"Isn't spending money just to be happy?" Since last year, the concert market has been booming, and many people say that the consumption option of "watching concerts" is "for fun."

How do you feel when you buy a concert ticket and see the prompts "No","No" and "No"?

近日,乐队苏打绿巡回演唱会杭州站开票并发出提示,称**“购票即接受以下观演要求”, including 演出全程禁止录像、录音、拍照、直播,不得使用荧光棒、LED灯牌、闪光头饰等各式发光应援物,观演过程中将手机关机或调至静音模式,手机灯请勿打开等。**

记者查询近期在上海举办的多场演唱会售票页面,Most of them do not explicitly "prohibit taking photos and videos" ,多个售票网站的观演须知在“禁止携带物品”一栏标注“由于安保和版权的原因,大多数演出、展览及比赛场所禁止携带食品、饮料、专业摄录设备、打火机等物品”。

Regarding the rule of "no photos or videos" in concerts, some people said they could understand and make the atmosphere more immersive. Some people complained that it was unnecessary and imposing difficulties. Others felt that taking photos or recording a short video was nothing wrong as long as it was not commercial.

Can "rules" make concerts better? Ticket buyers are also consumers. Apart from "I buy tickets, I am happy", what rules should I abide by?

Is it hypocritical that you are not allowed to take pictures?

"This is always the case for Sodalv concerts." 社交媒体上,一则吐槽演唱会规矩多的发帖评论区,不少苏打绿的粉丝留言回应,“十几年了,那时候的演唱会体验感非常好,不拍摄。”苏打绿的官方微博也强调:“别忘了(苏)打绿演唱会的老规矩!确定可以配合再购票!”

Soda Green Tour Hangzhou Station Ticket Sales Tips

In September last year, Wu Qingfeng, the lead singer and singer of Soda Green, was on a hot search for a Weibo account of "criticizing the sea of concert mobile phones."

"Mobile phones are filled with all kinds of photography, selfies, flashes, accidentally turning on flashlights... To be honest, seeing many mobile phones in my heart will still trigger social terror. If I see you all put down your mobile phones one day, maybe I will become a social cow in a second and sing more! What I am more worried about is that if there are too many live broadcasts and filming, the society will be afraid of even music festivals." At that time, Wu Qingfeng said on Weibo,"In my special session or the group, we will still strictly stipulate it in the future. I think that unless the people on the stage don't mind, even if you buy a ticket, it doesn't mean you have the right to shoot. Even live broadcasts, I think that is an infringement."

“花了几百上千去看演唱会,大多数人都是喜欢演唱会上的氛围,Take a photo and record it. Is this worth being scolded by the singer? 更别提打开手机闪光灯是众多歌手应援的一部分。”在一位音乐博主的评论区,有人说:“社恐为什么要来做歌手?想在台上赚钱为什么不克服自己的弱点?”还有一条点赞数万的评论说:“这么PUA粉丝,真的好吗?”“不想被拍?待在深闺大院就好了,这么矫揉造作”。

"The original intention was just to express my own likes, dislikes and fears.""I originally said it to my audience.""I have never criticized, but it can be regarded as a plea for help." Faced with the intensifying discussion, Wu Qingfeng replied several times. His Weibo said,"Please don't misinterpret me or take it out of context."

歌手不许观众拍照是矫情吗?有人认为,吴青峰的这番抒发之所以引起反弹,是不同场景下不同群体诉求的交锋,这也是后来他强调“对着我的观众说”的原因。“现在的演唱会观众,一部分是粉丝,一部分是路人,路人看演唱会为了自己开心,以歌手是不是开心的出发点要求守规矩就很拧巴。” Others believe that not taking photos can indeed make the performance atmosphere better ,“谁也不想自己被前面的手机挡得严严实实吧”“搞错了重点,这跟歌手喜不喜欢没关系,主要还是为了观看体验”“演唱会用耳朵聆听、眼睛观看、用心感受,不是更好吗?”

In September 2023, a media company conducted a survey on "How to view the requirement to ban photo and video recordings of concerts"

There are too many rules that only fans understand?

