Today (8th) China's first independently built polar scientific research icebreaker "Xuelong 2" launched a five-day visit to Hong Kong

Xuelong 2 cruises Victoria Harbour from 10am to 11am

“雪龙2”号今日上午10至11时,进港海上巡游,届时香港将为其举行海陆空的欢迎仪式,包括飞行服务队派出两架直升机在维港上空低飞欢迎,民间和政府船只组成迎船船队,两艘消防船会喷水欢迎。 尖 沙咀海运码头也会有欢迎仪式,双 层巴士车队将贴上欢迎“雪龙2”号标志,陆上有乐队、舞狮助兴节目。 今晚,伊利沙伯体育馆举 行文艺晚会,破冰船员及科学家将与现场观众互动。

Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, John Lee Ka-chiu, said in his social media post on the 7th that this is a great event for Hong Kong's science popularization and environmental protection sectors, and will help enhance Hong Kong citizens' national identity.

Opening hours and things to know about visiting

During the port visit of “ Xuelong 2”, it will be open for public onboard tour from April 9th to 12th. Due to limitation of capacity, the visit will be organized by drawing lots. The expedition team and polar expert team will participate in a series of scientific research and popular science lectures to give Hong Kong citizens a better understanding of the scientific and technological achievements of the country in polar exploration.

"Xuelong 2" Open to Public

**开放时间:**4月9日至4月11日: 早上8时30分至晚上7时30分
4月12日:早上 8时 30分 至中午12时30分
Number of visitors: 预计总共3000人参观,计划20至30人一组登船。
交通: “雪龙2”号此次停泊于 香港 尖沙咀海运码头, 交通便利,乘搭港铁及巴士、小巴均可到达。

“Xuelong 2” visit Hong Kong series of events

Hong Kong Science Museum presents exhibition on "Polar Science and Climate Change" 日期:3月18日至6月26日
MS "Xuelong 2" berthing parade 日期:4月8日上午10至11时
地点: 香港 鲤鱼门至尖沙咀海运码头一带
Welcome Ceremony for “Xuelong 2” 日期:4月8日上午11时
地点: 香港 海运码头及海港城六公馆
Hong Kong Literary Gala Welcomes "Xuelong 2" 日期:4月8日下午7时30分至9时45分
地点: 香港 伊利沙伯体育馆
5 Public and group boat tours 日期:4月9日至12日
地点: 香港 海运码头
6th International Conference on Climate Change:Polar expeditions, ecological environment, and climate change 日期:4月9日至10日
7. Dialogue between scientists aboard "Xuelong 2" and Hong Kong students 日期:4月10日下午3时至4时
Valedictory Ceremony for “Xuelong 2” 日期:4月12日
地点: 香港 海运码头
9 Lectures on Polar Science for Primary and Secondary School Students and Traveling Exhibitions 日期:5月底至12月


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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