According to news from the Supreme People's Procuratorate on April 9, the First Branch of the Shanghai City People's Procuratorate recently filed a public prosecution with the Shanghai City First Intermediate People's Court in accordance with the law for Bai Tinghui, former Party Secretary and Director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Shanghai City, for suspected bribery.

During the review and prosecution stage, the procuratorate informed the defendant Bai Tinghui of his litigation rights in accordance with the law, interrogated the defendant in accordance with the law, and listened to the opinions of the defender.

Bai Tinghui Data Map

Bai Tinghui was born in February 1967 in Zhecheng, Henan Province, and is a professor-level senior engineer.

He has worked in the transportation field for a long time. He has served as general manager of Shanghai Urban Rail Transit Construction Co., Ltd., deputy general manager and chief engineer of Shanghai Metro Construction Co., Ltd., chief engineer and vice president of Shanghai Shentong Group Co., Ltd., and director of Shanghai City Water Affairs Bureau.

In February 2019, Bai Tinghui was appointed as Party Secretary and Director of Shanghai City State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and was investigated in September 2023.

上海市人民检察院第一分院起诉指控:被告人Bai Tinghui took advantage of his position as vice president of Shanghai Shentong Metro Group Co., Ltd. and director of Shanghai City State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission ,为他人或相关单位在工程承接、工程款结算、公司经营等事项上提供帮助、谋取利益,非法收受他人财物,数额特别巨大,依法应当以受贿罪追究其刑事责任。

** 感恩回馈长安街知事准备了精美图书赠送给广大粉丝!This event lasts for 5 days(8日至12日) 每天送出5本由中国人民大学出版社提供的书籍**

"Resilience:How does county and township governments operate?

★ Author

Tian Xianhong (Professor, Department of Political Science, China Rural Research Institute, Central China Normal University)

★ Content introduction

What changes have taken place in the county and rural three-level governance system in recent years? What do county and township cadres rely on to promote? What is the dilemma of cadre mobility? How do mechanisms such as "leadership observation" and "business project" work? How can some grassroots governments that are in financial difficulties tide over the difficulties? Why can the "integration of sections and lines" mechanism stimulate the potential of cadres? The book provides unique and profound answers to these questions and presents a rich picture of the county's political operation.

The book focuses on the core theme of county governance resilience, starting from the perspective of the relationship between systems and mechanisms, based on solid field surveys, and in-depth experience, and conducts a thorough interpretation of county governance system, government mobilization, cadre mobility, fiscal system, policy transformation and implementation, and leadership Attention allocation, etc.; It provides an in-depth description and explanation of some key working mechanisms in county governance, such as goal management, process management, political evaluation, departmental relations, task contracting, leadership observation, and cadre joint village system.

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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