3月16日,中央纪委国家监委网站刊文《深度关注 | 管好身边人》,关注了广东省清远市清新区委原书记郑小燕一案。文章介绍,郑小燕严重违纪违法案 The number of relatives involved is large, the period of corruption is long, and the degree of involvement in public power is deep.,发人深省。

Zheng Xiaoyan (data map)

2008年至2019年,郑小燕利用职务便利,在土地开发、征地拆迁、建设用地指标调配、政府工程项目承揽、工程款拨付等方面为他人谋取利益,直接或通过亲属非法收受巨额财物共计折合人民币 More than 44.28 million yuan。2023年8月,郑小燕被开除党籍、开除公职。2024年1月,郑小燕因犯受贿罪被判处13 years in prison ,并处罚金人民币300万元;查封、冻结在案的股权、房产、车位等及其退缴的违法所得被依法予以没收;其余违法所得及其收益,依法继续追缴。

As a leading cadre, Zheng Xiaoyan not only failed to correctly view family relations and strictly restrain relatives, but instead became the operator of the family's "business". Now, she has her own bitter taste.

2003年1月,郑小燕前往清新县(清新县于2012年改县为区)任职,其后便处心积虑为自己和亲属谋取利益。国内有“中间人”“代理人”,国外有赃款“保管员”……在郑小燕的“操盘”下, Her husband, brother, sister, son-in-law, even her husband's brother-in-law, brother's brother-in-law and many others were involved.

"Others are 'husbands sing and women follow', but her family is 'wives are corrupt and their husbands are noble.' ”清远市纪委监委相关负责同志说。2006年,郑小燕指使当时47岁的丈夫陈某提前退休,充当“大堂经理”。每当社会老板有所请托,郑小燕不置可否,暗示对方“有空找陈某喝茶”;有工程项目即将开标,郑小燕便与陈某商量给哪位老板承接,让陈某出面对接、洽谈“好处费”。

郑小燕对亲属同样有安排。She instigated her brother Zheng and his wife to resign from public office and became a fresh and famous "second dealer" in government projects. 她还安排已移民加拿大的妹妹代为接收、保管巨额贿赂,仅两笔贿赂款总额就逾2000万元。为了逃避组织调查,郑小燕甚至强令其十几年间滞留国外。

In August 2008, after Zheng Xiaoyan was promoted to the county magistrate of Qingxin County, some collateral relatives were also absorbed into the Zheng family's corruption circle. With his help, Huang (Chen's brother-in-law) and Ou (Zheng's brother-in-law) undertook hundreds of millions of yuan in government engineering projects, from which the Zheng family made tens of millions of yuan. Zheng Xiaoyan's son-in-law and his relatives rely entirely on Zheng Xiaoyan for their involvement in many fields such as real estate.

"Sometimes Zheng Xiaoyan helped me say hello to the leaders of relevant departments, and sometimes I, with her acquiescence, used the influence of her position to say hello to the leaders..." Huang has undertaken 12 government projects in 6 years and is very "loyal" to Zheng Xiaoyan. In addition to buying shops and renovations for her, she also kept more than 3 million yuan in stolen money on her behalf "for her to use at any time."

Zheng Xiaoyan mainly determines the proportion of the benefit fee based on the degree of closeness. 对亲弟弟郑某,她分文不取;对没有血缘关系的人,帮忙可以,该收的钱“分文不能少”,如黄某需按利润的40%支付好处费,欧某则要将利润的75%分给郑家。

From 2013 to 2019, the Zheng family undertook most of the government projects in Qingxin District. If other operators had not bribed Zheng Xiaoyan, it would have been difficult for the project to be successfully contracted, and the local business environment was seriously damaged.

In 2019, Zheng Xiaoyan was transferred from Qingxin District, and relevant complaints and reports continued. In 2022, the Qingyuan City Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision will conduct a comprehensive preliminary review of clues related to Zheng Xiaoyan.

On February 6, 2023, the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Qingyuan City filed a case for review and investigation against Zheng Xiaoyan, and successively took detention measures against Zheng Xiaoyan, Chen, Zheng, Huang, etc.

"The husband and wife were detained on the same day, the siblings were arrested one after another, and relatives were investigated together. The Zheng Xiaoyan case showed four major characteristics: serious nepotism, deep power penetration, long period of corruption, and collusive corruption." The responsible comrade of the task force of the Qingyuan City Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision pointed out that in addition to Zheng Xiaoyan, the case also involved 8 of her relatives, of whom 4 were filed, 3 were detained, and 1 was transferred to judicial organs.

Zheng Xiaoyan has monopolized projects in various fields such as municipal roads, water conservancy, and greening by placing "her own people" in key departments and important positions such as housing and construction planning, land, water conservancy, and transportation, and using relatives as agents and "white gloves"., deeply involved in the entire process of project establishment, bidding, project construction and payment disbursement.

郑小燕还在项目运行的各个环节为亲属“出谋划策”。Taking the rules of dividing stolen goods as an example, Zheng Xiaoyan is well versed in the hidden rules of engineering ,指导弟弟将合作条件从工程“利润30%”改为“工程款10%”,这个“细微”的改动,让郑某多拿了数百万元好处费。再以合作模式为例,利润丰厚、工期短的项目,一般由郑家内部消化。部分工期长、资质要求高的项目,为避免“吃相难看”,郑小燕也会安排弟弟和中标企业“合作”,但郑某实际上分文不出,只需“传话”“递条子”便可轻松获利。

According to analysis by investigators, facts show that the "top leaders" in counties and districts are in charge of one side and one area, and they can easily become the key targets for lawless elements to draw on and "hunt". However, supervision "gaps" such as supervision by superiors is too far away and supervision at the same level is too soft. The overall effectiveness of supervision and restriction on the power of the "top leaders" is weakened, and it is easy to lead to the power of the "top leaders" being derailed and crossed the border.

"We must manage and educate the people around us well, not let family members get involved in our work, and not let family members interact with our political circles. We must physically build a 'firewall' to avoid future troubles." In the confession, Zheng Xiaoyan deeply regrets:"Family tradition and family education are by no means a small matter. Managing the people around you is a big deal!"


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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