市商务委介绍,为贯彻落实国家关于推动消费品以旧换新的决策部署,进一步释放本市绿色智能家电消费潜力,促进家电以旧换新和节能减排,即日起至2024年12月31日 Implement subsidy policies to promote consumption of green smart home appliances 。个人消费者在参与企业的门店购买若干件符合条件的补贴产品,按照剔除所有折扣优惠后成交价格的10%享受一次立减补贴,补贴额不超过1000元。
implementation time自2024年3月30日至12月31日。
subsidy target个人消费者。
participating companies 市商务委会同相关部门通过公开征集方式确认参与政策实施的家电零售企业(以下简称“参与企业”),名单详见市商务委官网和服务机构APP公告。
service agencies市商务委会同相关部门通过公开遴选方式确认中国银联股份有限公司上海分公司**(云闪付)Alipay (中国)网络技术有限公司、财付通支付科技有限公司(微信支付)**为本次政策实施的服务机构。
Subsidy amount and scope补贴资金总额1.5亿元。如提前使用完毕,当年发布政策结束公告。
符合条件的补贴产品包括 There are 16 categories of products such as air conditioners, refrigerators (including freezers), washing machines (including dryers), televisions, water heaters (including wall-mounted stoves), range hoods, gas stoves (including integrated stoves), dishwashers, microcomputers (including desktop and portable computers), printers, air purifiers, microwave ovens (including all-in-one machines), induction cookers, electric fans and water purifiers. 产品须在中国能效或水效标识网备案且达到一级能效,具有统一的国标13位商品编码。
participation method(1)消费者下载服务机构应用程序(APP),通过云闪付、支付宝或微信完成支付。
other matters (1)消费者和企业应按照诚信原则参与活动,不得提供虚假信息或者设置虚假交易骗取补贴资金,不得利用补贴政策倒买倒卖补贴产品。如存在违法违规行为,取消参与活动的资格,并追回补贴资金,情节严重的依法追究相应责任。
Citizens still have some questions about how to receive subsidies

Please see the detailed questions and answers


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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