editor's note: 矿业无小事,一头连着国计民生,一头系着千家万户。当前,矿业行业之于经济社会高质量发展的作用格外凸显,矿业领域热点不断。繁杂信息之下,如何准确把握这些热点,洞察热点背后的深意,营造良好舆论?为此,《中国矿业报》特开设《热点新论》专栏,以短评方式,第一时间对矿业领域热点进行解析评论,力求短、平、实,注重思想性、引导性、时效性。敬请关注。


[Hot New Theory| Mineral prospectors across the country have a clear idea!


As an important component of new productivity in the mining industry, artificial intelligence (AI) prospecting is in the ascendant. AI prospecting is a technological innovation based on geological scientists and traditional geological work. ** At present, there are nearly 100 start-ups around the world that use AI to find mines. AI technology's large-scale, fast and accurate data processing capabilities can greatly improve prospecting efficiency. **

Mineral exploration expands AI application fields, and AI technology enhances mineral exploration capabilities. 矿产勘查研究是采集数据、分析数据、形成模型、得出结论的系统工程。当前,找矿的数据采集以传统手段为主,但地质找矿模型的机器学习逐步发展,AI专业模型的数据分析优势凸显。

AI prospecting is an important breakthrough in participating in global mining governance. 工业革命以来,全球地质科学家积累了海量公益性地质数据和大量成矿模型文献。谁率先完成了这些数据和模型的集成利用,谁就具备了为全球提供优质地质矿产公共产品的基础能力,谁就能更好地开展全球地质矿产评价,谁就能在全球矿业治理的标准制定和倡议上拥有更多话语权。

万物得其本者生,百事得其道者成。The development of AI prospecting should start from the three core indicators of data, algorithms and computing power. 地质数据规模越大,AI找矿能力越强,宜加强地质大数据平台建设,推进地质数据共享,加快提升地质数据采集智能化水平。同时,应大力推动地矿行业专用大模型研究,充分借鉴国际开源算法,加强自主算法建设,训练和优化找矿模型,服务全球找矿。

_This article was originally published in the first edition of China Mining News on March 29_

_Original title:"Developing AI Mining as a New Productivity"_


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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