I bought a frying machine!

Cooking machine??? Are you talking about-electric frying pan???

When I was a child, there was no gas at home, so I relied on this for cooking. Taobao

It's not an electric frying pan, is it a--blender???

Picture 丨giphy

A frying machine automatically turns food and seasonings into a dish. stir-fry! Food! Machine!

Then I understand. You bought a pot that can be heated and automatically stirred. It's very good. How much did it cost?

Not expensive, more than 2000.

More than 2000??? How long have you had these symptoms???

While small kitchen appliances are frequently repaired, frying machines are still a somewhat rare category.

2000元还不是炒菜机天花板,1万多的机器也大有受众。炒菜机凭什么卖这么贵?这玩意儿,The underlying logic is induction cooker and electric hot pot,加上stir fry ;增值项目是Automatic dispensing of seasoning, smart recipes, food scales...

This is the frying machine 丨 Taobao

The usage process of a typical frying machine is like this:


On the screen of the frying machine, select the dishes you want to eat, ranging from more than a hundred recipes to thousands of recipes;

Picture 丨 Xiaohongshu/Wang Yu Miaomiao


Follow the tips of the frying machine, add a fixed weight of ingredients step by step, and add seasonings manually or automatically by the machine.

Some frying machines have seasoning boxes and water boxes, which can automatically add water and seasonings 丨 Xiaohongshu/Zhai Xiaomeng


Cover the lid and wait. The opportunity to cook can control the cooking time and heat according to the recipe; you may be reminded to add other side dishes on the way.



有人觉得这就是妥妥的智商税,哪怕自己不会做菜、不想做菜,You can also choose pre-made dishes or takeout,机器做的菜没灵魂(话说有没有灵魂、有多少灵魂,也很难界定);

也有人觉得炒菜机是厨房之光,哪怕不会做菜的人,You can also use the frying machine to perfectly replicate the chef's recipe,自己买的食材也更放心。

What are you thinking right now?

What kind of experience is it to own a frying machine?

What is the actual experience? We arrested a friend, King Dog, who has been using frying machines for a long time, and conducted the following interview.

When you tell your friends you have an automatic frying machine, what is their most outrageous reaction?

Their reaction was that it was unbelievable that there was such a thing in the world.

King Dog's frying machine 丨 King Dog

Is your frying machine expensive?

Not expensive, not expensive.

To buy prefabricated vegetables, you have to go to the supermarket, drive to park, or order takeout for tens of yuan, which is not cheap.

不会/不想做饭的话,Long-term use of frying machines is still cost-effective

A table made by a frying machine (except hairy crabs) 丨 King Dog

Are the dishes made by the frying machine delicious?

好吃不好吃,这个varies from person吧。吃惯了炒菜机炒的菜,觉得还挺好吃。

After using the frying machine, do you save time?

Of course it saves time!

Without a frying machine, I would have to cut all the vegetables, pick up the first dish after frying, wash the pan, and stir-fry the second dish.

Now I cut the first dish first and throw it into the machine. While it is cooking, I wash and cut the second dish, which saves time than usual.

Shrimp and scrambled eggs made by frying machine 丨 King Dog

Which dish does the frying machine cook particularly well? Which dish impressed you as a failure?

我觉得它The stir-fried vegetables are very good,青菜炒出来都熟了,还很嫩,保留了这个菜本来的香气。

Dishes that fail to fry are generally related to the ingredients。比如我提前把菜洗好放在冰箱里,结果水分蒸发掉了,炒的时候又忘了额外加水,所以炒着炒着就糊了。

Would you recommend automatic frying machines to family and friends?


下班回家都饿,Cooking is too slow, take-out heavy oil and heavy salt are unhealthy, and merchants are not willing to put green vegetables and meat in them.

If you have a frying machine, you can buy ingredients on the way home, and you can quickly eat high-quality and quantifiable vegetables after work. Why not buy them?

另外The frying machine has no smoke, which also reduces the housework of cleaning up the kitchen

From 100 yuan to 10,000 yuan, how to choose a frying machine?

Seeing this, if you feel itchy and feel like you have been planted with grass-coincidentally, we have done detailed homework and experienced a 10,000-yuan frying machine (multi-function cooking machine) offline, which may be helpful to you.

for the record:This is not an advertising meal!

What are the major brands at different price points?

Ten thousand yuan file:Meishanpin, Bosch... only high-unit-price products are willing to open offline stores;

thousand Yuan file:Tianke, Supor, Jiuyang;

100 yuan stall:Supor, Liren, Jiuyang.

How many dishes can you cook?

Ten thousand yuan file:More than 1000 recipes can be cooked at low temperatures;

thousand Yuan file:Hundreds to about 1000, which can be fried and stewed;

100 yuan stall:Hundreds.

Can you cut vegetables automatically?

Ten thousand yuan file:You can cut onions, ginger and minced garlic; Meishan products can be purchased as an additional shredded and slicing kit;

thousand Yuan file:The machine cannot cut vegetables, and the Tiankeiwan App sells the cut clean vegetables;

100 yuan stall:Prepare your own dishes.

Can it be automatically seasoned?

Ten thousand yuan file:No, but there is an automatic weighing function, and "a little" and "moderate amount" become "3 grams of salt";

thousand Yuan file:Add can be automatically dropped, automatically add water, oil, salt, and soy sauce; the rest can be weighed;

100 yuan stall:Feed manually, based on feeling.

Can I only cook one dish at a time?

Ten thousand yuan file:Up to 1 stew and 2 steamed vegetables at the same time;

thousand Yuan file:Some can cook multiple dishes at a time;

100 yuan stall:Mostly one dish at a time.

Is there any soot?

The cooking temperature is low (mostly 120-180℃), there is almost no soot, and it is very healthy.

Is the food delicious?

The cooking temperature of most machines is below 200℃, making it difficult to make a pot gas that "stir-fry with wide oil and high fire". However, there is no problem reaching the level of cooking bags.

The stir-fried vegetables are very tender. Some people like it, some people think it is too raw.

Is it convenient to wash pots?

Ten thousand yuan file:Put into the dishwasher;

thousand Yuan file:Automatic pan washing function;

100 yuan stall:Some can wash the pan automatically, but it is said that they are not very clean.

What other characteristics?

Ten thousand yuan file:He also serves as a soybean milk maker, blender, chef machine, electric steamer, rice cooker, ice cream maker, yogurt maker...

thousand Yuan file:Within the rules and regulations;

100 yuan stall:It's cheap.

For whom?

Ten thousand yuan file:People who like to cook pancakes, make soy milk and make bread and other cooking, but only want to put an electrical appliance in the kitchen;

千元档:又菜又想下厨的人,有了步骤指引+烹饪定时+调味定量,你Never blow up the kitchen again

100 yuan stall:People who are too lazy to stir fry and turn over the pan, or only ask for "healthy + cooked".


So who are you, my friend, eating tonight? What about tomorrow night?

author:luna, Li Xiaokui

edit:Li Xiaokui

This article comes from Shell and cannot be reproduced without authorization.

If necessary, please contact [email protected]


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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