

Recently, after unit recommendation, formal review, preliminary review, approval and publicity procedures, the 2023 "Important Progress in Geological Science and Technology and Major Achievements in Geological Exploration" project of the Geological Society of China was selected and produced, which is now announced.

Important progress in geological science and technology in 2023

project information

(Ranked in no particular order)

Evolution of desert environment in northern China since the Late Pleistocene and the relationship between man and land in arid areas

Relying on the special investigation of basic resources in science and technology, Zhejiang University, Yang Xiaoping and other nine United Nations units have conducted multidisciplinary and multi-scale inspections and research on the deserts of northern China from both geological records and human activities, and have made important progress in the following aspects.:(1) It is demonstrated that deserts and sandy lands in northern China have multiple humid periods on a geological scale, mainly marked by the formation of river-still water deposits in the deep desert hinterland, the development of ancient lakes to form high lake surfaces, and the fixation of sand dunes to form soil;(2) It is proposed that Chinese deserts preserve environmental signals linked to the earth's surface systems such as surrounding mountains, and their landscape dynamics are direct surface responses to global or regional climate change;(3) Systematically sorted out a large number of traces of human activities existing in the prehistoric and historical periods in the Chinese desert and its adjacent areas, and characterized the characteristics of the human-land relationship in the sand areas, demonstrating the role of the Chinese desert in the process of exchanges and mutual learning between Eastern and Western civilizations and ethnic integration. Filter and buffering effect. Focusing on the project tasks, the project team published a series of academic papers, monographs and established open and shared data sets to build an overall picture of the evolution of China's desert environment and the relationship between people and land in arid areas, and provided scientific support for the formulation of sustainable development strategies in desert areas.


Discovery and significance of three heavy rare earth minerals in China




Major breakthroughs have been made in the integration and comprehensive utilization of geological information in Shandong Province


The construction of "Perspective Shandong" led by Shandong Geological Survey Institute has made a major breakthrough in the integration and comprehensive utilization of geological information in Shandong Province. First, the technical standard system of provincial geological data informatization has been established, and the geological digital energy model with "data + model + platform" as the engine has been established, and the large geological database of Shandong Province has been established for the first time. It has realized the "one map" management of 87000 geological data, 85000 geological boreholes and a number of thematic data achievements. Third, it is the first to construct the provincial scale lithologic 3D geological model, to construct the 3D geological model of the central urban area, metallogenic belt and ore producing area, which can meet the needs of different dimensions, and to form a multi-scale 3D geological model library of "1116N" in the whole province. Fourth, based on the construction mode of "large platform, integration and scene", a provincial geological information comprehensive utilization management platform based on 3D data base is built for the first time, which realizes the efficient storage management and online application service of TB multi-dimensional geological big data, improves the efficiency of large-scale 3D geological model analysis to seconds, and establishes a new geological information service model. It provides an efficient and convenient geological science and technology support for the decision-making of relevant government departments.


Deformation mechanism of large-scale earthquake fault zone on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau


Focusing on the large-scale earthquake-causing faults in Longmenshan and Xianshuihe on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, we carried out in-depth research on the deformation mechanism of seismic fault zones, and achieved the following innovative understandings:(1) It was discovered for the first time that large earthquakes could melt in water-bearing fault gouge in the shallow crust, complementing and improving the traditional understanding of earthquakes;(2) The late Triassic thrust-left strike-slip major earthquake activity in the Yingxiu-Beichuan fault zone in Longmen Mountain was determined, and it was proposed that the high magnetic susceptibility anisotropy value of the fractured rocks is a new indicator of large earthquake activity;(3) For the first time, the deformation behavior, large earthquake activity and seismogenic environment of the Longmenshan Wenchuan-Mao County fault in the Cenozoic were revealed, providing scientific data for understanding the background of strong earthquakes;(4) It was found that the Xianshuihe fault zone, where strong earthquakes occur frequently, has long-term creep deformation behavior, proposing a new mechanism for fault strengthening and inducing earthquakes, changing traditional views. The above results have improved the theory of faulting, improved the understanding of the deformation of large-scale fault zones on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the mechanism of strong earthquakes, provided a scientific basis for earthquake risk assessment, and provided services and supported the construction of major national projects. The results have been published in journals such as Geology, JGR, JSG, and Tectonophysics.


