On April 1, the State Mine Safety Supervision Bureau held a party group meeting to convey the spirit of studying and implementing the meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and study and deploy the current key work of mine safety prevention. The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, regard practicing the party's purpose as the fundamental direction, continue to promote the in-depth development of comprehensive and strict governance of the party throughout the system, and regard inspection and rectification as a comprehensive and strict governance of the party and the promotion of mines. A powerful starting point for high-quality development, always adhere to the problem orientation, have the courage to take responsibility, and provide a strong guarantee for the safety and high-quality development of mines.

会议指出,to持续巩固拓展中央巡视整改 “回头看”成果,主动对标对表中央最新要求,切实把“三个清单”落在实处真处,深化矿山安全监察事业改革发展。 to 切实提升内部巡视发现问题的质量,以中央巡视为标杆,选齐配强巡视组力量,高标准组织实施内部巡视,始终保持刀刃向内的坚定自觉,补钙壮骨、排毒杀菌、祛病疗伤、去腐生肌,深入查找深层次、根源性问题,切实发挥巡视利剑作用。 to切实提升巡视整改监督作用,全面增强巡视的震慑力、执行力,触及根本问题、触及灵魂。to 进一步巩固拓展巡视整改的成效,举一反三,吸取教训,提高政治站位,提升政治能力,净化政治生态,在堵塞漏洞、源头治理、推动改革、促进发展上取得扎实成效。 to结合治本攻坚三年行动,加强对涉矿央企安全生产工作督导检查和指导服务,推动涉矿央企在统筹高质量发展和高水平安全上走在前、作表率。

会议强调,to 认真做好各类风险分析研判,从人员素质提升、安全技术管理团队配备、应知应会技能培训、隐蔽致灾因素普查治理、重大灾害综合防治、双控机制落实、现场管理及应急准备等方面超前预防,分片分矿逐个跟踪督促落实。 to提前做好极端天气应对响应,二季度全国陆续进入汛期,矿山面临倒风季节,要严防滑坡、瓦斯涌出异常、应力异常、内外因火灾、淹井等灾害事故。to 进一步加强尾矿库风险排查,加大汛期检查频次,强化预警信息报告和应急处置,确保尾矿库防汛关键环节安全,严防溃坝和泄漏事故。to 扎实开展治本攻坚三年行动,深入一线发掘真实状况,找准问题、及时纠偏,明确每一年每个月每个矿井要解决什么问题,服务指导跟紧盯牢,确保治本攻坚三年行动取得实实在在的质效。 to持续加大复工复产煤矿抽查力度,大班次矿井、灾害严重矿井必须进行全面安全 “体检”,发现1个县(市、区)有2处及以上煤矿未履行验收程序和标准的,一律督促该地区重新组织验收。to 督促矿山企业保障安全投入,按规定足额提取和使用安全费用,对没有实现机械化的矿井、没有实现采掘机械化的煤矿,特别是薄煤层、大倾角煤矿,严格管控复工复产验收标准,坚持以铁心、铁面、铁腕整治以量补价“三超”等违法违规行为。 to加强值班值守,始终保持应急状态,深入现场开展巡查、突查、暗查,强化“首报”意识,出现险情及时报告和处置,坚决杜绝迟报、漏报及信息倒流现象。

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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