"I'm going to watch XXX's concert this weekend. Ask fans what to pay attention to?" On social media, there are many posts about the rules of "popular science" concerts. An audience member said frankly:"There is a lot of pressure to watch a concert. I am afraid that I don't understand the rules. Not only will it be pointed out on the spot, it may even be posted online for a public 'trial'." Some people disagree:"How many rules can there be for a concert? Hey, it's over. Manage the east and west. Is it watching a concert or taking classes?"

In the eyes of many people, watching concerts is originally a way to relax and even relieve stress. Compared with more serious classical performances, there should be less "rules". In particular, there are some rules that only "fans" know.

Some people also complained about the concert's "incomprehensible Internet phenomenon"-"Some viewers didn't understand the singer at all, and later posted a post to denounce them because of these unknown parts, such as whether the song list was in line with their wishes and whether there were any songs they wanted to hear. Therefore, the popular science song list for Eason Chan's concert fan club is unpopular, fans for the soda-green concert cannot take photos for popular science, and there are no glow sticks for Lin Youjia's concert... These are all things you need to know before buying a ticket."

一位演唱会“资深”观众告诉记者,Except for some basic rules, there are indeed no "rules" in concerts. What is just a "tacit understanding" between the audience and the performer, not mandatory ,不过,双向奔赴实现的“默契”,确实能提供更高的情绪价值。“现在演唱会火了,观众边界被不断打破,不可能人人都是‘粉丝’。‘粉丝’想让现场氛围更好,最好是友善提示,我就挺欣赏有位歌手说的‘用应援色荧光棒,我很开心;有不同颜色的荧光棒,我也很开心,因为这代表你是新朋友’。”

有观众表示,演唱会体验好,自然吸引“路人”变“粉丝”,愿意主动融入统一的氛围;还有人表示,"The principle of watching a concert is to be comfortable, and the 'rule' is not to affect others."

In the era of Short Video, how to "watch" concerts?

Regarding the various rules of concerts, such as taking photos and videos, it is a highly controversial area.

According to the provisions of Articles 39 and 43 of China's Copyright Law, performers have the right to permit others to broadcast live and publicly transmit their live performances and receive remuneration for their performances, and to permit others to record and record their performances and receive remuneration. The right, and the right to permit others to disseminate their performances to the public through information networks and receive remuneration. When producers of audio and video recordings produce audio and video recordings, they shall conclude a contract with the performer and pay remuneration.

At the same time, Article 52 clearly stipulates that anyone who broadcasts live or publicly transmits his live performance, or records his performance without the permission of the performer, is an act of copyright infringement, and shall bear civil liability such as stopping the infringement, eliminating the impact, and apologizing for damages according to the circumstances.

"Originally, it was common sense not to take photos or record videos. It was to protect the rights and interests of performers. However, it seems that many performers don't care much anymore. The trend in the era of Short Video is irreversible." Audience Xiaoyue said that she originally insisted on not taking photos or recording at the concert, and would advise other audiences who took photos and videos,"gradually being regarded as a 'freak' and no longer meddling in 'busy'. Nowadays, I occasionally take out my mobile phone to take a few photos or record a short video when watching concerts myself, mainly to leave some special passages as a souvenir."

观众通过手机或专业设备拍摄演唱会现场属于一种录制行为,根据法律规定,未经音乐著作权人和歌手或演出组织者的同意,擅自拍摄演唱会视频,后期进行加工编辑传播,很有可能构成著作权侵权。不过, Taking a few photos with your mobile phone and sharing dozens of seconds of concert clips with friends seems to most people to be "not that serious"

除了现场直播被严格禁止,一位音乐博主分析,“随着网络媒体发展,The entertainment industry has formed an unwritten rule:Let netizens spread their feelings about the content of the performance, thereby expanding their influence. ”还有表演者主动拥抱这种变化,制作、发布演唱会短视频。

"The ultimate purpose of watching a concert shouldn't be to post on Facebook and Douyin." 一位观众表示,理解苏打绿演唱会的规定。有演艺界人士表示,在售票前明示规则,有助于维护消费者权益,“同时,拍摄留念是一部分观众的情感需求,** 表演者不妨在不影响演出整体的段落适度考虑回应这种需求**。”



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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