Think tank highlights

■ Lu Jian

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The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that to accelerate the construction of a strong education country, we must adhere to the priority development of education, self-reliance and self-reliance of science and technology, and the leadership of talents, coordinate the basic role of education, the leading role of science and technology, and the dominant role of talents, and accelerate the promotion of education. The "three-in-one" integrated development of scientific and technological talents. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that in building a strong education country, the leading factor is higher education. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of basic disciplines, emerging disciplines, and cross-disciplines, and accelerate the construction of world-class universities and advantageous disciplines with Chinese characteristics.

In February 2023, during the third collective study session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out,"It is necessary to optimize the layout of basic discipline construction... build a high-quality discipline system with comprehensive and balanced development." These important expositions point out the way forward and provide fundamental guidelines for the construction of basic disciplines and talent training.

In order to thoroughly implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the Ministry of Education and other relevant departments have issued a series of policy documents, such as the issuance of the "Opinions of the Ministry of Education on Accelerating the Construction of High-level Undergraduate Education and Comprehensively Improving Talent Training Capabilities" and the "Opinions on Further Strengthening National Key Fields" Opinions on Cultivating Talents in Need ", and continued to carry out the" Strong Foundation Plan "," Top-notch Basic Subjects Plan 2.0 "," Double Ten Thousand Plans ", etc. The training of talents in basic disciplines at the undergraduate stage has been comprehensively strengthened. In 2023, the Ministry of Education will launch the construction of a national high-level talent training center for mathematics, physics and chemistry students, build a "master machine" for independent training of high-level top-notch talents in basic disciplines, opening up a new way of "three-in-one" to cultivate high-level top-notch talents in basic disciplines, and initially forming a basic discipline talent training architecture system integrating the basic disciplines.

Explore and practice the talent training system in basic disciplines 在两个大局、新一轮科技革命与产业变革交融激荡的大背景下,特别是以大模型与生成式人工智能为代表的人工智能新技术的出现,促使我们在更高层次、更广范围、更深程度上来探索与实践基础学科人才培养体系,特别是高层次拔尖人才培养体系的建设,以直面人工智能新时代对基础学科高层次拔尖人才培养提出的巨大挑战。迫切需要在以数字化、网络化、智能化为标志的人机物三元融合的新型基础设施的基础上,完成从知识体系为主导的传统模式向知识思维体系、创新创造体系、知行合一体系、做事做人体系等有机融合的立体化模式的根本转变,为在新型基础学科和新型基础设施“双基”联动演进发展层面建构“AI for Science”与“Science for AI”有机互动的新格局和“基础研究与创造技术非线性互动”新范式,破解关键核心技术卡脖子难题,抢占未来发展制高点奠定坚实的人才培养基础。

We believe that in the new era of digitalization, networking and intelligence that is "open, dynamic, and changeable", a basic strategy is to build a "multidisciplinary series" for how to cope with its development and find a new path for the high-level and top-notch talent training architecture in basic disciplines. The development ecology of soil, multicultural exploration, and high-standard practice. i.e.:Generally, we propose a transformation and upgrading plan for the high-level and top-notch talent training system in basic disciplines, and moderately expand the scale of the existing high-level and top-notch talent training structure in basic disciplines from the perspective of "multi-disciplinary serialization, multi-cultural characteristics, and high-standard connotations". With series, subject coverage and connotation transformation, we combine problem orientation and goal orientation, so that our high-level and top-notch talent training system in basic disciplines can achieve the goal of "blooming flowers on the soil, unique characteristics on the path, High-quality development that spans steps in connotation and forms a peak in effect "promotes the formation of a" double base "linkage of basic disciplines that meets the needs of the new era of three-dimensional integration of humans, computers and objects marked by digitalization, networking, and intelligence. Cultivate new system.

The cultivation of high-level and top-notch talents in basic disciplines faces challenges 当前,主要挑战包括三个方面。

the first ,对于基础学科高层次拔尖人才培养这样一种以价值观为主导、以创新创造能力为支撑的“慢变量”领域,在人工智能新时代,需要以系统化的方式思考、谋划、探索与实践宏观的教育理念与教育架构如何变革,中观的人才培养模式与体系如何重塑,微观的教师、教材、课程、生态、管理如何转型等挑战性问题。

the second ,对于数字化与智能化这样一种发展演进快速、以颠覆与重塑新世界为愿景的“快发展”工具,如何在基础学科高层次拔尖人才培养体系中直面挑战,在探索与实践中回答好如何理性认识与使用以大模型与生成式人工智能为代表的智能化技术及其基础设施这把不断演进的“双刃剑”,如何理性认识与建构以大模型与生成式人工智能为代表的智能化技术及其基础设施发挥作用的合理区间等挑战性问题。

the third ,在此基础上,以价值理性与工具理性相结合,建构现代化教育体系“慢变量”目标与现代人工智能体系“快发展”手段之间的适配体系,以稳中求进、进中突破的方式为数字化、网络化、智能化新时代的基础学科人才培养新体系探索出一条新路。具体而言,可以正在推进的“数理化生国家高层次人才培养中心”为载体加以探索与实践。

Moderately expand the construction scale of the national high-level talent training center for mathematics, physics and chemistry students 数理化生作为理科四大基础学科,是“AI for Science”与“Science for AI”的重要载体,其科学研究和人才培养水平对于构建国家战略科技力量的重要性不言而喻。2023年,教育部在部分高校启动建设“数理化生国家高层次人才培养中心”,这将对数理化生基础学科高层次人才培养起到重要推动作用。但试点建设规模、特色与内涵相比较于国家需求、学科数量、各校优势特色而言,仍显不足,难以形成在数字化、网络化、智能化新时代达到“土壤上百花齐放、路径上各具特色、内涵上跨越台阶、效果上形成高峰”目标所需的“多学科系列化的土壤、多文化特色式的探究、有内涵高标准的实践”的生态要求。

Therefore, it is recommended that the Ministry of Education comprehensively consider the academic reputation, development foundation and construction performance of the disciplines, dynamically adjust and appropriately expand the scale of the "National High-level Talent Training Center for Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Students", and form a series of distinctive connotations to build a broader and stronger foundation. The foundation for cultivating high-level talents in disciplines.

Moderately increase the subject categories covered by the national high-level talent training center for basic disciplines 在数理化生之外,作为自然科学六大基础学科之一的天文学和地球科学等学科也非常重要,特别是在两个大局与新一轮科技革命与产业变革的大背景下,天文学与地球科学是“AI for Science”与“Science for AI”立于天地之间的重要桥梁,对于打开新质生产力发展的新空间、建设航天强国和改善人民生活提供了基础性的重要支撑。

The "14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China and the Outline of Long-term Goals for 2035" also clearly points out that it is necessary to strengthen original and leading scientific and technological research in cutting-edge fields such as deep space, deep earth, deep sea and polar exploration. In the new era of digitalization, networking, and intelligence, how can basic disciplines such as astronomy and earth sciences (including geology, geography, atmospheric science, etc.) develop? How to open up a space for sustainable development that is "indomitable" for the new development of human society, especially China? How to cultivate high-level and top-notch talents in basic disciplines who are "indomitable"? It is recommended that the Ministry of Education give key consideration and strong support within the framework of the "National High-level Talent Training Center for Basic Subjects".

**(The author is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and former president of Nanjing University)
** This article is compiled based on the suggestions of National People's Congress Representative Lu Jian at the 2024 National Two Sessions


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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