Recently, the "Guidelines for the Construction of Intelligent Coal Mine Standard System" was issued. The "Guide" was organized and compiled by the National Energy Administration. The purpose is to thoroughly implement the "Four Revolutions, One Cooperation" new energy security strategy, implement the "National Standardization Development Outline" and the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Intelligent Development of Coal Mines" and "On Accelerating the Promotion of Energy" Documents such as Several Opinions on Digital and Intelligent Development require the construction of an intelligent coal mine standard system that adapts to industry development trends, meets technological iteration requirements, and leads industrial transformation and upgrading. Promote high-quality development of the coal industry.

Guidelines for the Construction of Intelligent Coal Mine Standard System

In order to thoroughly implement the relevant arrangements of the "National Standardization Development Outline" and implement the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Intelligent Development of Coal Mines"(Development and Reform Energy [2020] No. 283) and "Several Opinions on Accelerating the Digital and Intelligent Development of Energy"(Guonengfa Technology [2023] No. 27) Key tasks are to build an intelligent coal mine standard system that adapts to the development trend of the industry, meets the requirements of technological iteration, and leads industrial transformation and upgrading, accelerate the development of key standards, continue to strengthen the implementation and application of standards, and comprehensively improve Intelligent coal mine construction level, cultivate and develop new productive forces, and support the high-quality development of the coal industry. This guide is formulated.

1. Basic requirements

(1) Guiding ideology.

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we will fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, implement the new energy security strategy of "Four Revolutions, One Cooperation", base ourselves on the new development stage, completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, and build A new development pattern, with promoting the in-depth integration of the new generation of information technology and the coal industry as the main line, formulate and improve relevant standards and specifications, and promote the establishment of complete systems, reasonable structures, connected and supporting facilities, The scientific and rigorous coal mine intelligent standard system will effectively play the basic and leading role of standards, comprehensively improve the scientific, standardized and standardized level of coal mine intelligent construction, and provide strong support for promoting the high-quality development of the coal industry.

(2) Basic principles.

Adhere to overall planning and implement it in an orderly manner. 建立健全分工明确、协同推进的煤矿智能化标准体系工作机制,加强顶层设计指导,统筹做好相关标准制修订计划,分年度分重点推进标准体系建设工作。

** Adhere to laying a solid foundation and driving innovation. ** Focus on promoting the formulation of basic commonalities and key technical standards for coal mine intelligence, accelerating the transformation of scientific research and innovation results into standards, and helping the implementation of intelligent new technologies and new equipment in the coal industry.

** Adhere to emergency use first and dynamic improvement. ** Promote the formulation of key and urgently needed standards for coal mine intelligence in a planned and step-by-step manner, implement a dynamic update and improvement mechanism, and conduct rolling revisions to the standard system according to different stages of coal mine intelligence development.

** Adhere to international integration and open cooperation. ** Strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the International Organization for Standardization, promote the formulation of international standards for coal mine intelligence, and promote the "going global" of advanced intelligent coal mine technology and equipment made in China.

(3) Construction goals.

By 5, 推动100项以上煤矿智能化国家标准和行业标准制修订,加快数据编码、通讯协议、网络融合、数字化平台、智能感知、新型装备、新能源应用、人机协作、功能安全、信息安全、管理运维等重点标准制定,初步建立起结构合理、层次清晰、分类明确、科学开放的煤矿智能化标准体系,满足煤矿智能化建设基本需求。

By 0, 煤矿智能化标准体系基本完善,在智能化煤矿设计、建井、生产、管理、运维、评价等环节形成较为完善的系列标准,逐步引领国际标准化组织(ISO)、国际电工委员会(IEC)煤矿智能化国际标准制定。

2. Standard system framework

综合考虑智能化煤矿建设周期和系统层级,The coal mine intelligent standard system mainly includes five standard subsystems: basic general purpose, information foundation, platform and software, production system and technical equipment, and operation and maintenance guarantee and management. 其中,基础通用子体系为煤矿智能化标准体系底层,是其他子体系的基础;信息基础子体系、平台与软件子体系、生产系统与技术装备子体系涵盖煤矿智能化建设生产实践关键环节,是煤矿智能化标准体系的建设主体;运维保障与管理子体系服务于煤矿智能化建设关键技术标准,为装备和系统正常运行提供保障。

The framework of this standard system is dynamically adjusted according to development needs.

