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In order to implement the central Party committee and the State Council's policy, according to the requirements of the new government and social capital cooperation mechanism (hereinafter referred to as "new PPP mechanism"), on April 10, the National Development and Reform Commission relied on the national online approval and supervision platform for investment projects to officially launch the national government and social capital cooperation project information system (hereinafter referred to as "information system") and sent the information system user manual to all localities.

Promoting the implementation of the new PPP mechanism is a major initiative to implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping. At present, the policy framework of the new PPP mechanism has been basically established, and the launch of the information system marks the entry of the new PPP mechanism into the comprehensive promotion stage. For government and social capital cooperation projects that have not completed the bidding and procurement procedures before the government and social capital cooperation project cleanup and verification in February 2023, as well as newly implemented government and social capital cooperation projects, they should be filled in the information system.

The information system helps to strengthen policy guidance and ensure the standardized implementation of the new PPP mechanism. The National Development and Reform Commission will organize professional teams to conduct random inspections and verifications on whether the project reporting content meets the requirements of the new PPP mechanism. Non-compliant projects will be included in the list of abnormal projects and made public. Projects that remain non-compliant after rectification will be removed from the information system.

The information system helps to strengthen public supervision and improve the quality and efficiency of project construction and operation. After the franchise plan is approved and the implementing agency initiates the franchisee selection procedure, relevant project information will be made public on the information system, facilitating public supervision of the project.

The information system will help strengthen funds and elements to provide the foundation for the development of relevant work. The completeness of the project information filled in the information system will serve as an important basis for government investment support during the project construction period, through loan-investment linkage mechanisms, and for recommending projects to financial institutions. Banks and other financial institutions are encouraged to leverage their professional capabilities to provide financing support for projects within the information system in accordance with the law.

Next, the National Development and Reform Commission will continuously improve the information system, give full play to the important role of the information system, and earnestly promote the implementation of the new PPP mechanism. This will encourage the participation of private enterprises to the greatest extent, improve the quality of public products and public service levels, and ensure that the new PPP mechanism develops in a standardized and transparent manner.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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