Since the Cold War era of US-Soviet rivalry in the last century, the world landscape has undergone earth-shattering changes, but the contest between the old rivals, the United States and Russia, has never truly ceased.

The collapse of the Soviet Union seemed to herald an era of American unipolarity, but the Russian state that inherited the Soviet Union's vast legacy has shown itself to be more resilient and resourceful than many expected.

Russia has never succumbed to US suppression and containment. Instead, it has shown an increasingly firm stance under Putin's leadership.

Against the current international backdrop, the US- Russia relationship remains a sensitive topic concerning the world. Should war break out between the two countries, the deep impact and serious consequences will undoubtedly go beyond bilateral affair and spread to the whole world. Against such a background, the discussion of potential ‘helpers’ for Russia draws attention.

Putin once pointed out with pride that Russia has three "helpers". These are not allied countries in the traditional sense, but rather deeper support forces.

First, there is the people of Russia. As the ancient proverb says:The people are the most important, the state is secondary, and the ruler is the least important. The strength of a nation depends on the unity and support of its people.

The Russian nation has always been known for its unwavering resilience and martial prowess, and its national spirit and patriotic sentiment have served as a steadfast bulwark against foreign aggression.

Throughout the annals of history, whether it was resisting Napoleon's invasion or holding back Hitler's advances, the Russian people have demonstrated remarkable resilience and unity.

Therefore, Putin knows that as long as the Russian people are united, they can form a solid fortress against foreign enemies.

Next comes Russia’s self-confidence. Self-confidence is the cornerstone of a country’s rise, and it is also the embodiment of the national spirit. On the international stage, Russia has always maintained the demeanor of a great power, unafraid of powerful countries, and daring to speak out.

This confidence stems from its profound historical heritage and formidable military might. Russia's nuclear arsenal is one of the key sources of its confidence, with a sufficient number of warheads to destroy its adversaries several times over, compelling anyone to think twice before embarking on a military adventure against Russia.

Finally, there is the Russian military: an armed force that inherited the large Soviet military legacy and maintains world-leading capabilities in terms of equipment, training, and combat experience

With its formidable strategic missile forces, crack airborne troops and naval forces, as well as its fearsome special forces, Russia possesses robust guarantees for upholding its national interests and ensuring its national security.

Particularly its nuclear submarine force is acclaimed as an "Aircraft Carrier Killer" on account of its excellent stealth performance and formidable strike capability; it is one of the U.S. Navy's most dreaded adversaries.

It is noteworthy that although there were indeed many differences and competitions between the United States and Russia, both sides also knew that a real war would be disastrous for each other and the world.

Therefore, given the current international landscape, the two sides are engaged in fierce rivalry in some areas, but overall there exists a certain level of restraint and equilibrium. It is as if:Just like the proverb "Harmony brings mutual benefit, while conflict causes mutual harm".

After all, peace and development are the main theme of today's world; any action that deviates from this main theme will be universally opposed by the international community.

As mentioned above, Putin’s three “helpers” are certainly important pillars for Russia in its complex international relationships. I hope these forces will serve as a firm foundation for maintaining world peace and stability, rather than igniting the fuse of war and conflict.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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