The Hunan Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration carried out supervision and inspection of mine safety supervision in Hengyang City

From March 19 to 22, Cai Longchun, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Hunan Bureau, led a team to supervise and inspect the mine safety supervision work in Hengyang City, extending the inspection of the mine safety supervision work of county (city) governments and the implementation of the main safety responsibilities of key mining enterprises.

蔡龙春在监督检查中强调指出,要认真贯彻落实习近平总书记关于安全生产重要指示批示精神,强力推进国务院安委会《硬措施》落实,制定完善配套措施,履行地方政府安全生产职责。 **要统筹开展矿山安全生产治本攻坚三年行动,列出清单、明确责任、细化措施、确定时限,加强督促调度,力求取得实效。 要加强安全生产责任制落实,进一步健全地方政府领导包保煤矿、金属非金属地下矿山和尾矿库安全生产责任制,明确职责、措施和考核标准。要切实推进非煤矿山“三个一批”分类处置,明确具体名单和完成期限并严格落实,促进矿山产业结构优化升级和高质量发展。 **要强化矿山重大灾害治理和重大风险分析管控,Supervise coal mines to strictly implement systems and measures such as gas extraction, gas inspection, safety monitoring, and ventilation management ,切实有效防范瓦斯重大风险。要推进区域重大水害治理,督促落实汛期防治水措施,严格落实汛期警情“叫应”“回应”“响应”应急处置机制。要加强矿山安全监管能力建设,配齐配强专业执法人员,采取“四不两直”、明查暗访、突击夜查方式,重拳打击“七假五超三瞒三不”重大违法行为,综合运用通报曝光、追责问责、行刑衔接、联合惩戒等处理手段,以严格执法推动安全生产。


3月21日,山西省政府新闻办举行的发布会上透露,山西巩固拓展煤炭主产区优势,Promote the digital transformation of coal mines, and the province's coal mines will basically achieve intelligence by the end of 2027.

Shanxi has implemented the new energy security strategy of "Four Revolutions, One Cooperation" and achieved significant results in promoting the green and low-carbon transformation of energy, which has effectively supported the continuous and significant improvement of the province's air environment quality. ** The level of intelligent and green coal has been greatly improved. A total of 118 intelligent coal mines have been built and 30 green mining pilot coal mines have been deployed, accounting for 81% of advanced production capacity. **

The recently released "Implementation Plan for the Implementation of the Action Plan for Continuous Improvement of Air Quality in Shanxi Province" proposes to further promote the optimization and adjustment of the energy structure and promote the improvement of air quality." We will further advance the comprehensive reform pilot of the energy revolution, strive to create new quality productivity in the energy field, and accelerate the planning and construction of a new energy system. "Du Qing, deputy director of the Shanxi Province Energy Bureau, said.

In addition to promoting the digital transformation of coal mines, Shanxi will also fully implement the "three reforms linkage", eliminate backward small units, and accelerate the "upgrading of large coal and electricity projects to suppress small ones." Continue to promote centralized wind power and photovoltaic power to become bigger and stronger, distributed, optimized and refined, tap new potential of coalbed methane resource endowment, and coordinate the promotion of new energy development and integrated development of industrial chains.

At the same time, we will vigorously cultivate new energy consumption models. In terms of "controlling" consumption, strictly implement coal consumption reduction or equivalent substitution in new construction, reconstruction and expansion coal projects; in terms of "reducing" consumption, strictly implement the dual control policy of energy consumption, and regard energy conservation and consumption reduction as the source of pollution and carbon reduction. Measures to increase energy-saving transformation and waste heat utilization, and improve energy utilization efficiency; In terms of replacing "consumption", we will improve the level of terminal electrification in transportation, industry, construction and other fields, improve the long-term mechanism for clean heating, and establish a multi-energy complementary heating system dominated by cogeneration and combining renewable energy such as solar energy, wind energy, and geothermal energy.

