Production safety is a basic principle that any industry must strictly abide by, especially for non-coal mining industries. The following are the "15 Think About" contents that need to be used in safe production in non-coal mines to remind and strengthen safety awareness and ensure safety in the production process.

1. Think about whether safety responsibilities are clear. 在非煤矿山工作中,每个岗位、每个员工都应该明确自己的安全职责。是否清楚地知道自己在安全生产中的角色和责任?是否真正将安全放在了首位?

** Second, think about whether safety training is in place. ** Safety training is an important way to improve employees 'safety awareness, skills and capabilities. Have you received the necessary safety training? Are you familiar with safety operating procedures and emergency response methods?

** 3. Think about whether the safety facilities are complete. ** Safety facilities are an important guarantee for preventing accidents. Are the safety facilities in the workplace complete and effective? Are inspections and maintenance carried out regularly?

** 4. Think about whether the safety system is sound. ** A sound safety system is the foundation for ensuring safe production. Is the company's safety management system complete? Is it strictly enforced?

** 5. Think about whether the working environment is good. ** The quality of the working environment is directly related to the safety and health of employees. Is the working environment clean and orderly? Are there hidden dangers and sources of danger?

** 6. Think about whether the source of danger is clear. ** Understanding and controlling hazard sources is the key to preventing accidents. Are the sources of hazards in the workplace clear? Have effective control measures been taken?

** 7. Think about whether personal protection is in place. ** Personal protection is the last line of defense to protect employees from harm. Are necessary personal protective equipment provided? Is it used and maintained correctly?

8. Think about whether you are familiar with the emergency measures. 熟悉应急措施可以在事故发生时迅速应对,减少损失。是否熟悉应急预案和逃生路线?是否知道如何正确使用灭火器材和急救设备?

** 9. Think about whether the operating procedures are standardized. ** Standardized operating procedures ensure safety during the operation. Are the operation strictly followed? Have illegal operations and risky operations been avoided?

** 10. Think about whether the safety inspection is meticulous. ** Safety inspections are an important means to discover hidden dangers and prevent accidents. Have safety inspections been carried out carefully? Have the problems discovered been rectified in a timely manner?

** 11. Think about whether the shift handover is clear. ** Shift handover is an important part to ensure work continuity and safety. Are the safety conditions and precautions clearly explained during shift handover? Does it ensure seamless connection of work?

12. Think about whether the role of the team leader is played. 班组长是生产一线的直接管理者和领导者,对安全生产负有重要责任。班组长是否充分发挥了作用?是否带领班组成员共同做好安全工作?

13. Think about whether the security atmosphere is strong. 良好的安全氛围可以激发员工的安全意识和主动性。企业的安全氛围是否浓厚?是否鼓励员工积极参与安全管理和改进工作?

** 14. Think about whether there is sufficient investment in safety. ** Safety investment is an important condition for ensuring safe production. Has the company invested enough in safety? Are the needs for safety facilities, training, etc. ensured?

15. Think about whether lessons have been learned from the accident. 事故是教训的源泉,必须认真吸取事故教训,防止类似事故再次发生。是否认真分析了事故原因?是否采取了有效的防范措施?

These "Fifteen Thoughts" are contents that need to be constantly thought about and strengthened in production safety in non-coal mines. Only by always being vigilant and strictly abiding by safety regulations can we ensure safety in the production process of non-coal mines. It is hoped that every employee working in non-coal mines can keep these points in mind and jointly contribute to production safety.

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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