Standard for Verification of Production Capacity of Non-Coal Mines in Anhui Province (Interim)

chapter I General provisions

Article 1 In order to scientifically verify the production capacity of non-coal mines, this standard is formulated in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and industry technical specifications.

Article 2 To verify the production capacity of non-coal mines, the following conditions must be met:

(1) Obtaining mining licenses, production safety licenses and business licenses in accordance with the law;

(2) Meet the industry access conditions, have sound production, technology, and safety management institutions and necessary professional and technical personnel, and special operations personnel must obtain special operation qualification certificates;

(3) Having sound production, technology and safety management systems;

(4) All production systems and safety facilities are operating normally.

Article 3 The approved production capacity of non-coal mines is measured in 10,000 tons/a. The annual working day is 330 days for underground mines and 300 days for open-pit mines.

Article 4 To verify the production capacity of non-coal mines, the capacity of each production system (link) shall be verified item by item, and the lowest capacity shall be taken as the comprehensive production capacity of non-coal mines. At the same time, the mining recovery rate, recoverable reserves and service life of mineral resources are verified.

Major approvals for non-coal underground mines:The capabilities of the main shaft lifting system, auxiliary shaft lifting system, drainage system, power supply system, underground transportation system, mining face and ventilation system, and the filling capabilities of the filling mining method. Dust removal and communication system capabilities, etc., should be used as a reference basis and should meet the needs of approved production capabilities.

Non-coal open-pit mines mainly verify the capabilities of blasting, mining and loading, transportation, soil dumping and other links. The capabilities of dust removal, water prevention and drainage, power supply, and ground production systems shall be used as a reference basis and shall meet the needs of approved production capabilities.

Article 5 The approved criteria for classifying non-coal mine production capacity are as follows:

(1) Non-coal mines below 300,000 t/a and above the minimum mining scale are rated at 10,000 tons (i.e. 1,20,000 t/a...), and non-coal mines of rare and precious metals are rated at 5,000 tons;

(2) Non-coal mines of 300,000 t/a to 1 million t/a are rated as 50,000 tons (i.e. 300,350,000 t/a...);

(3) Non-coal mines above 1 million tons/a are rated as 100,000 tons (i.e. 1,000, 1.1 million tons/a...);

If the production capacity verification result is not at the standard level, it will be determined according to the principle of being close to the nearest level.

Article 6 The parameters used to verify the production capacity of non-coal mines must be determined by collecting published or reported production technical indicators, on-site actual measurement and test data from legal testing institutions, and conducting statistics, analysis, sorting, correction, and on-site verification.

Chapter 2 Verification of Resource Reserves and Service Life

Article 7 Contents and standards for verification of non-coal mine resource reserves:

(1) Having documents on resource reserves recognized in accordance with the law;

(2) Have resource reserve data verified or tested in the previous year;

(3) The mining recovery rate meets the design requirements;

(4) The retention of safety pillars meets the design requirements;

(5) The third-level mineral volume meets the requirements;

(6) The increase and decrease of resource reserves approved in accordance with regulations (cancellations, loss reporting, geological and hydrogeological losses, transfers and transfers, etc.);

(7) Whether there is any cross-layer and cross-border mining.

Article 8 To improve the approved production capacity of non-coal mines, resources must be guaranteed, and the service life after the production capacity is approved shall not be lower than the service life of various types of mines specified in the non-coal mine design specifications. Those who fail to meet the above provisions shall not increase the approved production capacity.

Chapter 3 Verification of Improving System Production Capacity

Article IX核定主、副井提升系统能力必备条件:

(1) Improve the completeness of system equipment and facilities, comply with relevant regulations and specifications, and pass the test by qualified testing and inspection institutions;

(2) The lifting system protection device is complete and operating normally;

(3) The technical files of the improvement system are complete, various operation, maintenance, inspection, and accident records are complete, and inspections and maintenance are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Safety Regulations for Metal and Non-Metal Mines.