Efficient exploration and development of rare metal resources such as lithium, niobium and tantalum in Hunan Province


The scientific research team led by the Geological Survey of Hunan Province and Huang Jianzhong as the chief expert has established a new metallogenic model of "large rock bodies forming large ores" for pegmatite deposits through continuous research, revealing that the rare metal pegmatite in northeastern Hunan has the evolution law of Be→Be-Nb-Ta→Li-Nb- Ta zoning; The metallogenic model of granite-type rare metal ores with high differential evolution has been improved; We have established a comprehensive physical-chemical-remote-gas detection technology and rapid evaluation method for pegmatite-type rare metal deposits in the "air-sky-earth-deep", innovated new technologies of photoelectron rate scanning geophysical exploration and devegetation hyperspectral remote sensing, and obtained national invention patents; developed a complete set of technologies for high-value comprehensive utilization of tantalum, niobium, lithium, mica, quartz, and feldspar, and innovated a new tailless and waste-free mineral processing process, which is of great significance to the development of green mines. The project predicts that the potential of lithium ore resources in Hunan Province will exceed 4 million tons. It has successfully introduced enterprises to Hunan to invest and explore lithium ore resources, achieving breakthroughs in prospecting, and playing a leading and exemplary role in promoting rare metal prospecting.


Theoretical and technological innovation and application of sandstone-type uranium deposits in Songliao Basin


The research team led by researcher Qin Mingkuan of the Beijing Institute of Geology of the Nuclear Industry focused on the major basic geological and key technical problems faced in prospecting for sandstone-type uranium deposits in the Songliao Basin, innovated ideas and technical means, and determined the Qingshankou Formation for the first time in key areas. Spatial distribution has opened up new prospecting horizons; a "multi-source and multi-stage" metallogenic model and a "multi-element superimposed" metallogenic model have been constructed, forming a "six-in-one multi-factor coupling" plate-shaped uranium metallogenic theory with Chinese characteristics; New technical methods such as quantitative core hyperspectral information interpretation and vibrator shallow three-dimensional seismic have been developed, which has achieved effective identification of deep ore-controlling factors and weak mineralization information; integrated and constructed a comprehensive prediction and evaluation of sandstone-type uranium deposits in large rift basins. The technical system quantitatively predicts the uranium potential of the entire basin to more than 310,000 tons. After drilling and verification, the predicted first-level long-term area has been verified, and one large-scale uranium deposit area with a level of 10,000 tons has been identified, and industrial uranium mineralization has been discovered in many other long-term areas, promoting new breakthroughs in prospecting in the basin.


A major breakthrough was achieved in ultra-deep shale gas exploration in the Ganzhusi Formation in Sichuan Basin




China's first large-scale deep-water gas field discovered in Baodao Depression, Qiongdongnan Basin


After years of exploration practice, Baodao Depression in Qiongdongnan Basin has not been able to obtain large-scale oil and gas discoveries in deep waters. Through collaborative research by industry, academia and research, we have innovatively established an "intermittent closed environment, dual-source complementary" hydrocarbon generation mechanism under the dual power control of "structural deformation displacement-deep mantle heating rise", and proposed a "low-level long-term active fault control migration-high-level weak active fault control accumulation-relatively stable structural conversion zone enrichment" natural gas large-scale reservoir formation model ", and developed a flow safety guarantee technical system for deep-water geophysical exploration on steep continental slope and deep-water productivity testing. China's first large-scale deep-water natural gas field, Baodao 21-1, was discovered in the Baodao Depression of the Qiongdongnan Basin, submitted a national proven geological reserve of 51.8 billion cubic meters, and implemented a deep-water deep natural gas enrichment area on the northern slope of the Baodao Depression, marking the important breakthroughs have been made in deep-water and deep exploration in the western South China Sea, laying a theoretical and technical foundation for deep-water and deep oil and gas exploration in the South China Sea, promoting important progress in deep-sea and deep exploration in China, and is of great significance to ensuring national energy security.


The first trial of the natural gas hydrate drilling and production vessel (ocean drilling vessel) was a complete success


The "Dream" has a total tonnage of about 33000 tons, a total length of 179.8 meters, a width of 32.8 meters, and an endurance of 15000 nautical miles. It has internationally leading ocean scientific drilling capabilities and carries the common dream of all Chinese people to accelerate the construction of a maritime power. It carries the common dream of global scientists to "penetrate the Moho surface and enter the upper mantle" to develop earth system science carries the common dream of all mankind to develop the earth's deep resources. The ship is expected to be fully completed in 2024, which will provide important equipment support for the industrialization of natural gas hydrate exploration and mining, further enhance China's independent energy support capabilities, effectively support China's implementation of the International Big Science Plan for Ocean Drilling, and enhance "deep sea access, deep sea exploration, Deep sea development" capabilities.


