##The Hunan Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Bureau conducted a random inspection of a mine of Southern Graphite Company and conducted a "one-on-one" consultation

From March 20 to 21, Chen Yuanzhong, member of the Party Leadership Group and Chief Engineer of the Hunan Bureau, led a team to conduct spot checks on a mine of Southern Graphite Co., Ltd., and held "one-on-one" discussions on mine safety with the company's main leaders.

The inspection team went deep into a mine for random inspections, reviewed relevant mine technical drawings, materials, monitoring and monitoring systems and personnel position monitoring systems, and organized on-site examinations for mine safety management personnel. For the problems found in the random inspection, the on-site mission was made with the local mine safety supervision department and ordered them to be handled and disposed of in accordance with the law. At the chamber of commerce, I listened to a report on the safety production work of Southern Graphite Co., Ltd. and reported on the situation of random inspections of a certain mine.

陈元忠重点从两个方面提出了督导意见。在切实履行企业安全生产主体责任方面,要对标对表两办《意见》《煤矿安全规程》《硬措施》,找准差距抓整改,按照设计抓施工,依法办矿抓规范; It is necessary to strengthen the census and management of hidden disaster-causing factors and the advanced management of major disasters ,对物探发现的4个富水区,采取钻探验证,科学划定“三区四线”,严格执行“三专两探一撤”措施,落实“五必须五严禁”综合防治措施; We must strengthen the construction of the "three basics" and grasp grassroots management,选优配强安全管理团队,及时调整不符合条件的公司安全生产管理人员;It is necessary to improve emergency response capabilities ,督促各矿在复工复产前组织职工绘制一张应急逃生图、开展一次自救器使用专项培训、组织一次应急演练,切实提高从业人员自救互救能力;要强化安全投入,优化采掘布局,优化采矿方法,优化排水方案,优化通风系统,加大设备更新换代力度,淘汰未取得“MA”标志的矿用产品; It is necessary to strengthen technological empowerment ,加强机电设备管理,加快机械化、智能化建设,6月底前完成六大系统、人脸识别系统改造,年底前实现41个排水井等固定场所无人值守智能化改造,重要作业场所视频监控全覆盖; We must severely crack down on illegal activities,公司要专题部署,提高风险隐患排查整改质量,从根本上消除事故隐患。

在全力推动安全生产治本攻坚三年行动方面,We must adhere to political orientation,认识上再提高,以“坐不住”的紧迫感,以“一失万无”的理念,推动“万无一失”的措施落实; necessary to adhere to the problem-oriented,思想上再重视,按照《三年行动》要求细化分解各项目标任务,列出年度任务清单,加大安全投入,分年度逐项解决存在的老大难问题; We must adhere to goal orientation,行动上再扎实,锚定安全生产“零伤亡”工作目标,加强现场管理、技术管理、安全管理,推进采矿技术进步和石墨产业链升级改造; We must adhere to the result-oriented approach and further improve the mechanism,进一步健全完善考核机制,调动广大安全管理人员和职工安全生产积极性,激发内生动力,不断夯实安全基础。

Jiang Huiliang, deputy secretary and district mayor of Beihu District, Chenzhou City, made a statement on strengthening local safety supervision.

The Emergency Management Department of Hebei Province issued the "Key Points for Coal Mine Production Safety in 2024"

近日,省应急管理厅印发《2024年煤矿安全生产工作要点》,系统安排明确全省煤矿安全生产年度重点工作。A total of 46 key tasks in six aspects were proposed.

Promote the implementation of major decisions and arrangements. Promote the high-quality implementation of the three-year action to tackle the root causes of mine production safety, establish a guarantee contact mechanism, regularly schedule the progress of work, and strengthen supervision and inspection of the implementation of the three-year action. Promote the implementation of the "Opinions on Further Strengthening Production Safety in Mines", strictly control the entry points of new coal mines and resumption of work and production, and strengthen third-party service institutions such as safety evaluation, design, testing, inspection, certification, consulting, training, and supervision in the coal mine field Supervision and management, and establish a public system for coal mine safety evaluation, testing and inspection reports. Promote the "Coal Mine Production Safety Regulations" to achieve results in practice, strengthen the implementation of corporate main responsibilities, strengthen supervision of enterprise construction and construction, improve the efficiency of supervision and supervision, and promote enterprises to run and manage mines in accordance with the law.

