If you can't persuade you, do it

2024 2 22 8:50 Sansi Hall

At the Munich Security Conference, China has repeatedly emphasized China's position that China's role in international relations is a force for stability, development, and peace. China is a participant, builder, and advocate of the international order, not a destroyer, or a subversive commitment and foreign policy. However, the voice of the Munich bandit logic in the United States is the naked hegemonic threat of "You are not on the table, then you are on the menu."

China's development is beneficial to the world. China does not seek hegemony. Even if China becomes strong, it will not seek hegemony. If China cannot persuade it, it will do it, do what others dare not do, do what it wants to do, and do what is beneficial to the world. China develops science and technology, continues to improve people's livelihood, develops people's livelihood, continues to promote world peace, is committed to global development, helps developing countries develop their economies, and solves development problems and poverty problems.

The current problems between China and the United States are the Taiwan issue, the South China Sea issue, Sino-US science and technology, trade issues, globalization issues, geopolitical issues, the Ukraine War, the Palestinian-Israeli War, climate issues and many other issues are issues between China and the United States. On these issues, China and the United States have differences, and no one can convince the other. These issues between China and the United States have their own positions, economic interests and political interests.

Now, the United States and the West are both cutting and soft decoupling with China, and cooperating in a consistent manner on key issues. The United States and Europe are cooperating and coordinating with each other in investment, capital, economy, trade, and science and technology. Excluding China from the Western supply chain, trying to isolate China and isolate China from the economies of the United States and Europe. The more the West isolates China, the more China must open up, increase foreign investment, strive to promote global economy and trade, and build a China-centered global trading system to deal with the isolation and exclusion of the West.

Regarding the behavior of the United States and the West, what we do is to make strategic preparations and tactical preparations. Since the West is stubborn, and since we cannot persuade them, we will talk less and do more, just do not talk about it. We will deal with the United States and the West and carry out necessary struggles with the United States and the West. The confrontation that should be confronted, the persistence that should be persisted, the cooperation that should be cooperated, the competition that should be competed.

Since it cannot be persuaded, since the West wants hegemony and continues the hegemonic system. Then China will do its own thing and let others say it.

China persuaded Saudi Arabia and Iran to shake hands and persuade relevant countries in the Middle East to cooperate, exercise restraint on the Palestinian-Israeli war, and maintain their responsibility for stability in the region. On the Palestinian-Israeli issue, the Middle East has shouldered its own responsibilities, and China has shouldered its obligations as a major country. Both are stabilizing the Middle East, controlling the Palestinian-Israeli war, and avoiding plunging the entire Middle East into war, thereby striving to buy time and peacefully resolve Middle East affairs.

On issues related to global economic recovery and global trade order. China has not restricted American companies or suppressed American companies. Instead, it has given American companies more policies to solve their problems. On issues related to the economic policies, economic security, and national security of the United States and China, China attaches great importance to the concerns of the U.S. government and the concerns of American companies on security and policies. It does implement commitments and policy systems to the international community to protect all countries. Normal business activities in China.

China's continued constructive policies and politics ensure the international order and the operation of the international system, assist the United Nations and relevant countries and regional organizations, safeguard the international system, and safeguard international justice. On the Palestinian-Israeli issue, China fulfills its international responsibilities, dares to safeguard international justice, safeguard the Palestinians 'right to life, safeguard the Palestinians' territorial sovereignty and legal residency rights, and uphold international justice.

Today, China's international image, international status, and national policies are recognized and supported by the global community. At the same time, it must gain the trust of global citizens. China's international image has been greatly improved this year and its international prestige has been significantly enhanced. It is the result of China's hard work and its commitment to international responsibilities and obligations. Today, China cannot convince the West, the United States. China is working hard to do it, cooperating with the international community and relevant countries. Fulfill China's commitments and fulfill China's international responsibilities. China does not want to waste more words with the West now. China's current attitude towards the West is:Do your own thing and let others say it.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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