On April 7, Wang Xiangxi, Secretary of the Party Committee and Minister of the Ministry of Emergency Management, presided over the Ministry's Party Committee and Ministry Affairs Meeting to convey the spirit of studying and implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech when participating in the voluntary tree planting activities in the capital and the Central Party Building Leading Group Meeting, and study and deploy key safety precautions in the second quarter. Wang Xiangxi emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, closely integrate party discipline study and education with the implementation of major decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the completion of key emergency management tasks, make every effort to prevent and resolve various major security risks, and resolutely curb serious accidents., effectively respond to sudden disasters, and ensure the safety of people's lives and property and the stability of the overall social situation.

The meeting pointed out that carrying out party discipline study and education throughout the party is an important measure taken by the Party Central Committee to strengthen party discipline construction and promote the in-depth development of comprehensive and strict party governance. It is necessary to support the "two establishments" and achieve "two safeguards". From the perspective of "two establishments", we must effectively regard this study and education as an important political task. Party members and cadres in the Organization Department thoroughly study and implement the "Disciplinary Regulations of the Communist Party of China" and deepen the importance of strengthening party discipline construction and neglecting party discipline, The understanding of the dangers of violating party discipline issues promotes party members and cadres to strengthen their consciousness of abiding by discipline, and always maintains a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core. It is necessary to accurately grasp the goals and requirements of this party discipline study and education, educate and guide party members and cadres to learn, understand, understand and abide by discipline, and always be loyal, clean and responsible. We must pay attention to integrating learning and education into daily life and focusing on regular times, closely integrating it with the theoretical study center group study, the party branch's "three sessions and one lesson", and the theme party day, etc., do a good job in promoting learning through cases and assisting students through training, and promote party members and cadres to achieve high-quality completion of party discipline study and education tasks.

会议强调,进入二季度,安全生产风险和汛期灾害交织叠加,安全形势更加严峻复杂,要始终保持清醒头脑,对重大风险隐患治理动真碰硬,集中精力抓好安全防范各项重点工作。 first, we must加强重点行业领域安全风险防控。 Taking the implementation of the eight hard measures for mine safety as the starting point, we will increase spot checks and inspections of mines that resume work and resume production and exposure of illegal activities, strengthen the connection of execution and responsibility back-investigation, and organize special inspections of mines and tailings ponds during flood seasons. 持续抓好“三类场所”和居民楼、商场市场、宾馆饭店、景区游乐场等火灾防范。聚焦危化品“两重点一重大”,开展重大危险源企业“消地协作”督导核查,督促企业做好强对流天气、雷电、高温等防范应对。重拳打击、标本兼治特种作业证造假售假行为。协调有关部门加强对交通、建筑、燃气等行业领域安全监管。 second, we must 持续抓好森林草原防灭火工作。突出西南和“三北”等重点地区,配合有关部门滚动排查野外违规用火和输配电设施等重大火灾隐患,督促各地发挥好林长制作用,压实防火责任,调动各方力量深入一线、看山护林,广泛开展安全宣传教育培训,筑牢森林草原防灭火人民防线。消防救援队伍要在高火险等级地区预置力量,加强与地方队伍的联勤联动,确保打早打小打了。 third, we must 积极防范应对汛期各类自然灾害。督促重点地区加密强降雨、雷暴大风、风雹等灾害性天气监测预警,落实地下空间、低洼地区、临时建筑、户外作业等安全防范措施。抓紧组织开展各大流域汛前检查,推动各地及时公布防汛责任人,全面排查整治山洪、地质灾害及城市内涝等风险隐患,严格落实预警响应“叫应”机制,及时高效转移受威胁群众。强化地震趋势分析研判和震情监测预警,督促重点地区扎实做好预案、队伍、装备等应急准备。

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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