_ 1 _Inflation in the US hit a new 40-year high of 7.9% in February.

State Grid Corporation of China Chairman Zhang Zhigang visits five energy power generation groups

2. Xi'an:Strictly prohibit the construction of coal-fired power plants (including captive power plants)

#3. Zhejiang:Over 4000 distributed PV enter green power trading market in 2023

#Inner Mongolia's new energy connected power generation capacity exceeds 100 million kilowatts

#5. Pan Jianyong appointed deputy director of Zhejiang Energy Bureau

#6. Sunlit New Energy's chief accountant resigns

#Approval granted for expansion of 2nd Qinghai-Tibet DC project

Zhejiang Electric Power's first rooftop PV project gains green certificates

9 Killed, 4 Injured as Blast Rips Through Hydroelectric Dam in Italy

_ 2 _Corporate Trending

Shaanxi Yanchang Youeng Clean Energy Co., Ltd. was established

On April 8, 2023, Shaanxi Yanchang Yulin Clean Energy Co., Ltd. was officially established after restructuring through capital increase and share expansion. Among them, Yanchang Petroleum Group holds 51% of the shares, becoming the controlling shareholder of the company. The company will assume the main responsibility of the Yulin Coal-to-Clean Fuel Upgrading Demonstration Project and actively promote various aspects of the project.

State Energy Investment Group Hainan Company generates over 450 million kilowatt-hours

As of April 8th, the annual electricity generation of the National Energy Group Haixi company has reached a total of 451.4 million kilowatt-hours, a 164.5% year-on-year increase, playing an active role in the energy supply responsibility and producing green electricity continuously.

3. PetroChina conducts its first ultra-low-sulfur fuel bunkering operation in Europe

On 6 April (local time), the Dutch company relied on local oil depot resources to carry out ultra-low-sulfur fuel oil ship refuelling operations at the Port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands, refuelling more than 2,000 tonnes via a chartered barge. This is the first time that PetroChina has carried out ultra-low-sulfur fuel oil ship refuelling operations in Europe, which signifies that the company's business value chain has been further extended, laying a solid foundation for further expanding the European market.

_ 3 _** Industry news **

1. China's largest CCUS demonstration project spherical tank completed

As of April 8, the outer corridor, section C1, for foundation axis excavation of the first phase project of the Ningxia 3 million t/a CCUS demonstration project has been completed with an excavation volume of 770 cubic meters, achieving a completion rate of 100%. The welding work for the two spherical tanks, each with a capacity of 1,000 cubic meters, used for carbon source capture has been completed, 22 days ahead of schedule, laying a solid foundation for advancing the project construction with high quality in the later phase. The Ningxia 3 million t/a CCUS demonstration project is a green and low-carbon demonstration project jointly established by the local government and two leading central enterprises in the industry, namely, the Ningxia Coal Industry Company and the Changqing Oilfield Branch of China National Petroleum Corporation.

Auto production and sales reach new highs since 2019 4月10日,中国汽车工业协会发布2024年3月汽车产销数据。3月,汽车产销分别完成268.7万辆和269.4万辆,环比分别增长78.4%和70.2%,同比分别增长4和9.9%。1-3月,汽车产销分别完成660.6万辆和672万辆,同比分别增长6.4%和10.6%。一季度汽车产销量实现开门红,创2019年以来一季度产销量的新高。但仍未达到2017年、2018年的水平 。3. Zhejiang:Photovoltaic decommissioning capacity of more than 100,000 kilowatts will be achieved by 2027 4月9日,浙江省人民政府关于印发浙江省推动大规模设备更新和消费品以旧换新若干举措的通知,通知指出,到2027年,完成煤电机组节能降碳改造1200万千瓦、灵活性改造400万千瓦、供热改造600万千瓦,完成石油储运设备更新50个以上,完成风电装机升级改造7万千瓦以上、光伏装机退役10万千瓦以上。 4. Shandong:Focus on developing new energy sources such as wind power, solar energy, and biomass energy 4月9日,山东发改委等部门联合发布《关于进一步完善绿色金融体系推动能源和产业转型的若干措施》。文件指出,重点支持风能、太阳能、生物质能、地热能、氢能、核能等新能源发展;促进煤炭清洁高效开发转化利用等传统能源转型;支持社会资本参与新型储能建设;建立和完善适应高比例新能源消纳的市场机制。绿色低碳技术进步。 _ 4 _International Focus

US set to unleash new round of solar trade tariffs

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen recently sent a heavy signal:She plans to take action to protect the domestic solar manufacturing industry. In an interview with reporters, Yellen elaborated on the government's grand plan to reduce its reliance on China for clean energy supplies, specifically mentioning the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). she stressed:"In order to get rid of over-dependence on China, we are making every effort to support domestic industries, especially solar cells, electric batteries and electric vehicles. We have observed that China's huge investment in these areas has led to a certain degree of overcapacity. Therefore, we will provide tax subsidies to these key industries and some of their sub-industries to stimulate domestic production and innovation." Although there has been no official announcement yet, analysts at RothMKM have keenly captured this trend. They predict that new anti-dumping and countervailing duty (AD/CVD) cases may be filed after April 25, 2024. This date marks the official entry into force of the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC)'s new AD/CVD regulations, when the United States may take more proactive measures to protect domestic industries from unfair competition.

2. Victoria, Australia:Extend solar roof rebate scheme

The Victorian Government has extended the application deadline for its first round of Solar Homes Rebate program to May 31, 2024, after the program received strong interest. Announced in February 2024, the Solar Homes program is a joint initiative between the Federal and Victorian governments and provides successful applicants with rebates of up to $2800 per apartment, to reduce the cost of installing solar photovoltaic (PV) systems on apartment buildings. The maximum rebate is $140,000 for buildings with up to 50 apartments. An average apartment household could save up to $500 off their annual electricity bills by switching to solar.



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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