Among many disasters, mining accidents are the most serious among all work-related accidents, and gas disasters are the most prominent among mining disasters. Gas accidents are one of the major problems that need to be solved urgently in the development of China's mining industry. In the actual operation of the mine, as the mining depth of the mine increases and the mining intensity continues to increase, the risk of coal and gas outburst is increasing, and the dangerous area of gas outburst is also expanding. Some coal mines that were not originally classified as outburst mines have also had to be managed as outburst coal mines. The danger of gas outburst will gradually increase with the extension of mining depth and the increase of mining intensity.

虽然瓦斯是自然界存在的事物,但它又不同于海啸、地震等等,瓦斯是人类在开采煤层时释放出来的,因此在一定的程度上,只要采取相应的措施瓦斯还是可以控制的。有些单位不严格执行安全生产的各项法律规定和规章制度,重生产、轻安全,重效益、轻管理,内部管理松弛,安全管理漏洞很多,安全隐患不能及时排除,企业安全生产的主体责任不落实。煤炭行业管理薄弱,一些地方安全监管职责不清、监管不力;煤矿安全监察的权威性和有效性不够。 Unify our thinking and highly understand the importance of safe production in coal mines. 要坚持“安全第一,预防为主”的方针和“管理、装备、培训并重”的指导思想,坚持标本兼治、综合治理,加强监察执法,深化专项整治,强化基础工作,加大投入力度,推进科技进步,创新体制机制,坚持“先抽后采、监测监控、以风定产”的十二字方针,并逐步建立起安全生产的长效机制,实现安全生产。 Strengthen basic research and scientific and technological research on gas disasters ,构建煤炭科研、教育、装备体系。解决瓦斯突出问题,必须加强对瓦斯的监测监控。瓦斯检测的传感器直接关系到煤矿安全监控系统的可靠性和灵敏度,对监测监控起着决定作用。矿用固定式甲烷传感器已成为矿井瓦斯综合治理和灾害预测的关键技术装备,长期以来载体催化元件一直存在使用寿命短、工作稳定性差和调整校正频繁的缺点。 Increase investment in coal mine safety ,实现煤矿本质安全。安全投入不足,必须从政策上取得集团公司的必要支持。在规范维修费管理的基础上,加大安全生产投入和技术改造,对矿井通风系统进行技术改造,完善矿井瓦斯抽放系统,大力发展煤矿危险源的监测监控技术,为煤矿生产过程中的安全监测、监控创造条件,为煤矿安全生产提供可靠的技术保障。 提高煤矿生产安全标准煤炭开采业是高危险性行业,要从根本上改变安全生产状况,必须提高生产安全标准,制定和完善安全制度,全面提高***矿区煤炭生产的整体水平,促进煤矿安全生产。针对全国煤矿瓦斯灾害频发的现状,应牢固树立“瓦斯事故是可以预防和避免的”意识,把安全与生产的矛盾统一于科技进步和先进生产力之中;树立“瓦斯是资源、是清洁能源”的意识,通过瓦斯治理与利用,解放生产力,保护生命,保护资源,保护环境:逐步构建安全、高效、节能、环保的煤炭产业秩序;坚持本质安全开采,瓦斯突出矿井必须通过瓦斯治理,使之处于低瓦斯状态下进行开采。 请在看、点赞、分享三连击,让更多人看到! 免责声明:本文所载内容系网络资料,无法联系版权所有人,如文章文字、图片存在侵权行为,烦请联系公众号运营人员,微信号:qjd2013,我们会予以删除!


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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