China has made breakthroughs in efficient enrichment and precise separation and extraction technology for clay-based lithium resources


Systematically ascertained the occurrence state of clay lithium, innovated the linkage mechanism of beneficiation and smelting technology, and broke through the full-chain process technology of clay-type lithium resources from raw ore to battery-grade lithium carbonate products. Overcome the bottleneck of non-tailing mineral processing technology for low-grade clay-type lithium resources. Innovatively developed the "stepped mechanical impurity removal-directional flotation enrichment" technology, realizing the un-tailed utilization of aluminium-rock-type lithium resources for the first time. The lithium enrichment ratio is greater than 1.8, and the aluminum-silicon ratio of aluminum concentrate is greater than 10. The first technology of "low energy consumption precise activation-targeted deep separation" and "precondition-slow release-endpoint micro-zone control" has removed impurities from complex lithium leaching solutions with high aluminum and iron content of more than 99.5%, and the lithium recovery rate of more than 82%, preparing battery-grade lithium carbonate that meets the YS/T582 standard. It is the first to complete the full-chain selection and smelting pilot test of clay-type lithium resources, with a process cost of less than 100,000 yuan/ton of lithium carbonate. It has established the country's first dynamic evaluation system for clay-type lithium, which is expected to support million-ton clay-type lithium resources in Southwest China. Development and utilization.

Major geological prospecting achievements in 2023

project information

(Ranked in no particular order)


The largest single gold deposit in China has been discovered in Laizhou City, Shandong Province


The exploration results of the Xiling gold mine in the Sanshandao Kuangqu, Laizhou City, Shandong Province are major geological prospecting achievements completed by the Shandong gold prospecting team after years of exploration. In August 2023, the result was submitted for filing with a gold metal content of 592.186 tons, with an average grade of 4.02 g/ton. It is by far the largest single gold deposit in China, with an estimated potential economic value of over 200 billion yuan. Xiling Gold Mine is a typical representative of the breakthrough in deep prospecting for rocks and gold mines in China. Its resources are mainly distributed within the altitude range of-1000 meters to-2500 meters. The maximum length of the ore body strike is 2085 meters and the maximum inclination depth is 2057 meters. If the mine is based on the production scale of 3.3 million tons/year, it can serve the mine for more than 40 years. The exploration of the Xiling gold deposit has great scientific research value and economic value. It not only enriches and improves the gold metallogenic theory in the Jiaodong region, but also provides reference and reference for China's deep prospecting work and the expansion of resources in existing gold-rich areas. The model also provides strong support for building a "world-class gold production base" and consolidating safe and reliable national strategic mineral resource reserves.


Major breakthrough in prospecting was achieved in copper ore exploration in Junuo ore concentrated area, Anren County, Xizang


In response to the country's major strategic needs for copper resources, the project team overcame the special environment of high altitude, hypoxia and fragile ecology in Xizang, closely integrated industry, academia and research, and comprehensively used hyperspectral, geophysical exploration, and chemical exploration and other technical methods in the Juno ore cluster. Major ore prospecting breakthroughs have been achieved, and a total of 3.4992 million tons of copper resources have been identified, of which 735,600 tons of new copper resources have been added in Juno copper exploration. The newly discovered Beimulang and Cimabanshuo copper mines have discovered copper resources of 497,200 tons and 63,400 tons respectively, with a total of 1.2962 million tons of new copper resources, greatly ensuring the safety of China's strategic mineral and copper resources. The prospecting breakthroughs in the Junuo deposit and its surrounding areas will strongly support the country's new round of prospecting breakthrough strategic actions, promote the formation of another 10-million-ton copper resource base in China, stimulate the continuous investment of local financial and commercial exploration funds, and promote The rapid transformation of prospecting results has important demonstration significance for the economic development and social stability of poverty-stricken areas in western Tibet.


Large-scale, high-quality and high-quality iron ore rich has been discovered again in Zhangjiawa I and II deposits in Laiwu District, Jinan City, Shandong Province


A total of 22,460.60 m/20 holes have been invested in the deep iron ore exploration project of the I and II deposits in Zhangjiawa Kuangqu in Laiwu District, Jinan City, Shandong Province. The ore was found in 18 holes, and the maximum ore thickness was 153m. A total of 124.182 million tons of iron ore resources were submitted. The reserve was increased by 66.679 million tons. Following the discovery of large and high-quality rich iron ore deposits in Zhangjiawa Mining Area in 2016, new breakthroughs were made. The identified resources have promoted the 20-fold expansion of the production capacity of the Zhangjiawa II deposit, extended the service life of the mine to 17.5 years, and is expected to pay value-added tax of 4.67 billion yuan, and the corporate after-tax profit of 13.82 billion yuan. The Zhangjiawa deposit has accumulated identified resource reserves of more than 370 million tons, making it the largest skarn-type high-quality rich iron ore deposit in China. It effectively alleviates China's dependence on iron ore with foreign countries and is a new round of prospecting breakthrough strategic actions to increase reserves. Vivid practice of production.


