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Today, let's talk about Malatang

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Recently, it has become popular because of Mala Tang

Gansu Tianshui
Tourism popularity continues to be "hot and hot"

Travel order volume during the Qingming Festival

The year-on-year growth exceeded 21 times
Beijing, 1400 kilometers away from Tianshui

Several stores also took advantage of the situation to launch

Tianshui Same Mala Tang

天水麻辣烫的“灵魂双椒” 是甘谷辣椒和秦安花椒
民乐紫皮大蒜等 诸多土特产巧妙地融合在一起
In fact, it is a concentrated display of Gansu's high-quality specialty agricultural products 麻辣烫 带火的不仅是天水的文旅 还有上下游的产业链
比如“甘味 ” 土特产

Tianshui is not only Malatang
There are also unique cultural resources with profound heritage
A lot of work has also been done locally
Renovation of fences from painting walls overnight
To open the Malatang special line
Then go to the government compound and open the door
Free parking for foreign tourists
Tianshui works hard to catch this huge traffic

Innate cultural advantages
Coupled with the all-round integration of culture and tourism
Will make tourists attracted by Malatang
See a broader view

Qingming holiday
Many cities will welcome large passenger flows
be tested
Who will be the next "Internet celebrity" city?
we don't know
But rooted in one's own cultural characteristics
Operate with sincerity
Maybe you can use small resources to unleash a large effect
After all, it is not enough to "break the circle" once
It will take a long time to consolidate the results


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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