At present, all parts of the country have entered the critical period of spring fire prevention, and forest fires have occurred one after another in some areas. On March 20, the National Forest and Grassland Fire Prevention and Suppression Headquarters held a national video dispatch meeting on forest and grassland fire prevention and extinguishing work to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and analyze the current situation of forest and grassland fire prevention and extinguishing work, promote the resolution of outstanding problems, deploy fire prevention and control work during the current and Qingming and May Day periods, and strictly prevent the occurrence of major forest and grassland fires and casualties. Make every effort to safeguard the safety of people's lives and property and national ecological security. Wang Xiangxi, Minister of Emergency Management and Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the National Forest Defense Command, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and mission in preventing and extinguishing forests and grasslands. Since the beginning of this year, all regions and relevant parties have carried out in-depth fire source control and management, continued to strengthen infrastructure and rescue capacity building, coordinated and efficient response to major fires, and achieved remarkable results in forest and grassland fire prevention and extinguishing work. At the same time, we must also be soberly aware that the current drought in Southwest China continues, the North China region is sunny and hot with little rain, the fire risk level in some areas remains high, and the fire prevention and extinguishing situation is severe and complex. All regions and relevant departments must adhere to bottom-line thinking and extreme thinking, adopt more resolute, decisive, pragmatic and effective measures with the sense of responsibility of "always worrying" and the spirit of responsibility, and do a solid job in forest and grassland fire prevention and extinguishing work.

The meeting demanded that every effort should be made to build the "first line of defense" for source management and control, strengthen fire source control, build a solid people's defense line, and earnestly put the responsibility at the end of the grass-roots level. It is necessary to highlight the key management, compaction responsibility management and strict means management, strictly examine and approve the use of agricultural fire and production fire, increase regular patrol and round-the-clock inspection, and make good use of the useful experience of the examination baton and gridding management of the forest chief system and the end prevention and control work of townships and village groups, so as to give full play to the role of joint household insurance and compaction responsibility layer by layer. Comprehensive use of a variety of means, the implementation of 24-hour uninterrupted, full coverage monitoring, to achieve early fire detection, early report, early disposal. It is necessary to make full use of popular propaganda platforms such as radio and television and new media on the Internet, issue fire safety warnings in a timely manner during the high fire danger period, and add banners and outdoor advertisements in key areas, so as to promote forest and grassland fire prevention into village rules and regulations, and change traditional dangerous fire habits through mass autonomy. Resolutely punish recent fires in accordance with the rules and regulations, publicly expose typical fire cases, promptly inform the perpetrators of the punishment results, play a warning and deterrent role; adhere to the active voice, positive voice, authoritative voice, and actively respond to social concerns. Local party committees and governments should strictly implement the system of "party and government responsibility, one post and two responsibilities", local chief executive responsibility system and "forest director system", and earnestly transfer responsibility and pressure to grass-roots ends; forest prevention offices and emergency management departments at all levels should give full play to the function of leading, coordinating, guiding and promoting the implementation of detailed work measures by member units. All member units should strictly implement the provisions of "three management and three necessities" and properly link up the chains of "prevention" and "rescue"; all management units should strengthen full-cycle management and earnestly fulfill the main responsibility of forest and grassland fire prevention and fire fighting. It is necessary to conduct in-depth secret visits to find problems, strengthen the investigation of hidden dangers, and promptly take measures such as letters, notifications, interviews, listing supervision, public exposure, and handing over accountability, so as to promote the resolution of the problems. This year, the State Forest Prevention Office will continue to carry out dynamic zero clearance of major fire hazards and special actions to investigate and deal with illegal use of fire, so as to strengthen the effectiveness of follow-up.

The meeting stressed the need to deal with forest and grassland fires safely and efficiently. Pay close attention to important time nodes, high fire risk areas and important targets, organize major risk research and rolling research, strengthen accurate early warning and short-term and imminent quick reports, and make preparations based on the "hit early, hit small, hit" system. Based on extreme situations, we should coordinate power resources, give full play to the professional advantages of national comprehensive fire and rescue teams, emergency aviation rescue forces and local professional fire-fighting teams, and form a joint rescue force. coordinate all kinds of forces to deploy forward and accurately advance the high fire danger area, strengthen targeted and practical training, and ensure that the nearest, fastest, strongest and most sufficient forces can be mobilized to participate in the fire fighting after the fire breaks out. Highlight professional commanders to pay close attention to fire-fighting safety, make every effort to keep the bottom line of safety, always regard the important goal of saving lives and protection as the primary task, scientifically formulate plans for personnel evacuation, transfer and resettlement, and set up multiple protection lines for important protection targets in advance. It is necessary to continuously consolidate the grass-roots foundation for fire prevention and fire fighting in forest and grassland, thoroughly implement the "opinions on comprehensively strengthening fire prevention and fire fighting work in forest and grassland under the new situation," vigorously enhance the ability of fire prevention and fire fighting at the grass-roots level, and step up efforts to improve the emergency mechanism at the grass-roots level. we will make concerted efforts to break through the "last kilometer", strengthen the standardized management of grass-roots villages and towns, actively promote co-construction, co-governance and sharing at the grass-roots level, and strengthen the sense of responsibility of grass-roots subjects.

会议同时对近期安全生产工作作出部署,要求深刻吸取近期生产安全事故高发频发教训,举一反三抓好排查整改。城镇燃气方面,要深入开展城镇燃气专项整治,全面推动燃气领域安全生产治本攻坚三年行动,突出加大老旧管网更新改造力度,切实解决燃气管道带病运行问题。消防方面,要彻底治理电动自行车进楼入户等突出问题,扎实开展消防安全集中除患攻坚大整治行动。 In terms of mines, we must strictly implement the eight hard measures for mine safety and make great efforts to improve the intrinsic safety level of mines. 道路运输方面,要深入开展隧道、临水临崖等重点路段安全隐患排查整治,加强“三超一疲劳”查处,督促运输企业做好车辆日常维护保养;渔业船舶方面,要进一步强化全程监管,提升专项精准预警,提升海上精准防控和应急处置能力。危化、工贸、烟花爆竹以及建筑、特种设备等行业领域也要深化排查整治,及时消除风险隐患。国务院安委办要结合目前正在各地开展的一季度安全生产明查暗访,加强重点地区、重点行业领域以及群众身边风险隐患的督导检查,切实把安全责任压实到基层末梢。

Hao Junhui, Peng Xiaoguo and other ministry leaders attended the meeting. Liaison officers of member units of the National Forest Prevention Command, relevant responsible comrades of relevant departments and departments and units of the Ministry of Emergency Management attended the meeting at the main venue. Responsible comrades of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, the National Fire Rescue Bureau, member units of forest (grassland) fire prevention and extinguishing headquarters of various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, and emergency management departments (bureaus), and team members of various fire rescue brigades and forest fire brigade attended the meeting at the branch venue.

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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