** Innovation in prospecting technical methods and breakthrough in the Mulong super-large lithium deposit in western Sichuan **



Using the multi-information comprehensive prospecting technology of "remote sensing, structural research, geoelectrochemical measurement and geophysics (AMT)", the ultra-large pegmatite-type lithium deposit was successfully discovered. The metal content of Li2O was 988612 tons, with an average grade of 1.62%; associated Nb2O5 5895 tons, with an average grade of 0.010%; Ta2O5 3038 tons, with an average grade of 0.005%. Among them, the No. 1 ore body has a Li2O metal content of 960434 tons, with an average grade of 1.63%. It is the largest single lithium ore body in China and even Asia, and the second highest ore grade in the world. It provides resource guarantee for building a "Western Sichuan National Lithium Resource Base".

This exploration project solved the key technical problems in prospecting for concealed giant single vein pegmatite-type lithium deposits in the deep cut area of the plateau, and created a prospecting model for concealed giant single vein lithium deposits. It was praised by Minister Wang Guanghua of the Ministry of Natural Resources as "playing an exemplary role in achieving breakthroughs in lithium search for China."


Study on the metallogenic regularity of vanadium deposits in Beishan area of Gansu Province and breakthrough in prospecting


In recent years, relying on the Geological Exploration Fund of Gansu Province, the Third Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration of the Gansu Province Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources has carried out research and prospecting work on vanadium ore metallogenic laws in the Beishan area, investing a total of 160 million yuan in exploration funds, summarizing the metallogenic laws, and establishing a regional prospecting prediction model and a combination of exploration technology and methods for vanadium ore. The Beishan vanadium deposits occur in the Cambrian black rock series and are sedimentary deposits. Ten small and medium-sized vanadium ore deposits, including the Wuyishan Vanadium Mine in Dunhuang City, have been discovered. A total of 1.17 million tons of vanadium oxide resources have been submitted, with an average V2O5 grade of 0.821% to 0.99%, and a potential economic value of 200 billion yuan, achieving a breakthrough in prospecting. The results of the Wuyishan Vanadium Mine were transformed and sold at a price of 181.19 million yuan. A mining license has been obtained and development conditions are met. The application of large-scale vanadium battery energy storage equipment in the clean energy field has brought broad application prospects to the vanadium industry. The expansion of resources of Beishan Vanadium Mine will provide resource guarantee for the healthy development of China's energy storage industry.


** Detailed survey of Yingshang Phosphate Mine in Weng 'an County, Guizhou Province **


The detailed survey of Yingshang Phosphate Mine in Weng 'an County, Guizhou Province is a "New Round of Strategic Action for Prospecting Breakthrough in 2022 in Guizhou Province" project, which is selected and implemented by the 115th Geological Brigade of the Guizhou Province Geology and Mineral Exploration and Development Bureau. The Guizhou Province Department of Natural Resources and the Guizhou Province Land and Mineral Resources Reserve Bureau have organized experts to visit the site for guidance many times. The project is completed using new theories, new methods and new ideas on the basis of traditional technical means.

Yingshang Phosphate Mine is the third newly discovered super-large phosphate ore deposit in Wengfu Area, Guizhou Province. There are two layers of ore a and b in the Kuangqu. The average thickness of a single project is nearly 30 meters. The average P2O5 content in the district reaches 26.67%. The main ore types are Class I and II, with Class I accounting for 36.8%. The ore body has the characteristics of large and stable thickness, high ore grade, simple structure of the Kuangqu, easy development, and good ore processing and smelting performance. The project not only achieved breakthrough results for deep ore prospecting in Wengfu area, but also exceeded and fulfilled the national goal of phosphorus ore prospecting in Guizhou.