Article X主井提升系统核定生产能力的主要内容:

(1) The main shaft lifting capacity refers to the ability of the lifting system from the main shaft loading level to the ore unloading level;

(2) The main shaft lifting capacity is calculated based on 330 days of annual working days, and the daily lifting time (h/d) is determined based on different wellbore types;

(3) When lifting the shaft, if the skip well is the main lifting, it takes 19.5 hours to lift one type of ore, and if the two types of ore are lifted, it takes 18 hours to lift the cage well; if the cage well is the main lifting, it takes 16.5 hours to lift the main shaft;

(4) When lifting the inclined shaft, the main lifting takes 19.5 hours, and the auxiliary lifting and the main and auxiliary lifting takes 16.5 hours. When the skip and locomotive or vehicle are jointly transported, the pure lifting operation time shall not exceed 18 hours;

(5) When multiple main wells lift ore at the same time, the sum of the approved lifting capabilities of each single well shall be based on.

Article XI主井提升系统能力核定公式及标准:

When the main shaft is lifted by shaft skip, shaft cage, inclined shaft skip, and inclined shaft tandem vehicles, the lifting capacity verification shall be calculated according to the following formula:

in the formula: A-Main well lifting capacity, 10,000 tons/a ;

t r -Annual working day, 330 days;

ts-daily promotion time, selected in accordance with the provisions of Article 10;

Q-Effectively increase the amount of ore each time, t ;

C-Lifting unevenness coefficient. When lifting the shaft, take 1.15 for the skip and 1.2 for the cage; when lifting the inclined shaft, take 1.25 when only one set of lifting device is installed in the development system; when two sets of lifting devices are installed, take 1.2 for the mine car group lifting and take 1.15 for the skip;

k-Excess coefficient for improving equipment capacity, taken as 1.1~1.2 ;

T-Increase the cycle time once, s.

Article XII副井提升系统能力核定的主要内容:

(1) The auxiliary well's system improvement capacity refers to the comprehensive ability of the auxiliary well to improve waste rock, personnel and materials during the lowest middle stage production;

(2) The auxiliary shaft lifting capacity is calculated based on the annual working day of 330 days, the third shift operation, and the maximum shift lifting time of 5.5 hours;

(3) When multiple auxiliary wells are simultaneously lifting waste rock and materials, the sum of the approved lifting capabilities of each single well shall be determined.

Article XIII副井提升系统能力核定公式及标准:

The approval of auxiliary shaft lifting capacity is calculated according to the following formula:

in the formula: A-Auxiliary well improvement capacity, 10,000 tons/a ;

R-Waste stone rate (weight ratio of waste stone to ore output), % ;

P G -Weight of waste stone each time, t ;

T G -One cycle time for lifting waste stone, s ;

M-Proportion of mining materials per ton, % ;

P C -The weight of the material is increased each time, t ;

T C -Material cycle time per increase, s ;

D-The number of times other materials are poured, calculated as 5 - 10 times per shift (referring to explosives, equipment, long materials, etc.);

T Q -Time for each cycle of other materials, s ;

TR-Total time for each shift to and from the well, s.

The time required for calculating personnel to go up and down the well shall comply with the following regulations:

1. Take the maximum measured value for the workers going down the well in each shift.

2. The time for lifting and lowering other personnel shall be 20% of the time for lifting and lowering workers, and shall not be less than 5 times.

Article XIV混合井提升系统能力核定的主要内容:

(1) The lifting capacity of the mixed well refers to the ability of the lifting system to reach the ground from the mixed well that undertakes the main and auxiliary lifting tasks of the mine;

(2) The lifting capacity of the mixed well shall be operated in three shifts per year for 330 days on a working day. When protective isolation measures are taken, the maximum lifting time of the shift shall be selected in accordance with the provisions of Article 10 for shaft lifting. If there are no protective isolation measures, the lifting time of the skip or cage shall be considered as reducing the lifting time of a single shaft by 1.5 hours.

Article XV混合井提升系统能力核定公式及标准:

The approval of the lifting capacity of the mixed well is calculated as follows:

in the formula: A-Improving capacity of mixed wells, 10,000 tons/a ;

C h -The maximum number of hours of shift advancement, selected in accordance with the provisions of Article 14;

R-Waste stone rate (weight ratio of waste stone to ore output), % ;

P G -Weight of waste stone each time, t ;

T M -Primary cycle time of ore lifting, s ;

P M -Weight of each extraction, t ;

T G -One cycle time for lifting waste stone, s ;

M-Proportion of mining materials per ton, % ;

P C -The weight of the material is increased each time, t ;

T C -Material cycle time per increase, s ;

D-The number of times other materials are lowered, calculated as 5-10 times per shift (referring to the lowering of explosives, equipment, long materials, etc.);

T Q -Reduce the cycle time of other materials, s ;

TR-Total commuting time per shift, s, relevant regulations are the same as the approval of auxiliary shaft improvement capacity;

C-The unevenness coefficient of extracted ore and waste stone is taken as 1.25.