Coal mine intelligent standard system framework

3. Key construction contents

(1) Basic generality.

The basic general subsystem stipulates the basic common requirements in the field of coal mine intelligence, including four parts: basic standards, general standards, design standards, and evaluation standards.

**1. Basic standards, ** mainly include standards such as terms and definitions, coal mine intelligent architecture, and coal mine industry Internet platform architecture.

**2. General standards, ** mainly include general requirements and management specifications for coal mine intelligent equipment, coal mine electromagnetic compatibility requirements, and functional safety standards for coal mine intelligent equipment.

**3. Design standards, ** mainly include standards for intelligent mine design in the coal industry, intelligent production system construction, production support system construction, intelligent coal preparation plant construction, and technical specifications for intelligent park construction.

4. Evaluation criteria, 主要包括煤矿智能化验收评价标准、智能化质量评价、智能化效益评价、智能化数据管理能力成熟度评估、智能化煤矿互联网应用成熟度评估等方面标准。

(2) Information foundation.

The information basic subsystem stipulates the infrastructure required for information transmission and processing in coal mine intelligent systems, including four parts: information network, data standards, data center, and information security.

**1. Information network standards, ** mainly include coal mine wired networks, wireless networks, networking and network equipment, networking and access equipment, communication systems, communication protocols, Internet of Things and other aspects.

**2. Data standards, ** mainly include standards in data coding and identification, data collection, data governance, data asset catalog, data quality, data sharing, etc.

**3. Data center standards, ** mainly include standards for intelligent coal mine data centers, cloud computing, edge computing, cloud-edge collaborative management, etc.

**4. Information security standards, ** mainly include standards for information security assessment, information security protection, information security management, data security and data grading, privacy protection and other aspects of coal mine intelligent system construction.

(3) Platform and software.

The platform and software subsystem stipulates the architecture, functional requirements, development management, etc. involved in coal mine intelligent platform carriers and application software, including geographical information platform, management and control intelligent platform and coal industry software, data intelligent platform, algorithm intelligent platform and intelligent video. There are five parts: system and digital twin system.

1. Geographic Information Platform Standards, 主要包括煤矿地测数据管理、地理信息软件系统、矿井地质建模、矿井电子地图服务、地理空间数据质量和安全、生产制图与简报产品规范等方面标准。

**2. Intelligent management and control platform and coal industry software standards, ** mainly include standards for technical architecture, functional requirements, evaluation indicators, application management and other aspects of coal mine intelligent comprehensive management and control platform and coal industry software.

3. Data intelligence platform standards, 主要包括煤炭企业和煤矿大数据平台通用技术、数据采集与存储、数据分析、数据仓库、业务应用模型、数据服务与应用、数据备份与恢复等方面标准。

**4. Standards for algorithmic intelligent platforms and intelligent video systems, ** mainly include standards for application platform architecture, integration requirements, software and hardware products, application management and other aspects involved in artificial intelligence in the coal industry and intelligent video surveillance systems.

**5. Digital twin system standards, ** mainly include standards for the construction of digital twin systems in the coal industry in terms of reference architecture, information model, equipment model, data interface and full-mine digital twin service applications.

(4) Production systems and technical equipment.

The production system and technical equipment subsystem stipulates the design, manufacturing, functional requirements, testing, etc. of coal mine intelligent technical equipment and systems, including intelligent systems and equipment for underground coal mines, intelligent systems and equipment for open-pit coal mines, and intelligent washing systems and equipment. There are three parts of equipment.