Bijie, Guizhou Province-Southwest Guizhou Faced Stone Mine


Bijie, Guizhou Province-Southwest Guizhou Facing Stone Mine is a key mineral resource survey project in Guizhou Province in 2022. The project work areas include Powai, Shuxi, Gaopo, Anlong County, Qianxinan Prefecture, Guizhou Province, and Mukong, Jinsha County, Bijie City. Through exploration work, the geological structure, stone endowment, sedimentary environment, sedimentary facies, color and color varieties and other characteristics of the exploration area have been basically identified; a one-to-one correspondence between different types of stone materials and stratigraphic lithology and sedimentary microfacies has been established; The total (controlled + inferred) resource amount of facing stone in the four exploration areas was basically found to be 273.61 million m3. Among them, 23.98 million m3 of Wiener gray stone; 59.37 million m3 of wood grain stone; 102.25 million m3 of Monica gray and bean grain gray stone; 68.18 million m3 of Jingmo jade stone; and 19.83 million m3 of Canxue stone. The smooth implementation of the project provides a favorable guarantee for Guizhou stone resources for the development direction of the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Protection and Utilization of Guizhou Stone in Guizhou Province", provides a strong geological basis for the high-quality economic and social development of Guizhou Province, and is of great social significance for promoting the economic development of Guizhou Province.


Coal Exploration in Bayannao Minefield in Hujilte Kuangqu, Dongsheng Coalfield, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region ***


Inner Mongolia Coal Geological Exploration (Group) 151 Company made a major breakthrough in the exploration of coal resources in Bayannao mine field of Hujilte coalfield, Dongsheng coalfield, and identified 1.911132 billion tons of coal resources. Bayannao mine field is located in Ordos City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous region, and the administrative division is under the jurisdiction of Yijinhuoluo Banner and Wushen Banner. Comprehensive exploration is carried out by means of topographic map revision, hydraulic ring geological survey, surface geophysical exploration, drilling, well logging and sampling testing. The structure of the mine field is simple, the coal seam is relatively stable, the coal resources are rich, and the coal quality is good. The amount of identified coal resources is 1.911132 billion tons in medium mining technical conditions, of which 513.847 million tons are proved resources, 716.862 million tons are controlled resources and 680.423 million tons are inferred resources. The exploration means are properly selected, the configuration of various projects is reasonable and appropriate, the key points are prominent, the data obtained are complete, and the exploration results are remarkable, which can provide geological basis for feasibility study and preliminary design of mine construction. the reserves of mine resources and potential economic value are huge, which is of great significance to realize the high-quality development of coal industry.


Formation mechanism of hidden buried hill reservoirs in Bohai Sea and major discoveries in Bozhong 26-6 Oilfield


After more than 40 years of exploration in Bozhong 26-6 buried hill, only a small condensate gas field has been discovered at the west high point and the oil-water interface has been revealed. Whether commercial oil and gas discovery can be achieved is a key problem in exploration. Through years of continuous research, we have innovatively established new theories and technologies for exploration of subtle buried hill reservoirs, and proposed the "one mountain, multiple circles" development model of mylonite lateral sealing, the "geomorphology control, solution fracture enhancement" reservoir formation mechanism and the "multi-source strong injection, overpressure sealing" oil and gas accumulation mechanism, and established a "step-like" enrichment model for subtle buried hill. An integrated technology for high-precision seismic imaging and reservoir prediction of buried hills has been formed, improving the quality of seismic data and the accuracy of reservoir prediction.

Under the guidance of the exploration theory and technology of subtle buried hill reservoirs, Bozhong 26-6 Oilfield, a large-scale integrated Archean metamorphic rock buried hill oilfield, was discovered. It is also currently the largest Archean metamorphic rock buried hill oilfield in the world, with proven geological reserves exceeding 200 million cubic meters. The project results enrich the theory of bedrock buried hill reservoir formation, expand the exploration space of buried hill, and open the exploration sequence of hidden buried hill in the Bohai Sea.


Major breakthroughs have been made in shale gas exploration in the new Permian strata in western Hubei


After more than ten years of research, Sinopec Jianghan Oilfield has achieved a major breakthrough in shale gas exploration in the new strata of the Permian Wujiaping Formation and Maokou Formation in western Hubei for the first time. It has submitted predicted reserves of 105.103 billion cubic meters and controlled reserves of 62.091 billion cubic meters, and 108.264 billion cubic meters were submitted for the Maokou Formation. Based on the "one thin and three complex" characteristics of Permian shale with thin thickness, complex lithology, complex structure, and complex topography, the research team established a new model for the development of high-quality shale in "slope-shelf facies" and proposed the four-end meta-facies division plan of carbon-rich shale, innovating the geological evaluation, sweet spot prediction and supporting technologies for drilling and completion of thin layers and high-ash shale in complex structural zones. The breakthrough in the exploration of Permian shale gas has opened up another exploration and development position for shale gas in a new strata of more than one trillion cubic meters in China after the Silurian. It plays a leading role in the exploration and development of new strata and new types of shale gas in southern China, and is of great significance to ensuring national energy security and promoting local economic and social development.



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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