Chapter 4 Verification of Underground Drainage System Capacity Article 16核定井下排水系统能力必备条件: (一)排水系统完善,设备、设施完好,运转正常; (二)有依法批准的地质报告提供的正常涌水量和最大涌水量,以及生产期间的实际涌水量数据。有突水淹井危险的矿井应有经技术论证预测的突水量,并有防治水害的有效措施; (三)管理维护制度健全,各种运行、维护、检查、事故记录完备,有 每年一次的全部工作水泵和备用水泵联合排水试验演习报告(防洪演习)记录,确保排水系统和供配电系统等安全可靠。article XVII 排水系统能力核定的主要内容和标准: (一)矿井有多级排水系统的,应对各级排水系统能力分别核定,然后根据矿井排水系统构成和各级涌水情况,综合分析确定矿井排水能力; (二)根 据依法批准的矿山地质报告提供的涌水量和生产期间涌水量实测数据,取最大值作为矿井排水系统能力的计算依据; (三)核定矿井排水系统能力时,工作水泵应能在 20 小时内排出矿井 24 小时的正常涌水量;除检修泵外,其他水泵应能在 20 小时内排出矿井 24 小时的最大涌水量。井筒内应敷设两条相同的排水管,一用一备; (四)矿井水仓容量必须满足《金属非金属矿山安全规程》规定,水仓应由两个独立的巷道系统组成,主水仓容量必须符合以下计算要求:

1. Effective volume of a single water tank (V1):

V 1 ≥(2 ~ 4)Q s ( m 3 )

2. Total volume of water bin (V):

V≥(6 ~ 8)Q s ( m 3 )

in the formula: Q s -Normal water inflow per hour of the mine, m3/h.

(5) The verification of mine drainage system capacity is calculated according to the following formula:

1. Normal mine water inflow and drainage capacity:

2 、矿井最大涌水量排水能力:
式中: A n — 正常涌水量排水能力,万 t/a ; B n — 工作水泵小时排水能力, m 3 /h ; P n — 上一年度平均日产吨矿正常涌水量, m 3 /t ; A m — 最大涌水量排水能力,万 t/a ; B m — 工作水泵加备用水泵的小时排水能力, m 3 /h ; P m — 上一年度平均日产吨矿最大涌水量, m 3 /t 。Chapter 5 Verification of power supply system capabilities

Article XVIII核定供电系统能力必备条件:

(1) The power supply system is reasonable, the equipment, facilities and protective devices are complete, the technical performance meets the specified requirements, and the operation is normal;

(2) The power supply system has complete technical files, complete records of various operations, maintenance, inspections, and accidents, and sound management and maintenance systems;

(3) Non-coal underground mines must have dedicated two-loop power lines;

(4) When a non-coal underground mine uses a dedicated single-loop power supply for power, there must be a backup power supply that meets the reliable operation of mine equipment such as ventilation, drainage, and lifting.

article XIX供电系统能力核定的主要内容和标准:

(1) Under normal circumstances, the two circuit power lines should be operated separately. When one circuit is used for operation, the other circuit must be charged for standby; the capacity verification is calculated as the conversion capacity of the working line and the working transformer, and the spare line, spare transformer, and spare generator set are not included in the power supply capacity;

(2) The power supply capacity of the power line must meet the allowable current carrying capacity requirements and should meet the requirement that the line voltage drop does not exceed 5%;

(3) The verification of power line capacity is calculated according to the following formula:

in the formula: A-Conversion capacity of the power line, ten thousand tons/a ; P-Reasonable and allowable power supply capacity of the line, kW, calculated based on the allowable current carrying capacity of the line, but the line voltage drop shall not exceed 5% ; w-Comprehensive power consumption per ton of mine, kWh/t, using the actual comprehensive power consumption per ton of mine of the previous year. (4) The capacity verification of the main transformer shall be calculated according to the following formula: in the formula: A-Conversion capacity of the transformer, 10,000 tons/a ; S-Working transformer capacity, kVA ; PSI-is the power factor of the entire mine, taken as 0.9 ; w-Comprehensive power consumption per ton of mine, kWh/t, which is the same as the number used in the approved calculation formula for power line capacity. (5) The wellbore cable cannot be converted into the mine production capacity, but it is necessary to ensure that when any circuit fails or the power supply stops, the other circuits can still bear the entire underground load, and the safe current carrying capacity and voltage drop meet the requirements. ** Chapter 6 Verification of Production Capacity of Underground Transportation System **