Hebei Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration organized and held a symposium on mine safety supervision in the province

2024年3月22日,为认真贯彻习近平总书记关于安全生产的重要论述和党中央、国务院安排部署,深入落实应急管理部和河北省委省政府、国家矿山安全监察局关于矿山安全生产工作的一系列部署安排, The Hebei Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration organized and held a symposium on mine safety supervision in the province. Shen Shaobo, Party Secretary and Director of the Hebei Bureau, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

meeting pointed out ,要准确把握形势,清醒认识矿山安全生产面临的风险挑战,实现矿山行业高质量安全发展仍有很长的路要走、很多工作要做。要充分认清和消除安全基础薄弱、重大灾害愈加严重、责任落实不到位、监管执法效能不高带来的风险挑战。
meeting requested ,要坚决贯彻落实习近平总书记关于安全生产工作重要论述和重要指示批示精神,紧紧扭住防范遏制矿山重特大事故这个“牛鼻子”,按照“党政同责、一岗双责、齐抓共管、失职追责”和“三管三必须”的要求,压紧压实矿山安全生产工作各方责任。一要强化政治意识,坚决贯彻上级重大决策部署,各级党委政府及矿山安全监管部门务必要全力推进两办《意见》《煤矿安全生产条例》《硬措施》和治本攻坚三年行动落地见效。二要强化底线思维,着力防范化解重大安全风险,要坚持预防为主、综合治理,推出“组合拳”、打好“主动仗”。三要强化责任落实,不断提高矿山安全执法效能,要把监管责任落实得更加有力,强力推动企业主体责任落实到位,筑牢守好安全生产的堤坝。四要强化政策支持,深化提升矿山安全保障水平,加大对矿山安全生产工作的政策支持力度,激发矿山企业的内生动力,提高矿山行业高质量安全发展的进程。
会上,组织对《落实责任 防范非煤矿山较大及以上事故的重点工作》《对地方政府矿山安全监管工作监督检查量化评分办法》进行了座谈交流。


The "Implementation Plan of the Action Plan for Continuous Improvement of Air Quality in Sichuan Province (Draft for Comments)" recently released by the Sichuan Province Department of Ecology and Environment proposes that by 2025, raw coal consumption will be controlled within 70 million tons, achieving a peak in the province's coal consumption.

The draft opinion clearly states that we should solidly promote the green and low-carbon transformation of industry, energy, and transportation, strengthen non-point source pollution control, strengthen source prevention and control, and accelerate the formation of a green and low-carbon production and lifestyle.

在保障能源安全供应的前提下,继续实施煤炭消费总量控制,重点削减非电用煤。强化商品煤质量监管,推进煤炭高效清洁利用,防止劣质煤炭流入市场。 By 2025, raw coal consumption will be controlled within 70 million tons, achieving a peak in the province's coal consumption.

For new, expanded and expanded coal projects, coal equivalent or reduced substitution shall be implemented in accordance with the law. If the alternative plan is imperfect, no approval will be granted; highly polluting fuels such as petroleum coke, coke, and blue charcoal shall be used as alternative measures to reduce coal. In principle, self-contained coal-fired units will no longer be added, and self-contained coal-fired units will be supported to implement clean energy substitution. Coal and electricity projects that support stable power supply, safe operation of the power grid, and large-scale grid-connected consumption of clean energy and their coal consumption should be reasonably guaranteed.

By 2025, the proportion of non-fossil energy power installed capacity will reach 83.3%, the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption will reach about 41.5%, and electricity will account for about 30% of terminal energy consumption. Continue to increase natural gas production and supply, and steadily promote the construction of a "national natural gas (shale gas) production capacity base of 100 billion cubic meters." New natural gas will give priority to ensuring residents 'living needs.

