The following article comes from Shanghai Minsheng Express, author Wang Yifan

Shanghai MinSheng Contact Hotline.

Listen to people's demands, convey their opinions, alleviate their hardships, and serve the people

"I bought a car in a regular 4S store. The car was parked in the store and the insurance was in effect. However, the sales representative said that the certificate of conformity was pledged at a financial institution. If I can't get the vehicle certificate, I can't pick up the car." Recently, Mr. Lu, who had just replaced a new car, was very distressed.

Similar to 4S stores and consumers
There are not only disputes caused by vehicle certificates of certification. How do consumers know the situation when 4S stores pledge certificates for financing? How to protect your own rights and interests?
The car has been parked at the 4S store, but it cannot be picked up on time 今年三月份,卢先生想换一辆新车,便去往了A Toyota 4S store on Zhennan Road, Putuo District 进行挑选,选中了一款汉兰达现车,于3月11日支付定金,3月12日签订定车合同,约定付款后15天进行提车。可15天过去了,卢先生的新车保险已经生效,车款支付后发票也已经开出, The car is also parked in the parking lot of the 4S shop, but the delivery time has been delayed due to vehicle certificate issues. △购车合同写明15天提车。
销售解释道,The vehicle certificate is currently pledged to the financial institution. After the group's funds are approved, the certificate will be released and the vehicle will be delivered. 而卢先生表示此前对车辆合格证状态并不知情,销售在买车时曾只提及“车行提车有可能会慢一些”,卢先生也没有想太多,“这款车是现车,搞不懂要等什么,我和朋友们之前买车都是付完钱当天就提车的。”
与卢先生对接的销售回应说,"He's not the only car owner who is slow to pick up his car. Other car owners also have this situation. One car owner booked a car last year but didn't mention it for several months. He only mentioned it after sending a lawyer's letter." 卢先生没有其他办法,只好也仿效这种方式,于4月1日向车行发出律师函,催促其尽快交车。
Pledging vehicle certificates is a "regular" operation for some 4S stores 据汽车销售人员介绍,目前4S店从主机厂进货需要全款,款项有些是自有资金,有些则是从金融机构进行贷款,一般会将销售周期比较久的车质押,将车辆的合格证放在银行里。而根据《汽车销售办法》规定,供应商、经销商在交付汽车的同时,应当交付随车凭证和文件,并确保车辆配置表述与实物配置一致,包括中国制造车出厂合格证。 Therefore, when the vehicle is sold, the 4s store should cancel the certificate of conformity and deliver the relevant certificate and the vehicle to the consumer. 然而,近年来因合格证被质押而提不了车或者上不了牌照的情况各地均有发生。此前,有媒体报道过4S店资金断裂无钱解押合格证的问题,漳州一汽车4S店的十几名车主因此维权,却被销售人员告知,4S公司破产,法人失联,无法赎回合格证,导致车主们均无法上牌,而车主们此前对于合格证问题并不了解。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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