Article XX核定井下运输系统能力必备条件:

(1) The underground transportation system is complete, the protection devices are complete, and the operation is normal;

(2) All kinds of driving and dispatching signal facilities are complete, safety signs are complete and eye-catching, and the lighting in the yard and roadway complies with regulations.

article XXI井下运输系统能力核定的主要内容和标准:

(1) The capacity of the underground transportation system mainly includes the transportation capacity of the working face, upper (lower) mountains, inclined shafts, and transportation lanes;

(2) When verifying the capacity of the underground transportation system, if the measured data is greater than the rated capacity of the equipment, the rated capacity of the equipment shall prevail; if the measured data is less than the rated capacity of the equipment, the measured data shall prevail;

(3) The smallest link (or equipment) capacity in the underground transportation system is the approved capacity of the underground transportation system;

(4) When the underground transportation system has multiple independent systems, its approved capacity is the sum of the minimum link capabilities of each independent system;

(5) When electric locomotive transportation is used, the throughput capacity of main lane transportation and bottom yard yard is calculated according to the following formula:

式中: N— 每列车矿车数,辆 / 列; G— 每辆车载矿量, t/ 辆; R— 通过大巷运输废石、材料、设备、人员等占原矿运量比重, % ; k 1 — 不均匀系数,取 1.15 ; T— 大巷中相邻两列车间隔时间, min/ 列。按下式计算: 。 式中: L— 大巷运输距离, m ; V— 列车平均运行速度, m/min ; t 1 — 装车调车时间(含中途停车时间), min ; t 2 — 卸载调车时间, min ; n— 运矿列车的列数,列。 井下轨道运输仅承担辅助运输时,不核定其能力。 (六)当采用无轨设备作为井下主要运输时 , 其能力核定按下式计算:
式中: A— 运输能力,万 t/a ; t— 每天工作时间,取 16h ; G— 无轨设备载重量, t/ 台; k 1 — 运输不均衡系数,取 1.2 ; n— 无轨设备平均日工作台数,台; T— 运输一次循环时间, min/ 次。
式中: L— 加权平均运输距离, m ; v— 无轨设备平均运行速度, m/min ; t 1 — 装车调车时间(含中途停车时间), min ; t 2 — 卸载调车时间, min ; 用该公式计算出结果后,须按下式验算井底车场和大巷通过能力,然后取其小者为矿井运输能力:
式中: A ′ — 井底车场和大巷通过能力,万 t/a ; G— 无轨设备载重量, t/ 次; k x — 运输线路系数,单线时为 0.5 ,完全形成环线时为 1 ; R— 运输废石占原矿比重, % ; k 1 — 不均匀系数,取 1.2 ; T ′ — 大巷中相邻两车间隔时间, min ,取 0.5 。 (七)所有使用柴油无轨设备运输的矿井必须按车辆尾气排放量和巷道中废气浓度核算合理的车辆使用数,以确定矿井的最大运输能力; (八)盲斜井运输能力按第十三条、第十五条有关公式计算。Chapter 7 Verification of the Production Capacity of Mining Working Faces Article 22 核定采掘工作面能力必备条件: (一)采场按照设计核定数进行布置; (二)严格按定编定员标准组织生产; (三)采场必须保持至少两个畅通的安全出口; (四)采场生产必须形成完整的通风、排水、供电、运输等系统; (五)必须保证回采工作面的正常接续,均衡稳定生产, “ 三级矿量 ” 符合国家有关规定。article XXIII采掘工作面生产能力核定的主要内容和标准: (一)核查矿山各采场生产能力、可采储量以及矿井开拓方式、采矿方法,核查现生产水平是否满足 “ 三级矿量 ” 要求; (二)采场工作面能力根据前 3 年回采工作面的实际情况,按不同矿体状况、不同采矿工艺,按下式计算回采工作面前 3 年的平均生产能力:

in the formula: A C -Average production capacity of the stope working face, ten thousand tons/a ; L-Average length of the stope working face, m ; T-Average annual advancement of the stope working face, m ; P-Average stope production capacity, t/m2; N-Average number of stope working faces, per. (3) The annual excavation ore volume of the excavation face is calculated based on the actual data of the excavation face in the previous three years, the proportion of the excavation ore volume to the mining volume and the annual excavation ore volume are calculated;

