_ 1 _Inflation in the US hit a new 40-year high of 7.9% in February.

The State Council:By 2025, electricity consumption will account for more than 55% of building energy use

Ningxia:Implementing integrated development in the clean energy sector: "Photovoltaic + Ecological"

36 expressways in Sichuan to build distributed photovoltaics

Ganfeng Lithium and others establish a new environmental protection company with 50 million yuan!

5. Construction begins on Yunnan's first independent shared energy storage demonstration project

The first unit ring of the Jinsha River Hydropower Station of the Dadu River was successfully installed in place

Japan's industry minister OKs restart of Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear plant

EU approves Italy's €1.1 billion subsidy scheme, including support for photovoltaic panels

African nations push for creation of energy bank

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_ 2 _Enterprise hotspot 1. The honorary chairman of Dongfeng Company's design institute was investigated! 中央纪委国家监委网站3月19日消息,据东风公司纪委、湖北省纪委监委消息:东风公司东风设计研究院有限公司名誉董事长吕卫东涉嫌严重违纪违法,目前正接受东风公司纪委和湖北省恩施土家族苗族自治州鹤峰县监委纪律审查和监察调查。 2. Inaugural Ceremony of PowerChina New Energy Research Center

3月18日,电建新能源集团牵头建设的中国电建新型储能研究中心(以下简称储能中心)揭牌仪式暨理事会首届一次会议及技术委员会首届一次会议在京成功召开。中国电建科技委员会副主任周建平在致辞中强调,储能中心是中国电建在新型储能领域的重要战略平台,将为中国电建建设世界一流企业提供源源不断的创新动力,并对下一步工作提出三点希望:一是保持创新活力,聚焦重点方向,各共建单位共同打造新型储能技术高地;二是电建新能源集团作为专业化投资平台,要充分利用投资聚焦优势和成果转化优势,借助新型储能示范项目加快新型储能关键核心技术的落地和推广;三是采取更灵活、更多元、更有效的体制机制,在组织体系和运作方式等方面带动内外部创新资源,形成合力。 NIO's first high-speed battery swap charging station with energy storage and charging integration goes into service

3月19日,国际能源网获悉,蔚来汽车宣布其首座高速光储充放一体换电站正式投入运营,这一里程碑式的事件标志着新能源汽车领域迈向碳中和目标的坚实一步。该换电站位于G50沪渝高速枝江西服务区,采用了蔚来自研的HPC双向大功率液冷电源模块,为电动汽车的快速充放电提供了高效解决方案。 4. This year, State Grid Shenyang Electric Power Grid's construction investment will reach 8 billion yuan This year 3月15日,国网沈阳供电公司透露,今年沈阳电网建设投资将高达80亿元,并预计在“十四五”期间,电网建设总投资将达到370亿元,相较于“十三五”期间的投入增长了54%。 _ 3 _Industry News 1. General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the energy storage battery company!

2024年3月18日下午,习近平总书记在湖南省长沙市考察巴斯夫杉杉电池材料有限公司,了解当地加快发展新质生产力、扩大高水平对外开放等情况。据了解,巴斯夫杉杉电池材料有限公司是德国领先的化学公司巴斯夫和中国企业五百强杉杉2021年共同成立的合资公司。合资公司主要聚焦于快速增长的电动汽车(EV)领域,并持续服务于全球消费电子及储能市场。 After a decade, another 100-million-ton oil field was found in the central and northern Bohai Sea

3月18日,中国海油对外宣布,中国渤海中北部海域再获亿吨级大发现——秦皇岛27-3油田,探明石油地质储量达1.04亿吨,这是该海域时隔10年再次获得重大油气发现。 3. SASAC:Accelerate the construction of a new energy industry system led by hydrogen, etc. 2024年3月18日,国务院国资委党委召开扩大会议。据悉,此次会议当中提到,加快构建以风电、太阳能发电大基地为主体,集中式与分布式协同发展,氢能、新型储能支撑调节、前沿核心技术引领带动的新能源产业体系。 4. Department of Energy of Yunnan Province:109 operating coal mines across the Province and 48 under-construction coal mines 近日,云南省能源局发布公告,指出云南省能源局对全省生产建设煤矿产能情况进行了复核,截至2023年12月31日,云南省安全生产许可证等证照齐全的生产煤矿109处,产能6589万吨/年;手续齐全建设规模为30万吨/年及以上的煤矿48处,建设规模2370万吨/年,新增产能1810万吨/年。 _ 4 _International Focus

Construction of unit 7 of the Leningrad nuclear power plant in Russia starts

Recently, Unit 7 of the Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant in Russia completed the pouring of the first tank of concrete on March 14, 2024, and construction work was officially started. The Leningrad Nuclear Power Station is a nuclear power plant in Russia. It is located in Sosnovybor, the city of Leningrad Oblast on the south bank of the Gulf of Finland. The city is about 70 kilometers away from the center of Leningrad. The Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant has four units in operation. The original units 3 &4 use the Soviet RBMK-1000 reactor, and units 5 &6 (or LNPP-II 1 &2) use the new VVER-1200 unit. Units 5 &6 replace Units 1 &2's RBMK-1000 reactors, which were retired in 2018 and 2020. The new 7 &8 units will replace the original 3 &4 units.

US energy giants issue dire warnings:AI Could Trigger U.S. Power Shortfalls

In a recent speech, John Ketchum, CEO of NextEra Energy, the largest wind and solar farm developer in the United States, clearly pointed out that the application of AI technology will cause problems to the U.S. power supply. Ketchum said that with the widespread application of artificial intelligence technology, the annual growth rate of U.S. electricity demand will accelerate from the current less than 1% to around 1.8%.

Call for Papers


2024 Second Zhejiang Optical Storage Industry Development Conference

March 22-23, Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Supervising Unit:Department of Economy and Information Technology of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Provincial Energy Bureau

Organizer:Zhejiang Solar Photovoltaic Industry Association Guoneng Energy Research Institute

Hosting organization:International Energy Network Photovoltaic Headlines Energy Storage Headlines

support Unit :

State Grid Zhejiang Company Huaneng Group Zhejiang Company Datang Group Zhejiang Company Zhejiang Company Zheneng Group New Energy Company Zhengtai Xinenergy Huawei Digital Energy Jinlang Technology Hewang Electric Eleven Technology Tianhefu Jiarunma Solar Energy One New Energy LONGi Green Energy Tongwei Shares Jinke Energy Huasheng New Energy Zhongrun Solar Technology Ouda Optoelectronics Shandong Installation Jinyuan Huaxing

Meeting Content: 聚焦“光伏、储能”产业高质量发展,探讨光储大基地、工商业光伏、工商业储能、户用光伏等应用模式,共同分享发展成果和思路,以及技术路径、示范项目、产业未来等趋向性话题。

Attending Guests: 邀请国家主管部委,科研机构,行业机构,省经信委、省能源局及其部分市县级主管部门的领导,五大六小电力集团、能源央国企等电源电源企业,金融机构、设计院、EPC、光储产业链企业的管理者和代表,省协会会员,主流媒体等。

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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