The Hunan Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration deployed a special operation for self-inspection and self-correction of hidden coal mine projects

In order to deeply learn lessons from recent coal mine safety accidents across the country and severely crack down on illegal and illegal activities in coal mine concealed works, the Hunan Bureau of the State Mine Safety Supervision Administration has carefully deployed and carried out special actions for self-inspection and self-correction of coal mine concealed works.

The first is to clarify the goal. Guided by the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's instructions on important instructions on production safety, we will fully implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, the State Council and the State Mine Safety Supervision Bureau, continuously tighten and consolidate production safety responsibilities, resolutely put an end to major and above coal mine safety accidents, and resolutely guard the "basics" of coal mine safety production.

The second is to clarify the scope. This special action includes all normal production, construction and rectification of coal mines across the province.

三是明确步骤。分三个阶段分任务组织实施。: 建设矿井主要自查在建设区域生产,或者在其他区域、超出安全设计规定范围和规模生产的工程,不按批复设计和施工组织设计施工的工程;非法盗采、超层越界的工程;生产矿井自查非正规开采的采掘工作面;违规违法分包转包工程;未安设或屏蔽安全监控系统、人员位置监测系统、视频监控系统的工程;其他隐蔽、隐瞒的作业地点。 : 针对自查的问题,煤矿组织制定自纠整改方案,按“五定”原则整改到位。同时在煤矿安全监管部门的监督下,打开隐蔽区域密闭,恢复通风,撤出设备,退出违法非法区域,重新支设好永久密闭,密闭要有设计和编号,安设监控视频,编号管理。 : 驻地监察执法处应会同地方煤矿安全监管部门开展煤矿隐蔽工程执法检查。对未按要求自查自报、有擅自启封密闭迹象、不经报告增加密闭区域、擅自挪动密闭前监控视频、用电量及火工品用量异常等存疑的煤矿或接到被举报的煤矿,一律按规定启封密闭进行核查,一经查实存在隐蔽工作面,一律依法作出大额罚款、停产整顿等行政处罚,并依法移送相关部门暂扣安全生产许可证,按行刑衔接依法移送司法机关。

##Shandong held a video conference on production safety work in the field of coal mines, gas and road transportation across the province

3月16日下午,山东省政府召开coal mines in the province 、燃气、道路交通领域安全生产工作视频会议,深刻汲取近期省内外安全生产事故教训,进一步部署做好山东省相关领域安全生产工作。副省长范波出席会议并讲话。

会议强调,要深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于安全生产重要论述、重要指示批示精神,认真落实省委、省政府部署要求,扎实开展治本攻坚三年行动,抓紧抓好相关领域安全生产工作。要突出重点、标本兼治,常态化开展事故隐患排查整治,加大检查执法力度,保持“打非治违”高压态势,进一步夯实安全基础,坚决防范遏制各类事故发生。要压紧压实属地领导责任、部门监管责任、企业主体责任,突出问题导向,坚持系统观念,严格落实“八抓20条”等制度措施,把“时时放心不下”的责任感转化为“事事心中有底”的行动力, Promote coal mines、燃气、道路交通领域安全生产形势持续稳定向好。

Divided into key regions, Sichuan Bureau of the State Administration of Mine Safety promotes safety supervision of non-coal mines by category

国家矿山安监局四川局聚焦抓重点、抓关键、抓薄弱环节,统筹抓好安全责任落实、风险分析研判、重大灾害治理、安全基础建设等工作,补齐短板、堵塞漏洞、消除隐患, Provide contact and guidance to key non-coal mines in different sections, conduct hierarchical and classified supervision of counties (cities, districts) with non-coal mines, and strengthen and improve the quality and efficiency of non-coal mine safety supervision.

Contact guidance on slicing and mining. On the basis of promoting safety spot checks and inspections of non-coal mines, the bureau has listed underground mines under normal construction in the province, with normal production mining depths exceeding 800 meters, more than 30 people in a single shift, moderate and complex hydrogeological conditions, metallic non-metallic underground mines, metallic non-metallic open-pit mines and dumping yards with current slope heights exceeding 150 meters, and tailings ponds "head reservoirs" as key non-coal mines. Members of the bureau's leadership team, Second-level inspectors contact and guide counties (cities, districts) with key non-coal mines according to the division of work. Key non-coal mines are divided into mines by heads of departments and supervisors responsible for non-coal mine safety supervision. Contact and guidance, the main purpose of the contact and guidance work is to consolidate local government safety supervision responsibilities and corporate main responsibilities, and improve the responsibility system for preventing and resolving key non-coal mine safety risks.

