Since the implementation of the "Guiding Opinions of the Ministry of Emergency Management on Further Strengthening Production Safety Reporting Work", various localities have further established and improved production safety reporting mechanisms, encouraged the reporting of major accident hazards and production safety violations, and further created a strong atmosphere for everyone to participate in production safety supervision. Recently, the Ministry of Emergency Management selected and announced 5 production safety reporting cases that were seriously investigated and dealt with in various places.

case 1 :Report and investigate excessive storage of fireworks and firecrackers

In January 2024, the Emergency Management Bureau of Wenshang County, Shandong Province received a report from the public, reporting that a fireworks store had excessive storage. After investigation, the store's fireworks and firecrackers operating (retail) license stated that the approved reserve was 300 boxes, and the on-site inspection found that the reserve was 445 boxes, which exceeded the approved reserve in the license, and the report was true. The above-mentioned behavior violated the provisions of Article 23, paragraph 3, of the "Implementation Measures for Fireworks and Firecraft Business Licensing", and the Wenshang County Emergency Management Bureau imposed administrative penalties in accordance with the law.

The whistleblower discovered and reported production safety violations of production and business units. In accordance with the provisions of the "Implementation Measures for Rewards for Reporting Safety Production of Fireworks and Firecrafts in Jining City", the Wenshang County Emergency Management Bureau rewarded the whistleblower with 20,000 yuan in February 2024.

case 2 :Report and investigate illegal mining of coal resources

In January 2024, the Xinjiang Toksun County Safety Committee Office (Toksun County Emergency Management Bureau) received reports from the public, reporting that there was illegal mining of coal resources in a certain area of Alehui Town. After investigation, Han, Wang and others organized personnel and equipment to privately dig and illegally mine coal resources in the area without the approval of the natural resources authorities and without obtaining a mining license. Law enforcement officers investigated and dealt with 28 people, 15 vehicles involved in the case, and more than 500 tons of stolen coal on the spot. The report was true. The above-mentioned behavior violates Article 3, paragraph 3, of the Mineral Resources Law of the People's Republic of China and Article 5, paragraph 1, of the Implementation Rules of the Mineral Resources Law of the People's Republic of China. The Natural Resources Bureau of Toksun County imposed administrative penalties in accordance with the law and transferred relevant personnel to the public security organs for handling in accordance with the law.

The whistleblower discovered and reported illegal activities of privately digging and illegally mining mineral resources. In accordance with the "Toksun County Report and Reward System on Illegal Mining and Transportation of Mineral Resources and Illegal Activities on Safety Production" issued by the Toksun County Safety Committee, the Toksun County Safety Committee Office (Toksun County Emergency Management Bureau) rewarded the whistleblower with 10,000 yuan in February 2024.

case 3 :Report, investigate and conceal accidents

In December 2023, the Emergency Management Bureau of Yanjin County in Yunnan received a report from the public that a production safety accident occurred during the construction of a tunnel in Miaoba Town, Yanjin County, resulting in one death and was suspected of concealing it. With the approval of the Yanjin County government, the Yanjin County Emergency Management Bureau took the lead and formed a joint investigation team with public security and other departments to conduct verification and handling. After investigation, the company had a production safety accident that killed one person in November 2023, and concealed it and failed to report it. The report was true. The above-mentioned behavior violates the provisions of Article 83 of the "Production Safety Law of the People's Republic of China." In accordance with the relevant provisions of Article 36, paragraph 1, of the "Regulations on Reporting, Investigation and Handling of Production Safety Accidents," the Yanjin County Emergency Management Bureau has imposed administrative penalties in accordance with the law. Two other persons responsible for the accident were dealt with in accordance with the law.

The whistleblower discovered and reported the production and business operation unit's concealment of accidents. In accordance with the "Yunnan Province Reward Measures for Reporting in the Field of Production Safety", the Yunnan Province Emergency Management Department rewarded the whistleblower with 30,000 yuan in March 2024.

case 4 :Report, investigate and carry out special operations without a license

In January 2024, the Sichuan Wenjiang District Emergency Management Bureau received a report from the public that some mechanics of a food company in Wenjiang District were engaged in electrical maintenance without electrical certificates. After investigation, the electrical special operation certificate of a certain employee engaged in electrical special operations in the company was not reviewed on schedule and has now expired, and the report is true. The above-mentioned behavior violated the provisions of Article 30, paragraph 1, of the "Production Safety Law of the People's Republic of China," and the Wenjiang District Emergency Management Bureau imposed administrative penalties in accordance with the law.

The whistleblower discovered and reported violations of production safety in production and business units. In accordance with the "Reward Measures for Production Safety Reports in Wenjiang District, Chengdu City", the Wenjiang District Emergency Management Bureau awarded the whistleblower 5000 yuan in March 2024.

case 5 :Report and investigate illegal high-altitude operations

In January 2024, the Huangbohai New Area Branch of the Emergency Management Bureau of Yantai City, Shandong Province received a report from the public that operators in a shopping mall did not wear safety helmets and safety ropes for climbing operations. After investigation, the operators carried out maintenance of the rolling door line at a height of about 2.3 meters from the fall datum plane. This was a high-altitude operation. The mall did not equip the operators with labor protection equipment (safety belts for high-altitude operations) that met national standards as required., the report is true. The above behavior violated the provisions of Article 45 of the "Production Safety Law of the People's Republic of China," and the Huangbohai New Area Branch of the Yantai City Emergency Management Bureau imposed administrative penalties in accordance with the law.

The whistleblower discovered and reported violations of production safety in the production and business operation unit. In accordance with the "Yantai Huanghai New Area Report and Reward Measures for Production Safety in the Field of Production Safety", the Huanghai New Area Branch of the Yantai City Emergency Management Bureau awarded the whistleblower 5000 yuan in March 2024.

The Ministry of Emergency Management will further intensify its work, supervise and guide various localities to further strengthen production safety reporting, mobilize the enthusiasm of the public to participate in reporting, and give full play to the role of social supervision of production safety.

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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