There are also rankings for local fiscal "transparency". Recently, the 2022 local budget and final accounts disclosure ranking released by the Ministry of Finance shows that the level of budget and final accounts disclosure management in various places has continued to improve, and budget and final accounts information has basically been "disclosed as far as possible", with Guangdong, Henan and Hunan ranking among the top three. In addition, from disclosure of subjects to disclosure of content, there are still some problems that need to be improved and improved.

Disclosure of budgets and final accounts is essentially the transparency of government actions. 政府收入有多少、花了多少,资金投向哪里、花出什么效果,这些都反映了政府是否履职尽责,也关系着人民群众切身利益。正因如此,预决算公开成为推进“阳光政府”建设乃至国家治理的一个重要抓手。只有充分提升预决算透明度,才能更好规范政府行为,增强社会公众监督,提高公共产品服务和质量。
In recent years, the disclosure of budgets and final accounts has been continuously promoted, and the public is paying more and more attention to and understanding the budgets and final accounts. 2015年起实施的新预算法,明确“建立健全全面规范、公开透明的预算制度”,对预决算公开的范围、主体、时限等均提出明确具体的要求。每年从中央到地方的预决算公开都备受社会关注。财政部自2015年以来,每年在全国范围内开展地方预决算公开检查,并公布预决算公开度排行榜。对各地预决算公开情况进行评价,而且进行量化打分、公开“名次”,显示出对推进地方预决算公开的高度重视。
Through inspections and rankings over the years, we can see that the disclosure of local budgets and final accounts is constantly improving. 正如这次检查结果所显示的,地方政府和部门基本实现“应公开尽公开”,预决算公开透明度持续提升。这也符合社会公众的普遍感受,以往不那么容易了解到的一系列政府收支数据,现在都能在公开的预决算报告中一目了然。最典型的如“三公”经费,政府或者部门人员的因公出国(境)费用、公务接待费、公务用车购置和运行维护费都实现了透明化。应该说,“三公”经费实现连续压减,这和预决算公开的监督作用密不可分。
At the same time, it should also be noted that there are still weak links in the disclosure of budgets and final accounts in some places. 从此次检查看,虽然应公开预决算的地方各级政府均已全部公开,但个别部门及少数部门所属单位未公开预决算信息,少数预决算信息未在法定时间内向社会公开,部分预决算公开内容不完整不细化不准确。此外,部分预决算公开内容可读性不够。

Promoting the disclosure of budgets and final accounts is difficult to "complete its efforts in one battle", but it is a task that requires long-term persistence and improvement. 一方面,既要重视中央预决算公开,也要重视地方预决算公开。中国实行一级政府一级预算,设立从中央到地方一共五级的预算。2008年进行部门预算内部公开试点,此后进一步推开,各部门集中在1天内“晒账本”。2009年首次公开中央政府预算。中央预决算公开持续提升科学性、规范性和可获得性,受到社会广泛关注和肯定。如果说中央预算和宏观安排、宏观政策关系密切,地方预算则和各地经济发展、百姓民生的关系更为直接。一些地方政府或者地方部门在预决算公开的科学性、规范性上还做得不够,应该引起高度重视,尽快补足短板。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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