_ 1 _Inflation in the US hit a new 40-year high of 7.9% in February.

Wu Mingri resigned from the post of Deputy General Manager of CGN Nuclear Technology Development Co., Ltd.

2. Kelun Electronics lost 529 million yuan in 2023

3. Deputy General Manager of Taisheng Wind Power Resigns

4. Sinochem Technology:Net profit for 2023 is approximately 2.22 billion yuan, a 37.77% year-over-year decrease

5. Energy Work Guiding Opinions Released in 2024, Enhancing the Supporting and Safeguarding Capability and Comprehensive Carrying Capacity of the Distribution Grid

6. Sichuan:Coal consumption in the province will peak by 2025

Hubei Hanchuan's First Batch of 10kV and Below Distribution Network Construction and Renovation Project for 2023 is Approved

Gansu sends message:Accelerate the construction of large wind and solar power generation bases and increase the installed capacity of grid-connected new energy by 12 GW

Saudi Arabia Extends 1 Million Barrel Per Day Voluntary Cuts Through June

10. U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm:LNG export study set to be finished by year's end

_ 2 _Enterprise hot spots 1. Wu Mingri resigned as deputy general manager of China Guangdong Nuclear Power Technology Development Co., Ltd. 3月21日,中广核核技术发展股份有限公司发布关于公司副总经理辞职的公告。公告显示,公司于3月19日收到公司副总经理吴明日先生提交的书面辞职报告,吴明日先生由于工作调整,申请辞去副总经理职务,辞职后仍在公司任其它职务。 2. Kelun Electronics lost 529 million yuan in 2023 3月21日,2023年,公司实现营业总收入42.00亿元,同比增长18.68%;归母净利润亏损5.29亿元,上年同期亏损1.01亿元;扣非净利润亏损3.62亿元,上年同期亏损4.66亿元;经营活动产生的现金流量净额为4.74亿元,同比增长6.88%;报告期内,科陆电子基本每股收益为-0.3398元,加权平均净资产收益率为-61.28%。 3. Deputy General Manager of Taisheng Wind Power Resigns 3月20日,上海泰胜风能装备股份有限公司(简称:泰胜风能)发布关于公司高级管理人员职务调整的公告。公告称,泰胜风能近日收到董事会秘书陈杰先生的书面辞职报告,陈杰先生因个人原因申请辞去公司副总经理及董事会秘书职务。陈杰先生原定任期至2025年6月5日。根据有关法律法规、规范性文件的规定,陈杰先生的辞职报告自公司董事会收到之日起生效。辞职后,陈杰先生将担任公司其他职务,不再担任公司高级管理人员。 4. Sinochem Technology:Net profit for 2023 is approximately 2.22 billion yuan, a 37.77% year-over-year decrease 3月22日,中材科技股份有限公司(简称:中材科技)发布2023年年度报告。公告称,2023年,公司实现营业收入258.9亿元,同比增长0.29%;实现归属于上市公司股东的净利润22.2亿元,同比下降37.77%;实现归属于上市公司股东的扣除非经常性损益的净利润19.6亿元,同比下降10.73%。 _ 3 _Industry News 1. Guidance on energy work in 2024 will be released to improve the support and comprehensive carrying capacity of the distribution network 近日,国家能源局发布关于印发《2024年能源工作指导意见》的通知。内容提到,印发实施指导火电转型发展的相关政策。推动煤炭、煤电一体化联营,合理布局支撑性调节性煤电,加快电力供应压力较大省份已纳规煤电项目建设,力争尽早投产。推动退役机组按需合规转为应急备用电源。在气源有保障、气价可承受、调峰需求大的地区合理规划建设调峰气电。深入落实《关于新形势下配电网高质量发展的指导意见》,提升配电网支撑保障能力和综合承载能力。强化迎峰度夏、度冬电力供需平衡预警,“一省一策”做好电力供应保障,加大供应紧张和偏紧地区的督促指导力度。优化抽水蓄能中长期发展规划布局。推动新型储能多元化发展,强化促进新型储能并网和调度运行的政策措施。压实地方、企业责任,推动电力需求侧资源参与需求侧响应和系统调节。 2. Sichuan:Peak the coal consumption of the whole province by 2025 四川省生态环境厅近日发布的《四川省空气质量持续改善行动计划实施方案(征求意见稿)》提出,到2025年,原煤消费量控制在7000万吨以内,实现全省煤炭消费量达峰。意见稿明确,扎实推进产业、能源、交通绿色低碳转型,强化面源污染治理,加强源头防控,加快形成绿色低碳生产生活方式。在保障能源安全供应的前提下,继续实施煤炭消费总量控制,重点削减非电用煤。强化商品煤质量监管,推进煤炭高效清洁利用,防止劣质煤炭流入市场。到2025年,原煤消费量控制在7000万吨以内,实现全省煤炭消费量达峰。 The first batch of 10kV and below distribution grid construction and renovation projects of Hanchuan City, Hubei Province in 2023 have been approved 近日,湖北汉川市发展和改革局发布关于汉川市2023年度第一批10千伏及以下配电网建设与改造工程核准的批复。内容提到,为打造智能配电网、提升配电网供电能力和供电可靠性,促进地方经济高质量发展,依据《行政许可法》、《企业投资项目核准和备案管理条例》、《企业投资项目核准和备案管理办法》,同意汉川市2023年度第一批10千伏及以下配电网建设与改造工程。 Gansu published an official document:Accelerate the construction of wind and photovoltaic power generation bases, and add 12GW of new energy grid-connected installed capacity 3月19日,甘肃省人民政府发布《甘肃省人民政府办公厅关于印发全面贯彻落实省委经济工作会议和省两会精神聚焦聚力打好高质量发展“六场战役”行动方案的通知》。《通知》指出,加快能源资源开发突破提升。推动新能源综合开发利用示范区获批实施。加快风光电大基地项目建设,全面启动陇电入鲁工程配套新能源项目,新增新能源并网装机1200万千瓦。争取新开工建设抽水蓄能项目2-3个,新开工1000万千瓦内用和外送煤电项目,新增新型储能装机200万千瓦。推进电力外送通道建设,争取陇电入鲁工程早日建成投产,陇电入浙、陇电入川工程早日开工建设。 _ 4 _International Focus 1. Saudi Arabia announced that it will extend its voluntary oil production reduction by 1 million barrels to the end of June 沙特阿拉伯通讯社3月3日援引沙特能源部


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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