Recently, the three departments jointly issued the "Notice on Organizing and Carrying out the" Action to Control Wind in Thousands of Villages "to promote the local and nearby development and utilization of wind power in rural areas according to local conditions, strengthen the village collective economy, assist rural revitalization, and promote rural energy green and low-carbon transformation. In-depth integration of the development of the green energy industry with the promotion of common prosperity has opened up new space for the development of the wind power industry, the construction of Hemi rural areas, and the rural energy revolution.

Wind power to the countryside has multiple values. The vast rural areas are a big stage for the development of wind power. By rationally developing these abundant wind energy resources, China's energy utilization efficiency can be effectively improved and its dependence on fossil energy can be reduced. It not only promotes development but also benefits people's livelihood. The "Thousand Villages Wind Control Action" supports various investment entities and village collectives to jointly carry out the development and construction of wind power projects in accordance with the "village-enterprise cooperation" model, fully mobilizing the enthusiasm of both village collectives and investment enterprises, and will drive economic development in rural areas and ensure that collectives increase profits and villagers benefit. In addition, wind power, as a clean and renewable energy source, is of great significance for improving the ecological environment in rural areas and promoting the green and low-carbon transformation of energy in rural areas.

However, wind power to the countryside also faces certain challenges. First, due to the scattered wind power projects in rural areas, the return on input and output is not high. Previously, some development companies avoided talking about wind power going to the countryside, which requires the joint efforts of government and enterprises to reduce costs through policy support and technological innovation and improve project economics. Second, infrastructure in rural areas is relatively weak and new energy consumption capabilities are relatively weak. It is necessary to strengthen power grid construction and improve wind power grid connection capabilities. Third, the majority of farmers have insufficient understanding of new energy, and they need to strengthen popular science publicity and enhance farmers 'awareness and participation in environmental protection.

In view of these problems, since the 14th five-year Plan, the relevant departments have taken a series of measures. In terms of policy, it was proposed for the first time to launch the "Wind Control Plan in thousands of Townships and villages" in the notice on the Development and Construction of Wind and Photovoltaic Power in 2021 (draft for soliciting opinions) of the National Energy Administration at the beginning of 2021. To now organize and carry out the "Wind Control Action of thousands of Townships and villages", the policy has gradually increased its support to the rural wind power industry and reduced the investment cost by means of project approval and power grid access. The economic feasibility of letting wind power to the countryside is basically available. In terms of scientific and technological innovation, China's leading wind power enterprises continue to make efforts, and the technical means such as low-speed wind power generation technology and distributed energy system are becoming more and more mature, which can provide high-quality and sustainable economic benefits for rural areas. In terms of science popularization, the government and enterprises actively carry out new energy publicity activities to enhance farmers' awareness of environmental protection. For example, the construction and promotion of a number of pilot projects, such as the wind power project in Lankao County, Henan Province, the first offshore distributed wind power project in Fujian Pingtan Highway and Railway Bridge, and the Tianrun Xinneng Ye County Project in Henan Province, have provided valuable experience for the development of rural wind power.

Looking to the future, wind power going to the countryside will bring new development opportunities to China's wind power industry. With the continuous improvement of policy support, scientific and technological innovation and infrastructure construction, wind power to the countryside is expected to become a new energy pillar industry in rural areas, injecting new vitality into China's energy structure adjustment and rural economic development. At the same time, we also look forward to the joint efforts of the government, enterprises and rural areas to jointly promote wind power to rural areas to achieve greater results and help China achieve its green development goals.

author :Qiu Yanchao

edit:Kong Kexing

proofreading:Han Yuxi


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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