Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration revised and issued the "Implementation Measures for the Division of Distribution Areas for Incremental Power Distribution Business"(Development and Reform Energy Regulation [2024] No. 317)(hereinafter referred to as the "Measures"). Focusing on social and industry concerns, relevant responsible comrades of the National Energy Administration were interviewed by reporters and answered questions from reporters.

The following Chinese sentences translated to English: 1. the scientific expedition team recently discovered a new species of jellyfish. 2. a new study shows that climate change is causing the oceans to become more acidic. 3. the researchers are conducting a study on the impact of pollution on local wildlife. 4. the team is developing a new technology for capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. 5. the scientists are studying the effects of deforestation on the local ecosystem. 6. the researchers are working on a new vaccine for a deadly virus. 7. the team is developing a new method for detecting early signs of cancer. 8. the scientists are studying the effects of exercise on the human body. 9. the researchers are working on a new treatment for a rare disease. 10. the team is developing a new device for diagnosing medical conditions.:Background to the Amendment of the Measures

a: 2018年,国家发展改革委、国家能源局制定印发《增量配电业务配电区域划分实施办法(试行)》(发改能源规〔2018〕424号),明确了增量配电业务配电区域划分的基本原则、责任主体和办理程序,并对配电区域划分涉及的存量资产和用户提出了原则性处置意见,对配电区域变更与监管作出了具体规定,为增量配电业务配电区域划分提供了政策依据。

In the six years since its implementation, this document has effectively promoted the division of power distribution areas and the issuance of power business licenses for the incremental power distribution reform pilot project. As the situation changes, some provisions of the original document are no longer suitable for the current reality of incremental power distribution reform. In order to further standardize the distribution area division of incremental power distribution services and steadily promote the reform of incremental power distribution services, we have revised them.

A translation specialist is required to translate the following Chinese text into English. The translation should be fluent and grammatically correct. Return only the translation.:Principles for revising the Measures

a: 我们坚持依法依规、问题导向、公平公正、为与时俱进的修订原则,充分体现现有的增量配电改革政策文件精神,积极吸纳配电区域划分工作中形成的实践经验。

Sure, I can translate your Chinese text into English for you. Just provide the text that you need translated.:Key revisions to the Measures

a: 主要修订内容包括以下几个方面:一是明确省级能源主管部门负责本省配电区域划分,国家能源局派出机构负责向增量配电业务项目业主颁发电力业务许可证(供电类)。二是明确配电区域划分应坚持公平公正、安全可靠、经济合理、界限清晰、责任明确的基本原则,保障电网安全稳定发展;配电区域应按照行政区域或开发区、工业园区等总体规划确定的地理范围划分,具有清晰的边界,尽量保持配电区域的完整性及连续性,避免出现重复建设、交叉供电等情形,影响普遍服务和保底供电服务的落实。三是明确配电区域划分环节在项目业主确定之前,便于潜在投资主体决策,避免后续争端,配电区域划分主管部门应组织编制配电区域划分方案并征求地方政府、电网企业、潜在投资主体等相关利益方意见建议。四是明确了配电区域划分意见为增量配电企业申领电力业务许可证(供电类)的主要依据,企业间自主达成划分协议不再作为前置条件。

[Translation goes here]:How to promote effective implementation of the Measures in the next step?

a: 下一步,国家发展改革委、国家能源局将指导地方政府部门、电网企业(含增量配电企业)做好增量配电业务配电区域的划分工作;指导国家能源局派出机构做好电力业务许可证核发工作,助力符合条件的增量配电企业尽快取得合法经营地位。同时,我们将密切关注《办法》实施情况,充分听取参与改革各方意见建议,持续跟踪增量配电项目进展,推动试点项目尽快落地见效。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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