Gao Yan, who is still the legal representative of State Grid Corporation as of press time, who on earth is he? And where has he gone?

国家电力公司成立于1997年1月16日, 2002年11月,国家电力公司拆分重组成11家公司,包括 State Grid Corporation of China, China Southern Power Grid, China Huaneng Group, China Datang Group, China Huadian Corporation, China Guodian Corporation, China Power Investment Corporation, China Energy Engineering Group, China Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Group, China Hydropower Engineering Consulting Group Corporation, and China Gezhouba Group Corporation. 就在拆分前两个月,国家电力公司“一把手”高严竟然潜逃至国外,至今22年过去了,他仍然是追逃榜单的重要人物。 中央追逃办成立以来,追回了大量外逃的贪腐官吏。但他却是迄今为止外逃级别最高的官员——云南原省委书记、原国家电力公司总经理高严。 有人说他已改名换姓,去了澳洲生活,也有人说,他可能在美国或者加拿大生活,但至今为止都没有任何确实可信的证据证明他到底逃亡到哪个国家。 The "Electric Tiger" from the Village

Kaoshantun, about 40 kilometers west of Yushu City, Jilin Province, is now an ordinary village with about 100 families. Gao Yan was born in an ordinary family like Northeast China. Gao Yan's parents do not want their son to live a hard life in the village all his life like them. They hope that he will study hard and get out of the countryside. Gao Yan indeed lived up to expectations. He successfully entered the university, obtained a postgraduate degree, and learned rich knowledge of thermal system automation.

In December 1962, Gao Yan was assigned to the workshop of Jilin Thermal Power Plant right after his graduation, becoming a technician. Gao Yan had become a role model for the whole neighborhood. He had the so-called "iron rice bowl", which brought him great satisfaction. He didn't expect to lead a life of luxury but just hoped to make a decent living through his own efforts.

His workplace is the largest heat power plant in the northeast region. A female employee who joined the plant in 1958 recalled Gao Yan in the following way:Gao Yan used to work shifts with me at the boiler factory. I have a deep impression of him - he was short, always smiling, good at talking and had the gift of the gab. When he sees someone, he knows exactly what to say or do.

Perhaps he was able to "get things done," or perhaps it was because of his achievements at the power plant that Gao Yan was promoted with great speed. In 1965, Gao Yan became the Party Youth League Secretary of the factory, in 1969 he became the Party Branch Secretary of the chemical plant, and in 1974 he became the Deputy Director of the factory's Revolutionary Committee. In August 1975, Gao Yan was transferred to the Jilin Province Electric Power Administration and became the Deputy Director.

Since 1983, Gao Yan has made many significant contributions to the construction of power projects. He has served concurrently as the general commander of the engineering project of the Tongliao Power Plant and completed the construction of the project three years ahead of schedule.

In 1985, Jilin Thermal Power Plant's phase six expansion project installed two 200,000-kilowatt units and two 670-ton/hour boilers. At that time, Gao Yan, the deputy director of Jilin Provincial Electric Power Industry Bureau, served concurrently as the general commander of the project. Because he focused on the progress of project construction, the project was completed and connected to the grid ahead of schedule, and his ability was recognized by the leadership, and his promotion went smoothly.

In January 1988, Mr. Gao Yan was promoted to Vice Governor of Jilin Province. In 1995, he was elevated to Secretary of the CPC Yunnan Provincial Committee. Before he was put under investigation, he had served as Deputy Minister, General Manager and Party Secretary of the Ministry of Electric Power Industry.

Five real estate properties to support a mistress 1996年1月,高严正在云南担任省委书记,他认识了香港某公司的总经理韩某,两人在一起参加饭局的时候,韩某暗示高严要多关照自己的“卷烟生意”,日后一定会重金酬谢。 在富商竭力讨好,想跟自己拉近关系的时候,高严开始动摇了党性,开始频繁收受他人的贿赂,利用职权帮别人谋取福利。 他通过利用自己手中的权力给韩某介绍了云南红塔集团的董事长褚时建,褚时健代表红塔集团和韩某的公司签下了12800箱卷烟的单子,直接让韩某赚到了将近900万的利润,高严只是介绍俩人认识就拿到了14万人民币的“中介费”。 高严开始一发不可收拾,不仅收受贿赂,还开始玩弄女性。就任云南省委书记不久,他认识了电视台的一位女主持人杨珊。 在酒桌上,杨珊频频端杯,暗送秋波,使出了浑身解数,让时年53岁的“老严”成为她的裙下之臣。

Because Yang Shan worked in Beijing, Gao Yan "arranged" five properties for him in Beijing, all occupying the area of the power system.

Gao Yan also used the bribes to buy a luxury house worth 2.93 million in Shanghai, providing them with a "warm home".

Gao Yan also provided his mistress with a luxury sedan, making it convenient for her to travel between Beijing and Shanghai.

Gao Yan, the general manager of State Grid, lived in a "summer palace" in Shanghai for a long time under the guise of recuperating, often embracing his mistress on the bed, and remotely managing State Grid's daily affairs by phone.

Gao Yan's personal secretary was called Huang Yu, and Huang Yu became Gao Yan's megaphone to issue work tasks to the party group of the State Power Company. It has become very difficult for the deputy general managers and party members of the power company to personally report their work to Gao Yan face-to-face. Gao Yan's practice of using his secretary to remotely control leadership team members has aroused dissatisfaction among other management levels. In the critical period of power system reform, as the person in charge of the company is often away from the company, how should the work advance? So report letters from the unit were constantly sent to the discipline inspection department. Gao Yan also sensitively felt that things were a little wrong, so he was ready to flee.

A cunning rabbit has three burrowsseverity of the high

Gao Yan allegedly abused his power to grant his brothers, sisters, son-in-law, maternal uncle, and cousin a total of 18 national power system engineering projects, involving an amount as high as 500 million yuan.

2002年9月,时年六旬的高严突然消失得无影无踪,犹如神秘的幽灵,巧妙地躲避了所有人的追踪。 On October 30, 2008, Hangzhou Public Security Bureau revealed a wanted notice with a 200,000 yuan reward on its official website.

Gao Yan not only possessed multiple false names and IDs—including Gao Qinglin, Zhang Chuanwei, and others—he also had four passports and one Hong Kong and Macau travel permit, police said. He may have hideouts in several countries, including Canada, the United States, and Australia, making it difficult to track down his whereabouts.

In 2002, The Sydney Morning Herald reported that Gao Yan may be hiding in Australia. In addition, his son, Gao Xingyuan, had been living in Australia for a long time and had property there. Shortly after, The New York Times followed up with a report on the matter. However, the Australian embassy in Beijing stated that they had not received any information indicating that Gao Yan had entered Australia.

A well-known Chinese-Australian media reporter who has long been concerned about China's overseas anti-corruption revealed that when it comes to China's overseas pursuit, the first thing Australia thinks of is Gao Yan. Not only are the Chinese people highly concerned about the pursuit of Gao Yan, but media across Australia are also


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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