在深化安全生产标准化建设方面,强化煤矿安全风险管控,完善安全风险分级管控责任体系和工作制度, Strengthen the management of high-risk operations, strengthen risk management of facilities and equipment, and ensure the safe and reliable operation of various facilities and equipment. Strengthen job risk management and control ,进一步规范职工现场作业,抓好风险管控的末端落实。强化煤矿重大事故隐患排查整治,健全完善重大隐患自查自改常态化机制,各级监管部门建立完善重大隐患跟踪整改制度,建立健全重大隐患数据库,督促煤矿闭环销号。强化安全生产标准化动态达标,2024年底前省内所有大型煤矿均要争创一级标准化煤矿,所有正常生产煤矿要全部达到二级以上标准化等级。

Strengthen advanced governance. 强力推进隐蔽致灾因素普查,加强隐蔽致灾因素普查监督检查,开展隐蔽致灾因素回头看。强力推进重大灾害治理,利用隐蔽致灾因素普查成果,提升重大灾害治理措施。全面加强安全管理,强化采掘接续管理,强化停产停工煤矿管理,严防“七假五超三瞒三不两包”等行为,建立便捷、有效的举报途径。

Strengthen scientific and technological empowerment. 积极开展灾害治理研究,加强“卡脖子”难题、关键技术和先进适用装备攻关,积极推广充填开采、无煤柱开采、智能化自动化开采等先进开采工艺,推进重点领域技术攻关,加大落后技术设备淘汰力度。开展科技进矿区活动,组织专家“把脉问诊”,帮助煤矿解决实际困难和问题。积极推进煤矿重大灾害预防项目建设,完善煤矿井下视频智能监控子系统,升级应急处置视频智能通信系统,推进煤矿重要设备用电监测子系统建设,全面推进煤矿智能化建设,大力推进智慧监管平台建设。

在加强基层基础建设方面,各地要强力提升管理人员管理水平,严格落实《河北省煤矿矿长安全生产考核记分制度》,充分发挥“关键少数”作用。 Vigorously improve the quality of safety training and strengthen the management of training institutions ,整合建设一批高水平安全培训基地和考试点,坚决整治假培训、假考试、假证书等乱象。强力推动班组建设,持续开展岗位操作规范化建设,提升人员操作水平。强力推进应急能力提升,指导督促煤矿企业做好应急值守和突发事件的应急处置,督促煤矿企业加强自救装置使用、各种灾害应急演练等专项培训。

Strengthen the construction of supervision teams. 全面提升安全监管队伍政治和业务能力,全面提升执法质效,开展精准执法,改进执法方式,加强作风建设,推动建设高素质专业化煤矿安全监管队伍。

The Sichuan Bureau of the State Administration of Mine Work Safety inspected the closure of the "top reservoir" of the tailings pond on site

On March 19, the Sichuan Bureau of the State Mine Safety Supervision Administration sent staff to Hanyuan County to supervise and inspect the closure and cancellation of the "overhead reservoirs" of the two tailings ponds.

It is understood that according to the "Notice of the Ministry of Finance on Issuing the Subsidy Budget for Production Safety Prevention and Emergency Rescue Capacity Building in 2023 (Expenditures for Risk Control of Tailings Pond)" and the "Notice of the Ministry of Finance of the State Administration of Mine Safety on Printing and Issuing the Overall Plan for Risk Control of Tailings Pond" The "Top Storage" of the two existing tailings ponds in Hanyuan County, Ya 'an city should be closed and cancelled on schedule. At present, the closing project of the tailings reservoir of Tangjia Lead and Zinc Concentrator of Hanyuan Jintai Mining Co., Ltd. has been completed and accepted by experts organized by the Tencent Cloud Organization on January 22, 2024; the No. 1 reservoir of Wushe Lead and Zinc Mine of Sichuan Province Qiansheng Mining Co., Ltd. has completed the preliminary design of the closed reservoir and the design approval of safety facilities in mid-March 2024.

From the site, flood interception ditches with large sections were built with concrete on both sides of the tailings reservoir of Tangjia Lead and Zinc Concentrator. Before closing the reservoir, the slag discharged in the reservoir was covered with soil and sprinkled with grass seeds for green restoration. The inspection team put forward specific requirements for the production and operation units of the two tailings ponds. Hanyuan Jintai Mining Co., Ltd. must do a good job in follow-up work such as green restoration and maintenance, follow-up and cancellation.

In the No. 1 Reservoir of Wushe Lead and Zinc Mine, Sichuan Province Qiansheng Mining Co., Ltd. has closed the construction period of the reservoir consolidation project. It is expected that the closure construction of the tailings reservoir will begin in April and the closure project will be completed in June. The inspection team required the company to implement a dedicated person in charge, enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency, advance the closed warehouse management project as planned, find solutions to difficulties encountered, ensure the quality and progress of the closed warehouse project, and ensure that the closed warehouse sales are completed on schedule. task.

###Shanxi's newly established mining rights will implement the "double control" standard deposit scale and production scale must reach medium-sized and above

Recently, the Department of Natural Resources of Shanxi Province issued the "Notice on Implementing Several Matters Concerning the Management of Non-Coal Mining Industries"(hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"), clarifying that starting from this year, the province's newly established mining rights will implement the "double control" standard, that is, the deposit scale and production scale must Both reach medium and above.

