实施处罚。督促各地依法依规对矿山企业违法行为进行处罚。四是严肃事故调查。依法履职,监督好、指导好、运用好事故调查这一重要环节和手段。五是主动开展督政。要进一步研究“督什么”“怎么督”,积极探索非煤矿山安全监察督政新路子新方法。六是督促落实责任。要认真思考如何履行核心职能,切实改变过去一味帮企业查隐患的方式,压紧压实各方责任,使矿山安全监察工作站位更高、覆盖面更广、效果更好。

Comrade Zhang Xin emphasized,推进治理模式转型。要认真研究,努力实践,推动安全理念、矿山发展模式、灾害治理模式、工作机制、监督手段、追责问责模式转型。

Comrade Zhang Xin requested ,全面加强党的建设。一是加强政治理论学习,严格落实第一议题制度,巩固主题教育成果,抓好《党史学习教育工作条例》贯彻落实。二是全面加强队伍建设。要在能力和作风上下功夫,做到有勇、有谋、有力、有恒。三是加强基层组织建设。切实发挥党组织强化政治功能和组织功能,狠抓标准化和规范化建设,争创“四强”党支部,把支部变成桥梁和纽带,更好发挥战斗堡垒作用。四是加强党风廉政建设。从完善监督、抓好教育、加强监督、树立镜鉴入手,用好执纪监督“四种形态”,严格落实“三个区分开来”。五是加强干部关心关爱。严管厚爱相结合,形成良好用人导向,强化对年轻干部培养,关心干部职工生活。

Comrade Zhang Xin emphasized ,扎实开展矿山安全生产治本攻坚。一是理清“本”和“坚”,明确目标。二是按照方案部署,细化措施。三年年年有目标,逐步提高、逐步完善。三是坚定信心,真抓实干。四是巩固成果,形成长效。

###The Shaanxi Province Safety Commission Office requires further strengthening of current production safety work

A few days ago, the Shaanxi Province Safety Commission Office issued a notice to make arrangements and arrangements to further strengthen current production safety work.

The notice pointed out that since the beginning of spring, all types of enterprises have focused on development and the economy, which is prone to problems such as over-intensive work of personnel and inadequate safety precautions. All localities, departments and units must overcome paralysis and laxity, effectively consolidate their responsibilities for production safety, and combine the current production safety situation to rearrange and redeploy production safety work. It is necessary to strictly follow the requirements of "three controls and three musts" and "who is in charge will take the lead, who is in charge will take the lead, and who is close to will take the lead", further strengthen departmental industry safety supervision responsibilities, combine industry characteristics, strengthen safety supervision and law enforcement, and urge enterprises to implement The main responsibility of production safety, especially the responsibility of the main person in charge of the enterprise, implement detailed safety risk assessment and safety hazard investigation and management measures, and effectively assign the responsibility of production safety to the grassroots and posts. Falling to employees.

通知要求,要结合安全生产治本攻坚三年行动,紧盯群众身边隐患和重点领域、重点地区、重要部位、重点环节,深化隐患排查治理。燃气领域要重点关注使用管道燃气或瓶装液化气的小餐饮、小门店、老旧商住混合体等场所,持续开展全省城镇燃气安全专项整治; In the mining field, it is necessary to carry out solid mine safety supervision and dynamic rectification, severely crack down on various illegal activities, eliminate and withdraw a number of unsafe mines, integrate and reorganize a number of mines, and transform and upgrade a number of unsafe mines. ;消防领域要聚焦“九小场所”、多业态混合生产经营场所、人员密集和高风险场所等,开展消防安全集中除患攻坚大整治;危化品领域要常态化紧盯“两重点一重大”企业安全风险防控措施落实,扎实开展专项治理;道路交通领域要严厉打击“三超一疲劳”、大客车非法营运、非法改装、“大吨小标”等违法违规行为;建筑施工领域要深入排查整治房屋市政、水利、电力、铁路、民航等领域建设工程重大事故隐患,持续开展自建房安全专项整治、体育馆等大跨度建筑质量安全排查整治;文旅、校园、电力、 民爆、特种设备等行业领域也要结合季节特点,深入开展隐患排查治理。

