_ 1 _Top News 1. State Grid signs Brazil's largest transmission concession project2、三一重能将推2024年员工持股计划** 3、山东高速充电站实现全绿电供应4. The smart rail tram independently developed by CRRC Zhuzhou was tested in Turkey 5、 全球海拔最高风电在西藏开工!6. Shanxi will build a total of 200 intelligent coal mines this year7、 四川成都市中航锂电储能电站项目正式投运** 8、 俄罗斯奥伦堡州超8800栋房屋断电** 9、马来西亚发布住宅光伏补贴计划** **

_ 2 _Enterprise hotspot 1. Datang's wind power projects have been approved to participate in green power transactions! 近日,大唐福建公司平潭长江澳海上风电项目成功通过绿色电力交易准入条件核验,进入公示环节,标志着福建省内首家海上风电项目获批参与绿电交易,实现海风绿电“零的突破”。 Successful acceptance and delivery of the first set of GWBD-A blades from Chengdu Feigan, Gansu Company 近日,重庆成飞甘肃公司首套GWBD-A叶片顺利验收交付,项目试制全体人员及客户代表参加仪式。审核组对GWBD- A产品质量、工艺技术、项目资料等方面进行全面审核。经过3天审核,首套叶片各项指标均达到项目策划目标并获得客户认可,为后续叶片批量生产提供可靠保证。 3、东方电气民用核安全设备制造许可证获国家核安全局批准延续**

Recently, the manufacturing license for civil nuclear safety equipment (the "Major License") of Dongfang Electric has been approved for extension by the National Nuclear Safety Administration (NNSA). This continues to show that the Major License is the only one held by a nuclear power equipment manufacturing group in China. It not only demonstrates the NNSA's determination to build a strict nuclear safety responsibility system, but also solidifies Dongfang Electric Group's nuclear safety responsibility and quality management responsibilities under the Major License.

_ 3 _** Industry news **

Construction starts on Liaoning Tai Zihe pumped storage power station project

4月7日,辽宁太子河抽水蓄能电站项目开工仪式在本溪举行。项目总投资121.45亿元,规划总装机容量1800兆瓦。电站建成后,年抽水电量48.18亿千瓦时,年发电量36.14亿千瓦时,主要服务辽宁电网,在电力系统中将承担调峰、填谷、储能、调频、调相和紧急事故备用等任务,维护电网安全稳定运行,对推动辽宁新能源发展,强化能源电力安全保供,更好维护国家能源安全,促进辽宁经济社会发展绿色转型发挥重要作用。 2. Jiangsu Taixing's first natural gas hydrogen-doping station was completed近日,江苏泰兴首个天然气掺氢站建成。 据悉,这一天然气掺氢站位于泰兴经济开发区,目前已经顺利完成了调试与试运行工作,即将进行项目综合验收。此外,二期掺氢站于2024年4月开工建设,力争6月底前建成投产。等到二期掺氢站正式建成之后,两座掺氢站的年度氢消纳量可达1000万立方米,每年将减少二氧化碳排放近5万吨。 Shanxi Province issues an action plan for cultivating an innovative cluster of trillion-level silicon-based solar photovoltaic industries 陕西省发展和改革委员会印发《陕西省培育千亿级硅基太阳能光伏产业创新集群行动计划》的通知,通知称以大型电站、分布式发电、智能光伏、光伏建筑一体化等应用带动产业发展,深度融入“一带一路”大格局拓展市场。力争到2025年形成年产值3500亿元以上的硅基太阳能光伏产业创新集群,2035年产值达7000亿元以上。 4. Wuhan:Total installed PV capacity to reach 1 GW by 2025 近期,武汉市人民政府印发《武汉市碳达峰实施方案》,方案提出:大力发展非化石能源。推进太阳能、风能、氢能、地热能、生物质能开发利用,创新发展“新能源+储能”。到2025年,光伏发电总装机达到100万千瓦,可再生能源综合生产能力达到80万吨标准煤。
_ 4 _International Focus

Oil climbs most in a week since early February

On April 5, there was significant turbulence in the international crude oil market. The price of Brent crude oil surpassed $90 per barrel, marking the highest weekly increase since the beginning of February. At 1 pm that day, the futures price of Brent crude oil reached $87.50 per barrel, reaching a new record high since $92.45 on the 23rd of last month. During the week, the futures price of Brent crude oil rose by 5%, the largest increase since the week ending on February 2 (6.3%).

China's PV product exports to the U.S. in 2023

In 2023, China's photovoltaic cell exports to the United States will be US$3.347 million, accounting for less than 0.1% of my total photovoltaic cell exports, down 6.7% year-on-year; my photovoltaic module products will be US$13.147 million, accounting for 0.03%, a year-on-year increase of 11.4%. Affected by the superimposed tariffs in the two "double reverse","201" and "301" cases, except for a small number of enterprises with lower "double reverse" review tax rates exporting double-sided components, the mainland of China currently directly exports photovoltaic cell products to the United States. It is basically impossible to achieve.



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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