经过5个区 全线设34座车站
其中换乘车站超一半 …… 上海地铁又一**“换乘王”** Line 19 running through the north and south has officially started construction, and the first station has entered the main project construction stage


建成后,该站将与目前正在建设的18号线二期江杨南路站形成同站换乘成为吴淞创新城的主要枢纽节点之一 ** 申通地铁建设集团19号线江杨南路站项目经理彭文俊说:“整个19号线的江杨南路站分成ABC三个区,其中A和C区,它的顶出风亭是和18号线二期作为共用,也是18号线二期运营的必备条件,计划整个土建施工于2025年1月30日完成。”

Rail Transit Line 19 is really a veritable "transfer king". It is expected that 18 stations can transfer 作为上海南北走向的又一条大动脉,上海市轨道交通19号线工程
起于闵行区虹建路站,终于宝山区宝山站站。** 线路主要沿景洪路—华泾路—过黄浦江—东育路—济明路—国展路—雪野路—浦东南路—过黄浦江—公平路—天水路—甜爱路—广中路—广粤路—江杨南路—规划呼兰路—铁山路等道路走行,线路全长约46.168公里,全部采用地下敷设方式。
There are 34 stations and 2 intermediate air shafts along the entire line, including 18 transfer stations ,平均站间距为1.39km。全线设2座车辆基地,澄江路车辆段(与23号线共用)和铁山路停车场。

Line 19 will also pass through 5 districts and cross the Huangpu River twice to connect the High-speed Railway Station, North Bund, Lujiazui and other important functional areas 上海市轨道交通19号线工程途经闵行区、徐汇区、浦东新区、虹口区和宝山区五个行政区,弥补前滩—世博地区、陆家嘴、北外滩、虹口核心区南北向轨道交通线路的缺失。

Will your home be along Line 19?
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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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