Airplanes, as outstanding representatives of modern technology, their every take-off and landing carries the painstaking efforts of countless scientists and engineers.

As for the large aircraft, it is a "giant" in the aviation field that represents the strength and level of the national aviation industry.

Over the course of the long history of China's development of large aircraft, countless twists and turns and challenges have been experienced, but it was the persistence and efforts of scientists that allowed us to see today’s glory.

Large aircraft are well-known for their immense size and astonishing carrying capacity, capable of accommodating hundreds of tons of cargo at once.

By the 1970s and 1980s, Western countries had made significant progress in large aircraft technology, while China started late, facing great challenges.

To catch up, China resolutely invested in the research and manufacture of large aircraft and named the project "Y-10".

At that time, China's scientific research conditions were extremely harsh. Scientists had to spread out drawings on the dining table in the cafeteria and bring their own tools to carry out difficult explorations.

It was exactly this spirit that allowed the "Yun-10" project to make considerable progress in a short amount of time, and an outline of a large aircraft began to emerge.

However, the lack of core technology has become a stumbling block for the project's further development. The key technology of large aircraft cannot be overcome overnight, and it requires long-term repeated experiments and accumulation.

Just when the Y-10 project was in trouble, and the future was uncertain, an unexpected opportunity came. A Boeing 707 aircraft weighing 161 tons crashed in Xinjiang, China, due to a malfunction.

As one of the most advanced large aircraft in the world at the time, the Boeing 707's technological value is self-evident.

Upon receiving the news, the 500 experts of the Shanghai “Yun-10” Research Institute acted swiftly. They understood clearly that this was a rare learning opportunity.

Over the next 90 days, the experts undertook a comprehensive and detailed examination of the aircraft. They left no stone unturned, analyzing even seemingly insignificant pieces of wreckage.

They achieved amazing results within merely three months on account of this persistence and attention to detail – successfully acquiring a key technology for the transportation of large aircraft!

This breakthrough not only provided a powerful impetus for the smooth advancement of the “Y-10” project, it also marked a solid step forward for China in the field of large aircrafts.

Soon afterwards, the "Y-10" aircraft was officially put into production and soon soared into the blue sky, becoming the pride of the Chinese people.

It is also worth mentioning that this large aircraft, independently developed by China, successfully flew over the world's roof, demonstrating the strength and charm of China's aviation industry to the world.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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