4月8日,国家发改委发布《污染治理中央预算内投资专项管理办法》的通知。文件提出:列入绿色低碳先进技术示范项目清单的参照技术攻关管理并按支持资金不超过项目总投资的 30%控制,其他碳达峰碳中和先进技术示范及应用项目、重点行业和重点领域节能降碳项目支持资金按不超过项目总投资的 20%控制, 循环经济助力降碳项目支持资金按不超过项目总投资的 15%控制,单个项目支持资金原则上不超过 1 亿元。Relevant projects of the central and state agencies will be fully arranged in principle. Focusing on the scope of key support, the document is clear:"Support the construction of projects with leading technological level, outstanding emission reduction effects, and obvious demonstration effects in the 'double carbon' field, and focus on supporting the inclusion of绿色低碳先进技术示范项目 清单的项目。支持国家碳达峰试点城市和园区使用Biomass, Geothermal等可再生能源替代化石能源示范项目。” 文件提出:支持** 电力、钢铁、有色、建材、石化、化工、焦化、纺织、造纸、印染、机械、数据中心** 等重点行业重点领域节能降碳改造,重点用能单位和园区能源梯级利用、能量系统优化等综合能效提升,供热基础设施节能升级改造与综合能效提升,中央和国家机关节能改造等。 文件还对项目建设变更做出限制性规定:获得本专项支持的项目,应当严格执行国家有关法律法规和政策要求,严格按照项目批复以及中央预算内投资绩效目标表确定的总体目标、绩效目标实施建设, **不得擅自改变主要建设内容和建设标准,如确需改变,须按程序报批。严禁转移、侵占或者挪用本专项资金。**严格落实安全生产要求。**原文如下: **



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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