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The State Council recently issued the "Opinions on Strengthening Regulation to Prevent Risks and Promote High-quality Development of the Capital Market" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"). The Opinions consist of 9 parts, making them the third "Guoba Tiao" (a series of nine policies) for the capital market.

It has been introduced that this year’s Opinions from the State Council thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on the capital market, implement the arrangements of the Central Financial Work Meeting, and are the latest guiding documents for the capital market issued by the State Council, after the two “Nine Provisions by the State Council” in 2004 and 2014.

The Opinions stress that we must uphold and enhance the leadership of the Party, ensuring that the capital market always maintains the correct development direction; we must always adhere to the concept of finance serving the people, and more effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors, especially small and medium-sized investors; we must comprehensively strengthen supervision and effectively prevent and defuse risks, ensuring that supervision has "teeth and claws" and a clear definition; we must always uphold the principles of marketization and the rule of law, further comprehensively deepen the reform of the capital market, and better coordinate opening-up and security; we must firmly grasp the theme of high-quality development, and more effectively serve key areas of the national economy and the construction of a modern industrial system.

You are a translation expert. I need this text translated into English. The translation should be fluent and grammatically correct. Just the translation itself is required. First sentence::Clear tasks for capital market in the next five years

The "Opinions" point out that in the next five years, the overall framework for high-quality development of the capital market will basically take shape. The institutional mechanism for investor protection will be further improved. The quality and structure of listed companies will be significantly optimized, and the strength and service capabilities of securities, funds, and futures institutions will continue to be enhanced. The regulatory capacity and effectiveness of the capital market will be greatly improved. A sound ecosystem for the capital market will be formed faster.

By 2035, a highly adaptive, competitive, and inclusive capital market will be basically established, and the legitimate rights and interests of investors will be more effectively protected. The investment and financing structure will become more reasonable, the quality of listed companies will improve significantly, and the construction of first-class investment banks and investment institutions will make obvious progress. The capital market supervision system and mechanism will be more complete.

By the middle of this century, the modernization level of the capital market governance system and governance capabilities will be further improved, and a high-quality capital market that matches a financially strong country will be built.

Convert the following Chinese text into English. The translation should be fluent and grammatically correct. Return the content directly. Second item::Strictly control the access to listing and improve the system of issuance and listing

The Opinions require strictly controlling the access to issuance and listing, improving the listing standards for the main board and the start-up board, improving the evaluation standards for the scientific and technological innovation (STI) attributes of the Sci-Tech Innovation Board (STAR Market), expanding the coverage of on-site inspections, strengthening the responsibilities throughout the issuance and listing chain, increasing the regulatory efforts on issuance underwriting, and severely investigating illegal and irregular issues such as fraudulent issuance.

The greater the difficulty, the more we exert ourselves.:Continuous Supervision of Listed Companies

Strengthen the continuous supervision of listed companies, build a comprehensive punishment and prevention system for preventing and combating counterfeiting in the capital market, strictly crack down on various types of irregular reductions, strengthen the supervision of cash dividends of listed companies, and promote listed companies to improve their investment value.

Article 4:Strengthen delisting supervision

Strengthen delisting supervision efforts, further strengthen mandatory delisting standards, ensure smooth and diverse delisting channels, accurately combat illegal behaviors of companies trying to protect themselves from delistings, and establish a complete compensation and relief mechanism for investors in delisting.

Article 5:Enhance supervision of securities and fund institutions to drive the industry back to its roots and become stronger

Strengthening the supervision of securities and fund institutions, reinforcing the management of shareholders and business access, actively cultivating a good industry culture and investment culture, improving the industry's salary management system, resolutely correcting malpractices, and promoting the industry to return to its roots and become stronger.

Article 6:Strengthen transaction supervision to enhance the inherent stability of the capital market

To strengthen supervision of high-frequency quantitative trading and other activities and strictly investigate and punish illegal and irregular behaviors such as market manipulation and malicious shorting; to enhance building up of strategic strength reserve and stability mechanisms; to incorporate the impact of major economic or non-economic policies on the capital market into the assessment of the consistency of macro policy orientations; and to enhance the intrinsic stability of the capital market.

Article 7:Vigorously promote medium and long-term capital into the market

We should make great efforts to encourage the inflow of medium- and long-term funds into the market, vigorously develop equity public offering funds, optimize the policy environment for investment in equity by insurance funds, improve the investment policies of the National Social Security Fund and the Basic Old-age Insurance Fund, and encourage bank wealth management products and trust funds to actively participate in the capital market.

Article 8:Comprehensive deepening of reform and opening up

To further deepen reform and opening-up in an across-the-board way, promote the solid implementation of the registration-based system for share issuance, enhance the inclusiveness of new industries, new forms of business, and new technologies, foster the development of new productivity of good quality, improve the system of multi-level capital markets, and persist in coordinating high-level institutional opening-up and security of the capital market.

Article Nine:Strive to form a combined force to promote the high-quality development of the capital market

Enhance the construction of capital market rule of law, strengthen the joint crackdown on violations of securities and futures laws, deepen coordination and collaboration between the central and local authorities, and between different departments, and establish a supervisory force with strong political awareness, capabilities and work style, to promote collaborative efforts in facilitating the high-quality development of the capital market.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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