式中: C— 掘进矿量占回采矿量的比例; G J — 前 3 年掘进矿量总和,万吨; G c — 前 3 年回采矿量总和,万吨。 掘进矿量为: (万 t/a ) (四)根据前 3 年的采矿工作面平均生产能力和掘进量计算前 3 年矿井年平均采掘生产能力: (万 t/a ) 前 3 年矿井年平均采掘生产能力可作为矿井采掘工作面核定生产能力。article XXIV特殊情况下采掘工作面生产能力的核定: 由于矿山新建后生产时间不长或者地质构造、矿体赋存条件发生变化,或技术改造移交时间短、采矿工艺变化、采矿机械化程度变化,或市场销售制约等因素,前 3 年采掘工作面生产情况不能准确反映目前实际时,可根据采矿工作面循环作业图表、近期矿井生产和今后 3 年采掘接替安排等情况,并参照类似矿山生产情况,分别计算采矿工作面生产能力和掘进量,确定采掘工作面生产能力。Chapter 8 Verification of ventilation system capabilities

article XXV核定通风系统能力必备条件:

(1) There must be a complete and independent ventilation, dust prevention, fire prevention and safety monitoring system, reasonable ventilation system, complete and reliable ventilation facilities;

(2) Mechanical ventilation must be adopted, spare parts (motors, fan blades) for operating fans and wind turbines must have the same capabilities, and mine fans must pass the test by qualified inspection and inspection institutions;

(3) Ventilation safety testing instruments and instruments are complete and reliable;

(4) The installation and use of local fans comply with the provisions of the "Safety Regulations for Metal and Non-Metal Mines";

(5) The series ventilation of the mining working face meets the regulations;

(6) The ventilation system should be measured once a year.


(1) Verify the air passing capacity of main ventilation shafts;

(2) Verify the basic conditions of mining faces, tunneling faces and underground independent air use locations;

(3) Verify the operating status of mine fans;

(4) Check the integrity of the ventilation structures of the ventilation system.


(1) Total air volume in the mine

According to the characteristics of mine production, the total air volume required by the entire mine should be the sum of the maximum air volume required by each working face and the air volume that requires independent ventilation chambers. At the same time, mine air leakage, heat damage effects from deep mines, underground diesel equipment operation, unbalanced production and untimely air volume adjustment should also be taken into account, and a certain spare air volume should be given.

The calculation formula for the total air volume of sub-mines is as follows:

in the formula:Q-mine total air volume, m 3 / s; k-mine air volume reserve coefficient, which is greater than 1 considering the unavoidable air leakage in the mine, untimely air volume adjustment and uneven production, if there is no caving area on the surface, the number of mining faces working at the same time is 1.35-1.5. The required air volume of Q mining-mining face, m 3 / s; n standby-mining face reserve quantity; Q backup-standby mining face air volume, m 3 / s. For the spare working face which is difficult to be airtight, such as electric rake roadway group and rock drilling patio group, the air volume should be the same as the working face. The air volume of the spare working face that can be temporarily closed, such as the ventilation patio of the stope or the available cover plate or air door of the roadway, can take half of the air volume of the working face, that is, Q reserve = 0.5Q mining; n excavation-simultaneous working face number; Q excavation-heading face required air volume, m 3 / s N adit-need ventilation chamber number, mainly underground explosive depot chamber, slip chamber, machine repair chamber, etc.; Q adit-chamber air volume, m 3 / s. N other-the number of other air points required, including main chute loading and unloading points, pulse loading points, bolting and shotcreting supporting faces, and ore loading and unloading points in the main air flow, among which the loading and unloading points in the main air flow are different depending on the degree of pollution to the main air flow (the number of loading and unloading points, whether the operation is simultaneous or continuous, and the completeness of comprehensive dust prevention measures, etc.), consider full supply, partial supply or no supply of air volume. (2) the air volume required in the mining face is calculated according to different mining methods and the number of people working at the same time, according to the smoke discharge after blasting and the dust discharge during rock drilling, and then the larger value is taken as the air volume of the mining face. In the process of mining, the blasting work can be divided into shallow hole blasting or medium-deep hole blasting according to the amount of explosive used in one blasting. Therefore, the required air volume of the mining face is calculated according to different conditions. Calculation of Air Volume in shallow Hole blasting Mining face calculation of Air Volume in ⑴ roadway Mining face
in the formula: Q-Air volume of roadway type working face, m3/s ; A-explosive volume of one blasting, kg ; -Half of the length of the stope, m ; -Cross-sectional area of the working face, m2; -Ventilation time, s. (2) Calculation of air volume at chamber type mining face
in the formula: Q-The air volume of the chamber type working face, m3/s ; A-the explosive volume of one blasting, kg ; V-the chamber space volume, m3; -Ventilation time, s ; k-The turbulent diffusion coefficient of the air flow, the value can be selected according to the table. It depends on the shape and position relationship between the chamber and its air intake tunnel. When the chamber has multiple inlet and outlet outlets, the k value is taken to be 0.8 ~ 1.0. ** 2. ** There are two methods to calculate the air volume based on dust removal. One is to calculate the air volume based on dust production at the work site; the other is to calculate the air volume based on the dust exhaust wind speed. (1) Calculate the required air volume of the working face based on the dust output at the operation site. The dust exhaust air volume refers to the use of comprehensive dust prevention measures to dilute the dust output of a certain equipment to the allowable concentration of air volume on the premise of meeting the minimum dust exhaust wind speed (0.15m/s). The dust in the air of the working face mainly comes from the dust-producing equipment. The dust production volume depends on the dust production intensity of the equipment and the number of equipment working at the same time. For different working faces and operation types, the dust exhaust air volume can be determined according to the following table.