The notice emphasized that all localities, departments and units must strengthen safety supervision and law enforcement, organize inspection teams to comprehensively use surprise inspections, random inspections, and regular unannounced visits to investigate safety hazards, organize and carry out centralized law enforcement activities, and adopt "four noes and two straight", explicit and unannounced inspections, joint law enforcement, expert guidance services and other methods to promptly discover and accurately crack down on illegal activities, publicly expose enterprises that have committed serious illegal activities, and include them in blacklists to implement joint punishment. It is necessary to strengthen emergency duty, strictly implement the 24-hour duty system for leading cadres and key positions, strictly implement the "zero reporting" system, improve emergency plans, strengthen emergency drills, and reserve emergency materials. All types of emergency rescue teams must always Maintain emergency status to ensure a strong, orderly and effective response and disposal in the event of a dangerous situation, and make every effort to protect the safety of people's lives and property.

#The Emergency Management Department of Ningxia Bureau and Autonomous Region of the State Mine Safety Supervision Administration held a video conference on coal mine safety production warning education in the district

On March 18, the Ningxia Bureau of the State Mine Safety Supervision Administration and the Autonomous Region Emergency Management Department held a video conference on coal mine safety production warning education in the district to deeply learn lessons from two recent accidents, mobilize and deploy special investigation and rectification work for electromechanical transportation, and promote Ningxia coal mine safety production. The situation is stable. Liang Dashu, deputy director of the Ningxia Bureau of the State Mine Safety Supervision Administration, and Li Xiang, deputy director of the Emergency Management Department of the Autonomous Region, attended and delivered speeches.

At the meeting, 通报了两起事故情况,深入剖析了事故暴露出的问题,并就开展全区煤矿提升运输专项排查整治工作做了安排部署。固原市、宁东应急管理局,王洼煤矿、梅花井煤矿以及中铝宁夏能源集团、宁夏煤业公司分别就企业安全监管和生产工作中存在的问题以及下步措施做了表态发言。

** The meeting pointed out that ** Both accidents occurred just after the successful convening of the National "Two Sessions" and occurred at the beginning of the three-year operation to tackle the root causes of production safety. The lessons were painful and the impact was bad. The coal mine production safety situation in the region was severe and complex.

Meeting required that 一是深入组织从业人员安全培训。组织一场现场安全风险辨识能力演练,以“反三违”为重点,加强从业人员培训和能力素质提升,不断提升安全培训效果。二是立即开展事故警示教育。进行事故原因大反思、问题隐患大起底、安全理念大检视,全方位找短板、补漏洞、强弱项。三是强化煤矿井下现场管理工作。建立健全岗位“明白卡”和风险“告知栏”,加大对高风险作业现场管理情况的监督检查,严格外委施工队伍管理,落实全员岗位责任制。四是立即开展提升运输专项排查整治。组织人员重点对机电运输重点设备和高风险作业开展全面排查,摸清底数,找准路子,精准发力,紧盯问题、消除隐患。

It was stressed that 一是深刻反思事故暴露出的各方面问题。深刻认识当前做好煤矿安全生产工作的极端重要性和特殊性,任何时候都忽视不得、麻痹不得、侥幸不得。二是将安全生产在现场的理念贯穿始终。坚决树立安全生产在现场、安全管理在一线的理念,将各项制度措施落实在岗位、落实在人员。三是高标准提升企业本质安全水平。坚持问题导向、 目标导向和结果导向,坚持“管理、装备、素质、系统”并重原则,真正激发企业推动安全生产工作的内生动力。四是保质保量完成三年专项整治目标任务。进一步强化风险意识,研究普遍性重大问题隐患产生的深层次原因,逐项梳理企业在体制机制等方面存在的缺陷短板,攻坚克难、压茬推进,确保按照时间节点不折不扣完成各项治本攻坚任务。

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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