Recently, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China

Supported by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council

Diplomatic envoys stationed in China "step into state-owned enterprises" activities

"Entering PetroChina"

70 embassies in China

and representative offices of some countries and international organizations in China

A total of 100 envoys were invited to attend

Xiaoxin also witnessed this exchange at the scene

Inside the PetroChina exhibition hall

After hearing the introduction from the guide

Asia's largest single petrochemical tower

The hoisting weight reaches 4606 tons

Equivalent to more than 900 adult African elephants

From time to time, the ambassadors used the high-pitched "What?!"


A pleasant and rich trip to visit and exchange


01 Enhance communication and deepen cooperation to work together towards a new energy future

After visiting the PetroChina exhibition hall and learning about the development achievements of China's petroleum industry, refining, transportation, marketing, storage and trade full-business industrial chain, the development pattern of "oil, gas, heat, power and hydrogen" comprehensive energy supply, and the exploration of promoting energy cooperation, the envoys stationed in China came to Changping Petroleum Science and Technology Park, learned about the modern production workshop of Beijing Petroleum Machinery Co., Ltd., the physical objects and models of advanced petroleum and petrochemical equipment, and felt the explorations and achievements of central enterprises in high-end equipment manufacturing and digital transformation.

Suck open the fuel tank cap, align the oil gun, turn the fuel tank cap back after adding oil, and finally stretch out a "small hand" to push the fuel tank cap to ensure that it is securely locked... A white car in the workshop Next to a car, a work demonstration is underway

The intelligent refueling robot attracted ambassadors to stop to watch and take photos.

Different from traditional tanker products, intelligent refueling robots have a more beautiful appearance and smarter functions. They have automatic sensing, execution, interaction, and decision-making capabilities. They can realize online human-computer interaction, automatic vehicle identification, precise positioning, two-way selection of refueling, and abnormal alarms. and other functions. Customers only need to drive the car to the designated position, sit in the car, open the app and click one button to refuel, and they can complete all refuel instructions. Multiple sensors work together to ensure that the process is safe and controllable, which not only frees front-line refueling workers from poor environment and simple repetitive labor, but also provides customers with a better refueling experience.

With the deep integration of advanced technologies such as big data, cloud computing, the Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence, the oil and gas industry is gradually building a highly integrated and intelligently responsive industrial ecosystem.

In the Kunlun Digital Intelligence Exhibition Hall, an immersive experience allowed envoys stationed in China to further understand the digital practice results of central enterprises. Staff wear the world's first 5G explosion-proof AR smart helmet-"Dream"

Through full voice control, AR smart operation and other functions were demonstrated on site.

A small helmet integrates countless "black technologies". "Dream" is equipped with Beidou positioning and high-performance Chinese-made AI chips, which can be perfectly matched with standard helmets. It adopts the world's leading binocular diffractive optical waveguide display solution and supports intelligent voice and gesture control. It is specially designed for front-line operators in process industries such as oil and gas, refining, petrochemical, chemical, metallurgical, and electric power. It has safety, dust, water, and explosion protection. It can be used for operation, inspection, remote expert assistance, equipment and facility inspection and maintenance, safety and quality inspection, etc. It is an intelligent platform that uses new technologies such as AI and AR to improve personnel productivity. It is also the world's leading 5G industrial-grade AR product.

The envoys said that the "Entering State-owned Enterprises" activity of envoys stationed in China provides an important platform for in-depth understanding of China's implementation of new development concepts and expansion of cooperation opportunities with China. I hope to learn from China's advanced experience and technology in the energy field and further deepen mutually beneficial cooperation.

Uganda's Ambassador to China Oliver Woneca said that Uganda and China have carried out many cooperation in the energy field for a long time. Uganda faces some challenges in oil field exploration and carbon emissions. He is grateful to Chinese companies for their help to Uganda in these fields and hopes to further expand cooperation space.

"China is a country that attaches great importance to green development." After learning that PetroChina was developing biodiesel, Costa Rican Ambassador to China Alfredo Ortuno expressed the hope to jointly establish relevant projects with PetroChina in Costa Rica.

Dai Houliang, Chairman of CNPC, expressed during an exchange with envoys stationed in China that in the future, he hopes to work with partners from other countries to adhere to the cooperation concept of mutual benefit, win-win results and common development, continuously expand the depth and breadth of energy cooperation, and build the "Belt and Road" with high quality and high level Energy Partnership, jointly create an open and inclusive energy cooperation interest community, and contribute to promoting global energy security and sustainable development, and promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

02 Adhere to open and green sharing and jointly build the "Belt and Road" with high quality

Today, the Belt and Road Initiative has become one of the world's broadest and largest international cooperation platforms. As an important backbone force for central enterprises to participate in the construction of the "Belt and Road", PetroChina is making every effort to forge ahead for high-quality development, playing a main role in the construction of the "Belt and Road", promoting international oil and gas cooperation to accelerate "going in" and "going up", and being a good player. Outstanding corporate citizens of the world contribute to building a community of interests for international energy cooperation and a community with a shared future for mankind.

Adhere to the concept of open development and deepen international energy cooperation.