Dust exhaust wind gauge for working face

serial number


working face


device name


number of devices


wind flow characteristics


Dust exhaust air volume (m3/s)




tunnel type stope


a jackhammer


1 set

2 sets

3 sets


Through the wind current







chamber stope


a jackhammer


1 set

2 sets

3 sets


Through the wind current







Medium and deep hole drilling


heavy rock drill


1 set

2 sets

1 set

2 sets


Through the wind current

Through the wind current

single-end ventilation

single-end ventilation


2.5 ~ 3.5

3.0 ~ 4.0

3.0 ~ 4.0

4.0 ~ 5.0

medium rock drill


1 set

2 sets


Through the wind current

Through the wind current






loader unloading


Pneumatic and electric loader and loader


1 set

1 set


Through the wind current

single-end ventilation


2.5 ~ 3.5

3.5 ~ 4.0



electric rake drawing


large electric harrow

medium electric harrow


1 set

1 set


Through the wind current

Through the wind current






secondary breakup

1.5 ~ 2.0



ore drawing operation

1.5 ~ 2.0



shotcrete-anchor support

Through the wind current

single-end ventilation


3.0 ~ 4.0

4.0 ~ 5.0

(2) Calculate the air volume of the working face according to the dust exhaust wind speed: Q-Calculated wind value of the stope, m3/s ; S-Wind-passing section of the working site in the stope, m2; V-Dust exhaust wind speed required by the working face, m/s. For roadway type mining faces, v=0.25 ~ 0.5m/s can be adopted.(If the cross-section is small and the rock drill is often used, the larger value is used; otherwise, the smaller value is used, but the air volume at a working face must not be lower than 1m3/s), v=0.5 m/s can be used for raking roadway; v=0.3 ~ 0.4 m/s can be used for inlet ventilation of sublevel caving mining method without sill pillars; v=0.25 m/s can be used for other roadways; After calculating the air volume of each mining face according to the operation arrangement and layout of the mining plan and the mining method used, the total return air volume of the mining face can be obtained by summarizing. (3) Calculation of air volume at the tunnel face

During the preliminary design and construction drawing design stage, the distribution and number of excavation working faces can only be roughly determined based on the mining ratio. The wind value can be selected according to the following table according to various development and mining tunnel sections. The calculated air volume of different sections in this table has taken into account the factors of large sections and large equipment and the necessary air volume for local ventilation. Ensure that the average wind speed of the tunnel is ≥ 0.25m/s.