The "Notice" implements the "three management and three musts"(管业务必须管安全、管行业必须管安全、管生产经营必须管安全)要求,切实履行监管责任,进一步强化非煤矿山行业管理。

Requirements of the Notice ,各市自然资源主管部门积极开展调查摸底,尽快了解行业现状,立即组织所属县(市、区)局,迅速建立非煤矿山台账。同时,要将已建立的基础台账、掌握和发现的非煤矿山违法线索,与应急管理、矿监等部门交流共享,为联动监管提供支持。

The Notice proposes ,各级自然资源主管部门要严格按照矿产资源规划、国土空间规划和用途管制要求,科学合理设置矿业权。相邻矿山生产建设作业范围最小距离应满足相关安全规定,普通建筑用砂石露天矿山不得以山脊划界。除符合规定的情形外,新设采矿权范围不得与已设采矿权垂直投影范围重叠,可集中开发的同一矿体不得设立2个以上采矿权。

The Notice emphasizes ,新设矿业权实行“双控”标准,即矿床规模和生产规模都要达到中型及以上。对于矿区资源已经枯竭、开采收益不足以支付生态成本的,原则上不再设置矿业权。依据县(市、区)党委、政府安排部署,为解决偏远山区居民住房改善要求,需要设置小型河砂、砖瓦黏土采矿权的,可由县级自然资源管理部门发放两年期短期许可证。

The relevant person in charge of the Shanxi Department said that the natural resources authorities, as the management department of the province's non-coal mining industry, must conscientiously implement the "three controls and three musts" requirements and effectively fulfill their departmental supervisory responsibilities. Natural resources authorities at all levels must act quickly, wait and rely on, actively perform their duties, comprehensively improve safety levels, resolutely prevent and contain the occurrence of major accidents, and make every effort to ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

###Shaanxi Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration carried out assistance supervision on Shaanxi Coal Group Pubai Mining Industry Jianxin and Jianzhuang Coal Chemical Companies

From March 18 to 23, the Law Enforcement Division 3 of the Shaanxi Bureau of the State Mine Safety Supervision Administration organized the Industry and Coal Bureau of Huangling County to hire well-known domestic experts to carry out assistance supervision on Jianxin and Jianzhuang coal mines belonging to Pubai Mining of Shaanxi Coal Group.

At the preparatory meeting, the inspection team read out the inspection plan. Guo Xiaojun, a third-level researcher at the Third Law Enforcement Division, publicized the purpose and significance of this assistive inspection, pointing out that this inspection aims to work with coal mines to investigate disaster management shortcomings in mines. Conduct a comprehensive investigation on shortcomings, major safety risks, safety management loopholes, etc., and actively guide coal mines to eliminate safety risks and accident hazards. Shen Xuping, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Shaanxi Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration, asked the inspection team to conduct strict and careful investigations, verify the problems and thoroughly investigate the causes, clearly list the problems and rectification lists, and put forward relevant rectification and improvement suggestions and opinions to form a high-quality inspection report effectively helps coal mines solve existing difficult and miscellaneous diseases. Coal mines must also fully understand the significance of this action, cherish opportunities, dare to proactively expose problems, and seek solutions to problems.

Over the past week, the inspection team has focused on deep-seated issues such as mine major disaster management, system optimization, equipment upgrading, accurate research and judgment of the whole system and various links, and has formed a consultation report by going down to the mine for on-the-spot inspection and consulting relevant technical data. On the morning of March 23, Xu Guanhua, head of the three law enforcement departments, led the inspection team to organize a meeting on the spot to inform Pubai Mining Company and Huangling County Industry and Coal Bureau of the hidden dangers and measures found by the inspection. The meeting demanded that, first, it is necessary to do a good job in rectifying problems and hidden dangers, especially to reflect on the common phenomena of on-site management, from mining companies to coal mining enterprises, from management levels to business departments, to analyze the deep-seated reasons from the outside to the inside. Second, it is necessary to strengthen the top-level design of disaster management and establish the concept of systematic and advanced management. In terms of disaster management, the two mines lack of overall planning for advanced, systematic and regional governance, so they should do a good job in forward-looking learning, systematic planning, in-depth study and actively tackle key problems, so as to achieve efficient and high-quality development. Third, it is necessary to increase investment in new technology and equipment. It is necessary to earnestly change the concept of disaster management, adhere to the combination of going out and inviting in, keep pace with the times, actively promote the use of new technology and equipment, and constantly improve the essential safety level of mines. Fourth, Huangling County Industry and Coal Bureau to supervise the rectification and reform at the same time, to actively integrate into, comprehensively enhance the regulatory capacity. Seize the learning opportunities, organize personnel to learn comprehensive reports, constantly improve the level of business, enhance the ability of supervision.

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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