Using oil and gas cooperation projects as a carrier, PetroChina has enhanced its interconnection with the oil and gas industries of countries along the route and completed and put into operation a large number of key projects.:In 2013, after the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" initiative was proposed, the company won the bid for the Ribeira project in Brazil, advancing into the ultra-deep sea in South America; in 2016, the Missan Oilfield pipeline in Iraq was completed and put into operation; In 2017, it won the bid for the large-scale oil and gas construction project of Abu Dhabi National Oil Company-the Babu Project; In 2018, it won the US$1.6 billion global geophysical industry order from Abu Dhabi National Oil Company; In 2020, it faced difficulties to ensure stable production of 100 million tons of overseas equity; In 2021, overseas oil and gas exploration will successively achieve two major discoveries of 1 billion tons and 3 100 million tons, setting the best record for heavyweight discoveries in the 30 years of "going global"; in 2022, major overseas oil and gas projects such as the Ribelamero Oilfield in Brazil and the Kolor floating LNG project in District 4 of Mozambique and the Western B Gas Field in Area B of Turkmenistan have been put into operation.

It is understood that PetroChina currently conducts investment, trade, engineering and technical services in more than 120 countries and regions around the world, invests and operates nearly 90 petroleum and petrochemical cooperation projects in more than 30 countries, and has built Central Asia-Russia, Middle East, Africa, The five major overseas oil and gas cooperation zones in the Americas and Asia-Pacific.

The picture shows the offshore operation platform of the Ribeira project

Adhere to the concept of green development and accelerate green and low-carbon transformation. Clarifying the overall strategic deployment of the three-step approach of "clean substitution, strategic succession, and green transformation", PetroChina has been rated as "China's Low-Carbon Model" for 13 consecutive years.

The Ahhadib project is Iraq's first foreign oil cooperation project after the war. In the 14 years since its launch, it has harmlessly treated waste liquid and waste residue generated by more than 400 drilling wells, and invested a total of more than US$60 million to recover acid waste gas. The production of sulfur with a purity of more than 99.99% has created a precedent for environmental protection in Iraq's drilling; In the international trade market, PetroChina participates in carbon emissions market transactions, promotes the extension of traditional oil and gas trade to the trade combination of "conventional energy + new energy", builds green support for "carbon + electricity + biofuels", and uses trade means to support overseas projects to reduce carbon emissions; In Iraq, the Hafaya Project identified 9 biological habitats through surveys, protected more than 20 internationally or domestically protected birds, fish, etc., and established an ecological risk hierarchical management framework; In the Asia-Pacific region, the Jiabu project of PetroChina Indonesia has implemented more than 500 hectares of tree planting and greening projects in oil fields in the past three years, with a total of more than 550,000 trees planted...

Adhering to the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind and keeping ecological and environmental protection in sync with production and management, PetroChina responded with practical actions.

Adhere to the concept of shared development and be an excellent "corporate citizen".

In global operations, PetroChina actively fulfills its social responsibilities and attaches great importance to the demands of host countries and stakeholders. It not only teaches people to fish, but also teaches people to fish, and shares development results with local people, communities and partners.

Carrying out oil and gas cooperation in Sudan, Chad and Niger has helped these countries build a complete modern oil industry system, fulfilling the "oil dream"; in Turkmenistan, PetroChina's key technologies have achieved exploration breakthroughs in places considered impossible by other countries, and discovered a number of potential gas reservoirs; in Iraq, PetroChina has helped restore local oil production and revitalize the oil industry, while also driving the development of local small and medium-sized enterprises...

It is understood that PetroChina has paid more than US$40 billion in taxes and fees to the host country, creating more than 100,000 jobs.

The picture shows PetroChina attaches great importance to the training of local employees, trains petroleum talents for the host country, selects technical and management personnel to study abroad and provides scholarships

Cooperation starts with energy, but goes beyond energy. The Batik traditional batik women's assistance project in Indonesia won the gold medal of the "Sustainable Development Goals Award" awarded by the Indonesian Corporate Social Responsibility Business Association; the "Sweet Community" program implemented in Chad helps local water wells and solves the problem of drinking water in surrounding communities. With the problem of drinking water, a total of more than 1 billion yuan has been invested in public welfare projects in infrastructure, medical and health, education, etc. to support the construction of local communities, and more than 100,000 local community residents have directly benefited; The construction of drinking water, roads, power grids, schools, and medical facilities on Madh Island in Myanmar has brought tremendous changes to residents 'lives. From drinking rainwater to running water in villages, from power supply for 3 hours a day to every household realizing 24 hours a day, from zero-highway to villages. Access to roads, from no mobile phone signals to full coverage of mobile communication base stations... PetroChina is actively involved in public welfare undertakings in countries along the "Belt and Road", striving to improve people's livelihood and well-being, benefiting millions of people.

The picture shows PetroChina setting up a caring "animal station" in a wildlife reserve in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Facing the future, as Zhang Daowei, deputy general manager of CNPC, said, CNPC will carry out broader and deeper cooperation with other countries in the energy field, focus on drawing a new energy picture, and work together to move towards a new energy future.


Author: Andy

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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