#Parents, pay attention!

#In 2024, Shanghai City's policy for school-age children announced

#Online information registration from April 22 to April 29

Today (April 11), the Shanghai City Education Commission announced the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Admission of School-age Children in the Pre-school Education Stage in 2024."** This year's Shanghai preschool education policy remains generally consistent with previous years. It adheres to the principles of unified deployment, standardized procedures and adapting measures to local conditions to provide more convenient, accurate and effective services for the majority of school-age children to enter the park.

The park entry work is divided into three stages

This year's kindergarten work in Shanghai City is mainly carried out online and is divided into three stages: information registration, registration verification and admission notice.

The first is the information registration stage: 4月16日,各区公布适龄幼儿入园政策。4月16日-4月21日,有意愿的幼儿园可通过多种方式开展园所开放日活动。4月22日-4月29日,适龄幼儿监护人进行幼儿网上入园信息登记。4月22日中午12∶00,上海“一网通办”网站(https://zwdt.sh.gov.cn)首页“2024年适龄幼儿入园”特色专栏,及“随申办”移动端首页“2024年适龄幼儿入园”模块将正式开通。

The second is the registration verification stage: 5月9日开始,各区相继启动报名验证工作,按照本区入园政策组织家长进行网上报名和验证。5月底前基本完成报名验证工作。请家长关注本区入园政策文件具体规定的办理时间。

** The third is the admission notice stage:** Before July 15, all districts will basically complete the admission of children to the park and issue notices to eligible parents of children.

At each critical time point, the Shanghai City Registration System for School-age Children will also send text messages to parents to remind parents not to miss the process.

Information can be registered in multiple ways

The objects for registration of admission information in 2024 are guardians of school-age children born in this city from September 1, 2020 to August 31, 2021. Guardians of school-age children can use their own One Netcom Office account, log in to the "Shanghai One Netcom Office" website or the mobile APP "Citizen Cloud with Application", or search the Mini programs on WeChat for "Follow Application" and Alipay for "Follow Application" to register and verify admission information. Parents can directly call the electronic license during the processing process, or upload photos of the electronic license that meet the requirements, and register and verify the information online. Each district will arrange offline service points to help parents in need handle them. If there are real reasons for children who fail to register information on time, parents can also complete the information re-registration at offline service points arranged in each district with valid certificates during the registration verification stage, and then perform registration verification. Offline service points implement an appointment system. See the opening hours and appointment methods of the service point for details of each district's admission policies, or call each district's consultation number.

In order to further improve the service capabilities of kindergartens in the city, this year's policy clearly stipulates that qualified kindergartens are encouraged to provide childcare services for children aged 2-3. Child guardians who sign up for kindergarten childcare classes and transfer to middle and large classes will not be the objects of this unified enrollment information registration. Each district will arrange for school-age children to enter childcare according to actual conditions. Parents can pay attention to relevant policies issued by each district.

#17 questions about school-age children entering the kindergarten in Shanghai in 2024

This year's Shanghai preschool education policy remains generally consistent with previous years. Regarding the hot issues of public concern to the public, the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Education Commission provided answers.

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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