_ 1 _Inflation in the US hit a new 40-year high of 7.9% in February.

Liu Mingjiang, chief economist of China Energy Construction Group, is under investigation

12 intelligent coal mines in Inner Mongolia pass acceptance test

In the first quarter, the new energy installed capacity in the five southern provinces increased by 72% year-on-year

4. Anhui:No wind or photovoltaic power field projects are allowed in provincial natural parks.

5. Yu Huiwen was appointed vice minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment

6. Ministry of Commerce:EU twists definition of subsidy arbitrarily

Tehran, Iran's capital, plans to build the first batch of charging stations for new energy vehicles

8. The first batch of wind turbines in Uzi's first large-scale wind power project successfully completed 168 hours of reliable operation

P-type dense material plummeted by 18.83%!

** **

_ 2 _Enterprise hotspot 1. Liu Mingjiang, chief economist of Power Construction of China, was investigated! 国际能源网获悉,中国电力建设股份有限公司总经济师刘明江涉嫌严重违纪违法,目前正接受中央纪委国家监委驻国务院国资委纪检监察组和江西省南昌市监委纪律审查和监察调查。2014年2月—2024年3月, 刘明江 任中国电力建设股份有限公司总经济师;2014年9月起任中国电力建设集团(股份)有限公司党委委员。 据中国电建2022年年报披露,报告期内,刘明江从公司获得的税前报酬总额110.51万元。Cao Renxian met with Jiang Yi, Party Secretary and Chairman of China Huadian

4月10日,阳光电源董事长曹仁贤一行拜会中国华电党组书记、董事长江毅,双方就深化新能源领域互惠合作进行交流。江毅表示:希望双方围绕“双碳”目标,充分发挥各自领先优势,在新能源设备、绿电制氢应用、能源科技创新、国际业务发展等方面拓展合作范围,加强关键核心技术协同攻关。 3. Longyuan Power:10 million kilowatts of new energy projects to be built this year 4月8日,龙源电力发布投资者关系活动记录表表示,2023年,龙源电力新增控股装机容量4509.83兆瓦,其中风电1562.55兆瓦,光伏2947.28兆瓦。截至2023年底,龙源电力总控股装机容量为35593.67兆瓦,其中风电27754.39兆瓦,火电1875.00兆瓦,光伏等其他可再生能源5964.28兆瓦。 4. Sanmen Nuclear Power Plant generates 100 billion kWh of electricity safely

As of 12:47 on April 11, the two units of the first phase of Sanmen Nuclear Power Project have achieved a total of 100 billion kilowatt-hours of safe power generation, equivalent to saving 28 million tons of standard coal and reducing carbon dioxide emissions for the country. As of 12:47 noon today, the two units of the first phase of Sanmen Nuclear Power Project have achieved a total of 100 billion kWh of safe power generation, equivalent to saving 28 million tons of standard coal and reducing carbon dioxide emissions for the country.
_ 3 _** Industry news **

China's Foreign Ministry responds to EU's investigation into its wind and solar industries

In response to the EU's announcement of an anti-dumping investigation into Chinese renewable energy equipment, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning stated that::There are concerns outside the EU about the rise in protectionism. China expresses grave concerns about the EU's discriminatory measures against Chinese companies and even industries. China's development of new energy-related industries demonstrates its advantages in technology, market, and industry chain. The export of relevant products has made significant contributions to the global response to inflation and climate change. It is hoped that the EU will not harm the efforts to address climate change while advocating for it. Protectionism cannot solve its own problems. Protectionism protects backwardness, loses the future, and results in a lose-lose situation. We urge the EU to comply with WTO rules and market principles. China will firmly safeguard the legal rights and interests of Chinese companies.

Implementation Plan for Energy Storage Development in Jieyang City, Guangdong Province (2023-2030) Released 4月8日,揭阳市发展和改革局关于印发《揭阳市储能发展规划(2023-2030年)》的通知,通知指出,海上风电规划方面,“十四五”及“十五五”期间,我市将全力推进重点项目落地落实,加速推进海上风电项目的核准,已建成投产近海浅水区揭阳市神泉一315.5MW、神泉一(二期)91MW、神泉二502MW等3个项目共908.5MW装机。 3. Nanchang, Jiangxi:Promote the construction of charging facilities to cover all areas 为推进电动自行车集中充电设施建设,加强南昌市电动自行车安全管理,4月10日,记者获悉,南昌市出台了《推进既有建筑电动自行车集中充电设施建设工作方案》(以下称《方案》),明确表示,将推进充电设施建设全覆盖,同时承诺不高于电费。 _ 4 _International Focus 1. Six Nordic countries sign an agreement to protect submarine energy infrastructure 4月9日,丹麦、比利时、英国、德国、挪威和荷兰,六个北欧国家签署协议,以加强对水下资产的保护措施,包括天然气管道和电缆。2022年针对北溪天然气管道的爆炸事件影响巨大,并对欧洲能源供给造成严重调整,此次签约的六个国家都与北海接壤,显然北海重要能源输送通道的安全受到这几个国家的强烈关注。 Fire on Pemex Platform Kills One 墨西哥国家石油公司(PEMEX)近日在官网上发布了一份声明(原文为西班牙语,后翻译成英语),透露坎佩切湾阿卡尔- B加工中心的一个平台在当地时间当天下午5点前发生火灾。墨西哥国家石油公司(PEMEX)周六在官网上发布了一份声明(原文为西班牙语,后翻译成英语),透露坎佩切湾阿卡尔- B加工中心的一个平台在当地时间当天下午5点前发生火灾。



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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