1. Intelligent systems and equipment (well engineering) standards, 主要包括智能地质保障、智能建井、智能掘进、智能开采、智能主运、智能辅运、智能通风、智能压风、智能供电、智能安全监控、智能灾害防治装备、智能矿压管理、智能供排水、智能水资源管控、智能辅助作业装备、煤矿机器人等方面标准。

2. Intelligent systems and equipment (open air) standards, 主要包括智能地质测量开采保障系统、智能穿爆系统、单斗—卡车间断工艺智能化系统、半连续工艺智能化系统、轮斗连续工艺智能化系统、智能调度系统、智能灾害防治预警、智能辅助生产系统及露天煤矿机器人等方面标准。

**3. Intelligent washing system and equipment standards, ** mainly include standards for intelligent production control, intelligent coal quality testing, intelligent production assistance, intelligent production process, intelligent washing and screening equipment, intelligent storage and shipment, etc.

(5) Operation and maintenance guarantee and management.

The operation and maintenance guarantee and management subsystem stipulates the production, operation and management of intelligent coal mines, including four parts: operation maintenance, equipment status maintenance, production management, and intelligent park.

**1. Operation and maintenance standards, ** mainly include standards for common foundation of intelligent mine operation and maintenance, information network platform operation and maintenance, intelligent control system and equipment operation and maintenance, operation and maintenance guarantee, etc.

**2. Equipment status maintenance standards, ** mainly include standards for coal mine equipment reliability requirements, equipment fault diagnosis methods and systems, equipment maintenance management and other aspects involved in equipment full life cycle management.

3. Production management standards, 主要包括煤矿智能化人员能力、人才建设、岗位设置、柔性生产管控、现场作业流程管理数字化、安全风险管控等管理过程及相配套的智能化系统等方面标准。

**4. Intelligent park standards, ** mainly include standards for command and dispatch centers, intelligent warehousing and material dispatching, park intelligent systems, park security systems, ecological governance and other aspects.

4. Organize and implement

(1) Improve the working mechanism. 国家能源局牵头建立煤矿智能化标准体系工作机制,研究建立煤矿智能化领域标准化组织,在年度能源、煤炭行业标准立项中重点支持,统筹推进有关标准制修订。结合煤矿智能化技术发展水平和标准实施情况,适时修订完善煤矿智能化标准体系建设指南和政策文件,推动煤矿智能化发展迈上更高水平。

(2) Strengthen professional support. 煤炭行业标准化管理机构、有关标准化技术委员会要按照国家相关部署要求,跟踪分析煤矿智能化技术装备发展水平,研究提出标准制修订立项计划,组织标准计划项目的技术审查、报批等,统筹推进煤矿智能化国家标准、行业标准、团体标准制修订,推动符合条件的团体标准及时转化为国家和行业标准。

(3) Promote the transformation of results. 煤炭企业、煤机装备制造企业、相关科研机构要加快煤矿智能化技术协同创新,积极参与适用性较强的关键性、基础性煤矿智能化标准制修订工作,及时总结固化煤矿智能化建设成熟经验,推动重要科技成果转化应用,提升标准合理性、可行性、先进性;要积极参与相关国际标准化组织交流活动,加速国内标准和国际标准的双向转化,提升煤炭领域国际标准化影响力。

4) Increase publicity and implementation. 国家能源局结合煤矿智能化示范项目建设,强化相关标准宣贯实施。各产煤省区煤炭行业管理部门、有关中央企业要结合本地区、本企业煤矿智能化发展实际,加大煤矿智能化相关技术标准宣传培训,支持煤炭企业因地制宜推广应用先进技术标准。有关行业协会要搭建上下游企业交流合作平台,通过多渠道广泛宣贯,引导煤炭行业在设计、施工、生产、运维、管理等环节积极应用煤矿智能化标准。

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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