继甘肃天水之后 辽宁大连也火了

最近在大连的Port East Five Street每天都挤满了人 大家举着手机、相机等各种设备 寻找着最佳角度 只为定格最美的瞬间

What's so good about taking pictures of a street?
Don't worry. Just follow the crowd's gaze and look back.

马路的尽头 是蔚蓝的大海 极目远眺,海天一色 轮船在两侧高楼间驶过 响起汽笛声 行人、车辆 组成一幅鲜活而生动的画面 是这个海滨城市别样的春日浪漫
港东五街火出圈后 大连也迅速开启了 “整活+宠粉”模式 有网友反映 轮船通过时间短, 不够看 大连相关部门便与轮船公司协调 在经过这里时 轮船会减速鸣笛 与远处的市民游客互动 最近轮船上还贴上了 宣传大连的标语

To ensure the safety of citizens and tourists
A special photo area has been set up locally, police forces have been increased to maintain traffic order, and brave female mounted police officers have been dispatched.

Not only that
Dalian officials also arranged check-in schedules and photo suggestions

As expected, many netizens said

"I don't want to be in this class for another day."

有不少眼尖的网友发现 港东五街的景色 与Kennedy Town, Hong Kong非常像 仿佛“北方香港”一样

却不一定去过坚尼地城 虽然离繁华的中环 只有4站地铁的距离 但是这里却像世外桃源一样 保留着一份恬静与惬意
前往坚尼地城的方式有很多 但是你一定不能错过Dingding Car坐上这个已经运行了百余年的交通工具 听着不断响起的“叮叮”声 欣赏沿途风景 感受港人的生活日常

说到坚尼地城最独特的街道风貌 那必然是科士街的Stonewall Tree依附在石墙上的细叶榕 已经有上百年的历史了 它盘根错节 形成一幅充满艺术感的“画作”

距离石墙树不远 就可以打卡 与大连港东五街拥有相似的Street view贴心的摄影发烧友们

是绝佳的Sunset by the sea打卡点 沿着窄长的旧木桥行至海边 感受温柔的海风 见证金黄的日落 天朗气清时 还可遥看对岸的灯塔 和大、小青洲

In anticipation of the upcoming holiday season
Come to Kennedy Town and meet a different Hong Kong

Integrated:CCTV News, Hong Kong Tourism Board, and the Dalian Culture and Tourism Bureau


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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