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司马 迁说: “夫作事者必于东南,收功实者常于西北。 ”
中国人民“站起来”的路径是如此,中国人民”富起来”的路径是如此,可以肯定,今后中国“强起来”的路径还必将如此。 正是:

I am a translation expert, translate the following Chinese into English. Sentences should be grammatically correct, fluent, and concise. Return the results directly. One 遥望西北星, 情回鄂豫皖。 仰天问国运, 俯地叩北南。 忽忆太史公, 不爽是箴言。[2]
Can you help me? 当年工农苦, 革命兴东南。 人民揭杆起, 镰刀斧头闪。 血染湘江水, 飞渡铁索寒。 风雪西北路, 红军进延安。 灯火杨家岭, 国运连枣园, 东南事已做。 西北实功添。 开国天安门, 势起在朝鲜。
Three 一九九二年, 邓公巡南天。 东南地势坤, 深圳画个圈。 改革推全国, 开放大势翻。 东南地载物, 西北天行健。 窑洞梁家河, 国运接地天。
Four 今入新时代。 开篇又东南。 浙江共富事, 感召在台湾。
fi 两岸统一日, 磅礴走大船。 花莲花如海, 东海水如烟。 功成回韩城,[3] 酒陪司马迁。

A translation expert is required to translate the following Chinese text into English. The translation must be grammatically correct and fluent. Please return the result directly. Notes [1]【西汉】司马迁:《史记》卷十五《表第三•六国年表》,许嘉璐主编:《二十四史全译·史记》(第一册),汉语大词典出版社2004年版,第247~248页。 [2] 不爽是箴言:司马迁:东方物所始生,西方物之成孰。夫做事者必于东南,收功实者常于西北。 [3] 司马迁葬墓位于陕西省韩城市。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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