The construction sector is a major consumer of energy and a major emitter of carbon dioxide. Accelerating energy conservation and carbon reduction in the construction sector is of great significance for achieving carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, and promoting high-quality green and low-carbon development. Recently, the General Office of the State Council forwarded the Action Plan for Accelerating Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction in the Construction Sector (Circular No. [2024] 20 of the State Office, hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan") issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. Focusing on improving energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions in the construction sector, the Action Plan systematically deploys 12 key tasks. It is targeted and operational, and it is an important guiding document for improving the quality of green and low-carbon development in the construction sector in the future.

I. The energy-saving and carbon reduction potential of China's construction sector is enormous.

According to the calculation and analysis, nearly 40% of the existing buildings in China are still non-energy-saving buildings. Over 30% of the existing public buildings have a service life of more than 20 years. A large number of old residential buildings have poor enclosure structures, outdated and inefficient equipment, and lack of operation, maintenance, and management, resulting in a high proportion of energy consumption throughout the whole life cycle of buildings in China's total energy consumption. According to international experience, when the per capita GDP reaches 10,000-20,000 US dollars, it will generate a large number of improved and upgraded consumption demands. Therefore, with the continuous improvement of urbanization rate and residents' living standards, energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions in China's construction sector will remain rigid, and there is huge potential for energy saving and carbon reduction. Accelerating the promotion of energy saving and carbon reduction in the construction sector, comprehensively promoting the green transformation of urban and rural construction methods and management and operation models, can effectively reduce energy consumption and carbon emission levels in construction and building operation links, thus providing strong support for achieving the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality.

Further advancement of key energy saving and carbon emission reduction measures in the construction sector

In order to improve the quality of green and low-carbon development in the construction sector, the "Action Plan" puts forward a series of work tasks targeting key aspects such as the construction of new buildings, renovation of existing buildings, operation and maintenance of buildings, and energy consumption structure of buildings.

The first is to improve the energy saving and carbon reduction level of newly-built buildings. According to the different characteristics of urban and rural buildings, the Working Plan has clarified the corresponding work tasks. For newly-built urban buildings, it is required to adhere to the design concept of energy saving and carbon reduction, popularize energy-saving construction equipment, promote the use of green building materials, adopt efficient and energy-saving low-carbon equipment, strengthen the configuration and use of energy management systems, and require Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei , The Yangtze River Delta and other regions with a good working foundation and relatively complete conditions take the lead in promoting the large-scale development of ultra-low energy consumption buildings. For newly-built rural buildings, it is emphasized to adhere to the principles of voluntariness, local conditions, and one-household-one-policy, and pay more attention to improving the living experience through improving the thermal insulation performance of the enclosure structure and optimizing the moisture-proof, heat-proof, and ventilation performance.

The second is to accelerate energy saving and carbon reduction transformation of existing buildings. The "Work Plan" requires that a comprehensive investigation of existing buildings in towns be carried out, and that a renovation database be established by combining energy efficiency diagnosis results to promote energy saving and carbon reduction renovation projects in a graded and classified manner. Enhance the leading role of energy saving and carbon reduction standards in the construction sector, and accelerate the promotion of updates and renovations of key energy-consuming equipment such as air conditioners, lighting, elevators, and external wall insulation and windows and doors, and put forward higher requirements for cities included in the scope of the central government's winter clean heating policy support in northern regions. In terms of renovation of existing rural houses, menu-style micro-renovations of house walls, windows and doors, roofs, and floors should be carried out on the premise of voluntariness and affordability of farmers to effectively improve the living quality of rural residents.

The third is to promote the low-carbon transformation of building energy. The "Work Plan" regards the application of renewable energy buildings as an important way to promote the green and low-carbon development of buildings. It requires all regions to clarify the work promotion timetable, roadmap, and construction drawings. While piloting the integrated construction of new buildings, it also strengthens existing buildings. Management of installing photovoltaic systems. In response to heating, an important link in building energy consumption, on the one hand, we vigorously promote the large-scale application of geothermal energy, biomass energy, solar energy, cogeneration waste heat, industrial waste heat, and nuclear power waste heat. On the other hand, we actively promote household heating metering and Charge according to the amount of heat supply, implement heating price reforms of basic heat prices and metered heat prices, guide heating companies to save energy and reduce consumption, and cultivate residents 'awareness of saving heat based on demand.

The fourth is to strengthen energy conservation management during the building operation stage. In accordance with the deployment requirements of the Fourth Meeting of the Central Financial and Economic Commission on promoting large-scale equipment updates and the replacement of old consumer goods with new ones, the "Work Plan" proposes to increase the promotion of high-efficiency and energy-saving home appliances and other equipment, encourage residents to accelerate the elimination of inefficient and backward energy-using equipment, and promote public tasks such as commissioning and maintenance of key energy-using equipment in buildings. Strengthen the construction of the energy conservation supervision system for public buildings, require strict implementation of indoor temperature control mechanisms, seriously investigate and punish illegal energy use behaviors, promote the construction of digital operation management platforms, and coordinate the promotion of energy consumption limit management, energy cost custody service pilots, power demand side management, etc., promote the rapid improvement of building energy management levels.

III. Enhance energy saving and carbon reduction support and guarantee in the construction sector

The energy conservation and carbon reduction work in the construction sector is still a long way off. The "Work Plan" puts forward specific support measures from four aspects: technological innovation, statistical accounting, laws and standards, and policies and funds, which provides a strong guarantee for achieving the main goals.

One is to strengthen the leadership of technological innovation. The Work Plan proposes to use technological innovation as the support to build a competitive construction energy conservation and carbon reduction industrial chain. It requires increased R&D efforts in new-generation technologies for ultra-low energy consumption, near-zero energy consumption, low carbon, and zero carbon buildings, promoting the integrated application of reliable technological processes and products and equipment, and putting forward clear requirements for cultivating leading enterprises, constructing training platforms, and developing professionals.

The second is to solidify the foundation for statistical accounting. To address the practical difficulty of weak accounting foundation for energy consumption and carbon emissions in China's construction sector, the Work Plan requires that, based on further improving the existing architectural energy consumption statistics system and indicator system, establishing and improving the architectural carbon emissions statistical accounting standards system and emphasizing constructing the data sharing mechanism, in order to maximize the data support effect.

Third is to improve the legal and standard support. In order to adapt to the latest work requirements under the "dual carbon" background, the Proposal For the Work Request proposes to accelerate the revision of laws and regulations such as the Energy Conservation Law and the Energy Conservation Regulations for Civil Buildings, and to make clear arrangements for the revision and improvement of building energy efficiency standards and indicators.

The fourth is to enrich economic incentive policies. The "Work Plan" emphasizes that on the basis of implementing existing preferential tax policies such as energy conservation and carbon reduction, and comprehensive utilization of resources, we must increase central funds 'support for energy conservation and carbon reduction of buildings, supported by innovation in green financial products and services, support the construction and renovation of energy-saving and low-carbon buildings and the development of related industries. (Ni Jiangbo, Vice President of China Building Energy Conservation Association)


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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