Carry out supervision by classification and level. For the 106 counties (cities, districts) with non-coal mines in the province, the bureau is divided into four levels of ABCD based on the number of non-coal mines in the region, resource occurrence, safety production status, safety supervision, etc., and divided into 12 high-risk counties (Class A), 17 higher-risk counties (Class B), 67 medium-risk counties (Class C) and 10 low-risk counties, conduct hierarchical and classified supervision. It is reported that the Sichuan Bureau will focus on key areas, key issues, key mines, key time periods and major accident hazards this year. Led by the leaders of the bureau in charge and the non-coal mine safety supervision department will take the lead to organize professional forces to carry out an "anatomical" approach to high-risk counties. Centralized supervision; Each supervision and law enforcement department shall refer to the centralized supervision of higher-risk counties, coordinate and arrange supervision and inspection of the people's governments and relevant departments of medium-risk counties, reverse the unfavorable situation of frequent non-coal mine accidents in 2023, and on this basis, coordinate the promotion of "Three batches" to promote the high-quality development of regional non-coal mines.

##Xu Qin, Secretary of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee, went to Harbin City to inspect production safety work

On March 18, Xu Qin, Secretary of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, went to Harbin City to inspect production safety work and emphasized the need to conscientiously implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on production safety, fully implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and always adhere to the principle of putting people first and life first, continue to investigate and rectify hidden risks, carry out in-depth actions to tackle the root causes, continuously consolidate the grassroots foundation of production safety, and make every effort to safeguard the safety of people's lives and property and the overall stability of society.

Xu Qin inspected the safety management work of the Songhua River waters on the spot and affirmed the practices and effectiveness of Harbin City's setting up warning signs, pulling warning lines, and mobile inspections. He required all cities and regions in the province to implement management and control responsibilities, improve preventive measures, strengthen inspections, strengthen publicity and early warning, and ensure safety during the spring melt period.

At the gas heating station, Xu Qin understood the operation of gas pressure regulating equipment, the allocation and maintenance of fire-fighting facilities, and the investigation and rectification of safety risks. He urged the person in charge of the company to strengthen safety awareness, assume the main responsibility, carry out regular self-inspection and self-correction of safety hazards, and strengthen Employee safety training to ensure that safety management is foolproof. Relevant departments are required to establish a supervision and inspection mechanism with the participation of experts to improve the professional level of identification and disposal of hidden dangers.

Xu Qin came to the shopping market and checked the spatial layout, safety passages, fire-fighting facilities, etc. of the mall. He asked the owners if they had knowledge of fire safety. He asked the person in charge of the mall to strictly implement safety management measures, strengthen safety knowledge training for employees, and carry out emergency drills for escape and evacuation. Improve the ability to prevent and handle fire and other safety accidents.

Xu Qin emphasized during the random inspection that all relevant departments in various places must always adhere to safety first, strengthen safety supervision of electric vehicle charging and replacing power stations, standardize site site selection and industry access safety standards, quickly carry out joint investigation and rectification, and resolutely eliminate hidden dangers around the masses., and strictly prevent fire accidents.

许勤强调,安全生产是民生大事,一丝一毫都不能放松。各地各部门各单位和各级领导干部要提高政治站位,坚决扛起“促一方发展、保一方平安”的政治责任,树牢底线思维、强化风险意识,克服麻痹思想和侥幸心理,切实筑牢安全生产思想防线、工作防线;要突出工作重点,加强春防期、春融期等时段安全管理, Continue to rectify hidden risks in road transportation, coal mines, non-coal mines, gas, hazardous chemicals, high-rise buildings, long-span buildings and other industries ,集中开展“九小场所”、多业态混合生产经营场所、人员密集场所安全隐患专项整治,切实消除重点时段、重点行业、重点区域风险隐患。要压紧压实责任,各级安委会及安委办要加强统筹,紧紧抓住责任制这个“牛鼻子”,健全工作机制,强化联合监管,消除盲区漏点,以严格的安全生产责任制保障安全生产各项措施落地落实,深入开展隐患排查整治,加强知识技能培训,提升应急处置能力,不断夯实安全生产基层基础,坚决遏制重特大安全事故发生,以高水平安全保障高质量发展。

#Guangxi Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration carries out warning education on confidentiality work

In order to thoroughly study and implement the overall national security concept, further strengthen publicity and education on confidentiality, improve the awareness of safety and confidentiality among cadres and workers, and strive to create a good atmosphere of knowing, understanding and being good at confidentiality, on March 18, the Guangxi Bureau launched a warning education on confidentiality work, and organized all cadres and workers to watch an educational film on confidentiality warning.

By listing typical leak incidents, the warning educational film emphasizes the serious damage caused by illegal operations and leaks to national security, the development of units and individuals, sounds the alarm for confidentiality, and warns cadres and workers to abide by confidentiality disciplines, strictly abide by confidentiality regulations, and further strengthen confidentiality concept and security concept.


Everyone unanimously expressed that they should thoroughly study security-related knowledge, always tighten the string of "confidentiality" at work, strengthen the sense of responsibility for confidentiality work, strictly implement the confidentiality system, consciously fulfill confidentiality obligations, further improve their awareness and ability to prevent confidentiality technologies, and achieve "No Internet access for confidential information, no Internet access for confidential information, no Internet access for Internet access", effectively eliminate hidden dangers of loss of disclosure from the source, and ensure that no red lines or bottom lines are touched, and resolutely put an end to incidents of loss of confidentiality and disclosure.

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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