Resolutely curb the blind launch of high-energy-consuming, high-emission, and low-level projects. The new reconstruction and expansion project strictly implements the national and Sichuan Province industrial planning, industrial policies, ecological environment zoning management and control plans, planning environmental assessment, project environmental assessment, energy conservation review, production capacity replacement, total control of key pollutants, and pollutant emission areas. Relevant requirements such as reduction and carbon emission peak targets, adopt clean transportation methods in principle. Strictly control the energy conservation review of high-energy-consuming projects, and carry out energy consumption substitutions for projects with an annual comprehensive energy consumption of more than 50,000 tons of standard coal as required. For projects involving production capacity replacement, new projects can only be put into production after the replacement production capacity and supporting facilities are shut down.

It is strictly prohibited to add new steel production capacity in violation of regulations. Strictly implement the dual control of production capacity and output, promote the integrated layout of steel, coking, and sintering, promote the implementation of "determining coke by steel", reduce the number of independent coking, sintering, pelletizing and hot rolling enterprises and processes, eliminate backward coal washing production capacity, and orderly Promote the transformation of long-process steelmaking to electric furnace short-process steelmaking. By 2025, the province's short-process steelmaking output of electric furnace will account for 40%. Dazhou Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. and Sichuan Province Coal Coking Group Co., Ltd. have completed their retreat and relocation.

Accelerate the adjustment and optimization of production capacity in key industries. Strictly implement the "Guidance Catalogue for Industrial Structure Adjustment (2024 Edition)" and relevant industry access negative lists, technical standards and other regulations. Increase the investigation of backward production capacity, formulate and implement an annual work plan to promote the withdrawal of backward production capacity, and withdraw backward production capacity in key industries such as steel, cement, electrolytic aluminum, flat glass, papermaking, chemicals, brick, non-ferrous smelting, and carbon in accordance with laws and regulations. Gradually withdraw restricted gas-related industry processes and equipment, key cities will increase energy consumption, environmental protection, quality, safety, technology and other requirements, support the withdrawal of restricted equipment through equal or reduced replacement, and promote a number of sintering, blast furnaces, and restricted equipment such as converters and coke ovens will be withdrawn or product upgraded by 2025. Phase out stepping sintering machines and pellet shaft furnaces, as well as semi-enclosed silicon-manganese alloy, ferronickel, high-carbon ferrochromium, and high-carbon ferromanganese electric furnaces. Continue to promote the cement industry to reduce excess production capacity. Actively promote the replacement, transformation and upgrading of production capacity in the cement industry.

###Shaanxi Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Bureau supervised and investigated the survey and management of hidden disaster-causing factors in regional coal mines in Xianyang City

In order to implement the relevant requirements of the National Mine Safety Supervision Bureau, the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government on the census and management of hidden disaster-causing factors in regional coal mines, on March 19-20, 2024, Chen Pingding, a first-level inspector of the Shaanxi Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Bureau, led the Accident Investigation Department, the Fifth Supervision and Law Enforcement Department, the Safety Technology Center and relevant experts to supervise and investigate the census and management of hidden disaster-causing factors in regional coal mines in Xianyang City.

The research team and his party listened to reports from relevant departments in various coal-producing counties (districts) in Xianyang City on the census and management of hidden disaster-causing factors, and conducted analysis and judgment on each county and mine based on the city's coal resource planning map.

陈平定要求:First, we must attach great importance to it ideologically ,充分认识区域性煤矿隐蔽致灾因素普查工作的重要性,要结合两办《意见》、《硬措施》等文件,夯实责任、抓实抓细,摸清灾害底数,防范安全事故; The second is to strengthen organizational leadership. 成立市(县)政府工作专班,做好协调、指导和督促,明确普查的重点和要求,将影响煤矿未来3到5年采掘活动区域性隐蔽致灾因素查清查实;**三是强化成果运用。 **各煤矿要在日常采掘活动中综合运用好隐蔽致灾因素普查的成果,推动安全生产向事前预防转型。

Shang Xiaogang of the Coal Industry Bureau of Xianyang City presided over the meeting and made a statement. Responsible persons of Binzhou, Yongshou, Chunhua, Changwu, Xunyi and other city and county governments, as well as relevant responsible comrades of municipal and county coal mine safety supervision departments and Binchang Mining Company attended the meeting.

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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