Calculated air volume table for heading face

serial number


Drifting section (m2)


Air volume at heading face (m3/s)




less than 5.0


1.0 ~ 1.5



5.0 ~ 9.0


1.5 ~ 2.5



greater than 9.0


2.5 ~ 3.5

(4) Calculation of air volume in the chamber Some underground service chambers require independent air flow ventilation. For this reason, air volume calculation is needed to determine the total air volume in the mine. 1. Underground explosive stores generally require independent through-air ventilation, and the air volume can be 1.5 ~ 3.0 m3/s. 2. The electric locomotive maintenance garage can take 1.0 ~ 1.5 m3/s. 3. Charging chambers generally require independent through-air ventilation. The purpose is to dilute the amount of hydrogen generated during the charging process to below the allowable concentration of 0.5%. The hydrogen production quantity q is calculated as follows:

in the formula: q-Hydrogen production, m3/h ; 0.000627-1 ampere current flow through a battery per hour, m3; -Air pressure in the charging chamber, kPa ; -Air temperature in the chamber, ℃ ; I1, I2,... In-Charging current corresponding to each battery, A ; a1, a2,... a n -Number of batteries in the battery. The air volume required for the charging chamber is calculated as follows:

in the formula: Q-Air volume required for the charging chamber, m3/s. 4. The air volume in the compressor chamber can be calculated as follows:

in the formula: Q-Air volume in the compressor chamber, m3/s ; ∑N-The total power of all motors in the chamber, kW. 5. The air volume required for the water pump or winch chamber is calculated as follows:

式中符号意义同上。 6 、 破碎硐室按每小时换气 4 ~ 6 次计算所需风量。 7 、 装卸矿硐室按 1 ~ 2m 3 /s 所需风量计算。Chapter 9 Verification of Filling Capacity of Filling Mining Methods 第二十八条 充填系统能力核定必备条件: (一)充填站、充填管网及相关设施配套完整; (二)充填料来源充足、稳定; (三)充填料输送浓度、流量及配比检测、调控能力符合设计要求。 第二十九条 充填系统能力核定的主要内容: (一)充填系统能力是指在满足采矿工艺要求的前提下,从充填料来源、充填料混合搅拌、到最后输送至采矿作业点的系统综合能力; (二)充填系统充填能力按年工作日330d,三班作业、班最大作业时间5.5小时计算; (三)充填系统能力核定主要包括:充填料来源、砂仓容量、水泥仓容量、搅拌站能力、充填料输送管径、充填倍线; (四)多套充填系统同时进行充填时,总的充填能力取各套充填系统能力之和。 第三十条 充填系统能力核定标准: (一)核定充填料来源稳定性和充足性; (二)核定砂仓、水泥仓容量; (三)核定搅拌站搅拌能力; (四)核定充填料输送管径; (五)核定充填系统充填倍线; 按以上各项分别核定后,以是否满足矿山采矿工艺实际需求为准。
Chapter 10 Verification of Production Capacity of Open-pit Mines Article 31核定露天矿山生产能力必备条件: (一)各生产环节运转正常; (二) 采剥关系正常,两级矿量及工作面(线)长度符合要求: (三)采场、排土场边坡保持稳定; (四)安全保护及监测系统完善,运行正常; (五)洒 水除尘设备完好,采场内粉尘含量符合国家规定标准。 (六)露天矿山排水系统完善,运行正常。thirty-second 露天矿山生产能力应首先核定采剥能力,根据采剥能力计算矿石生产能力。 有多种生产工艺的分工艺核定生产能力,然后汇总露天矿山生产能力。**第三十三条 **核定采剥能力取环节能力的最小值,即:

式中: P t -采剥能力,万 m 3 /a P d -穿爆环节能力,万 m 3 /a V u -不需要爆破的软弱矿(岩)年计划挖掘量,万 m 3 /a P l -采装环节能力,万 m 3 /a P h -运输环节能力,万 m 3 /athirty-fourth 露天矿山的环节能力计算主要以环节中各设备(系统)的年正常作业小时和小时效率来计算。年正常作业小时和小时效率一般取上年度设备(系统)的年实际作业小时和实际小时效率统计值。如核定当年的设备(系统)计划作业时间与上年度实际统计值有较大差异时,应说明原因。 对于更新、新增设备,采用设计参数进行计算。 计算环节能力时,除了自有设备外,还应包括外包队伍的设备和能力。thirty-fifth 穿孔爆破环节能力按下式计算: 式中: i = 1 , … , n ; n -设备台数,台; P da -单台穿孔设备年能力,万 m 3 /a 。按下式计算: 式中: H y -年正常作业小时数, h ; M h -小时效率, m/h ; C b -延米爆破量, m 3 /m ; R d -钻孔利用率,%。Article 36 Verification of the production capacity of the mining working face (一)采掘工作面生产能力核定的主要内容和标准: 1 、核查矿山各采场生产能力、可采储量以及矿山开拓方式、采矿方法,核查现生产水平是否满足 “ 两级矿量 ” 要求; 2 、采场工作面能力根据前一年回采工作面的实际情况,按不同矿体状况、不同采矿工艺,按下式计算回采工作面前一年的平均生产能力: A C =10 -4 L·T·P·N 式中: A C — 采场工作面平均生产能力,万 t/a ; L— 采场工作面平均长度, m ; T— 采场工作面平均年推进进度, m ; P— 平均采场生产能力, t/m 2 ; N— 采场工作面平均个数,个。 (二)特殊情况下采掘工作面生产能力的核定: 由于矿山投产时间不长或者地质构造、矿体赋存条件发生变化,或采矿工艺变化、采掘机械化程度变化,或受市场制约等因素,前两年采掘工作面生产情况不能准确反映目前实际时,可根据采矿工作面循环作业图表、近期矿山生产和今后两年采掘进度计划安排等情况,并参照类似矿山,分别计算采矿工作面生产能力和两级矿量,确定采掘工作面生产能力。 thirty-seventh采装环节能力按下式计算: 式中: i = 1 , … , n ; n -设备台数,台; P la -单台采装设备年能力,万 m 3 /a 。按下式计算: 式中: V h -正常作业设备平均小时能力, m 3 /h ; H y -年正常作业小时数, h 。thirty-eighth运输环节能力 (一)运输环节核定生产能力的主要内容: 1 、矿山运输生产能力是指从采场装矿水平到达卸矿水平的运输系统的能力; 2 、矿山生产能力按年工作日 300d 计、每日运输时间( h/d )按不同运输类型确定: 平硐 — 溜井开拓时,同一种矿石时,取 12 小时,两种矿石时,取 10 小时; 公(铁)路开拓时,运输时间取 12 小时,穿孔和爆破取 8 小时,联合开拓运输时,作业时间不超过 12 小时,公路-破碎站-胶带机联合开拓时,胶带运输时间取9.5小时。 (二)运输环节能力按下式计算: 式中: i = 1 , … , n ; n -设备台数,台; P ha -单台(套)运输设备年能力,万 m 3 /a 。按下式计算: 式中: V h -正常作业设备平均小时能力, m 3 /h ; H y -年正常作业小时数, h 。 在连续工艺中,还应核定破碎站的能力,计算方法相同。 (三)采用 平硐 — 溜井开拓系统, 应校核以下三个环节的能力,三个环节均应满足系统生产能力的要求: 1 、溜井上口的受矿能力; 2 、放矿口的出矿能力; 3 、平硐运输系统的运输能力; 采用其他开拓运输方式的(准轨、窄轨、索道)均能满足各相关系统的能力核定标准要求。thirty-ninth 排土环节能力按下式计算: 式中: i = 1 , … , n ; n -设备台数,台; P sa -单台(套)排土设备年能力,即年可服务的排弃量,不是实际推送量,万 m 3 /a 。按下式计算: 式中: V h -设备正常作业平均小时能力, m 3 /h ; H y -年正常作业小时数, h 。Article 40 露天矿山矿石生产能力按下式计算: 式中: P c -核定的年矿石生产能力,万 t/a ; P t -采矿能力,万 t/a ; R -设计剥采比。Chapter 11 Supplementary Provisions Article 41 生产能力核定完成后,核定资质单位应编制非煤矿山生产能力核定报告书,明确各生产系统核定结果,并填写 安徽省非煤矿山生产能力核定 人员 登记表。** 第四十二条**本标准由安徽省经济和信息化委员会负责解释。forty-third本标准自发布之日起施行。

Production Capacity Verification Registration Form for Non-Coal Underground Mines in Anhui Province

Approved mine name





Safety production license number


starting and ending time


Mining license number


starting and ending time


production system


Approved results


Approved professional and technical personnel (signature)

hoisting system


underground transportation system


ventilation system


drainage system


power supply system


mining face


filling system


Reserve increase and decrease


Comprehensive production capacity approved this time: million t/a


Remaining service years: a

Approved qualification unit (seal):

the day of


Legal representative (signature):

the day of


Project leader (signature):

the day of

Production Capacity Verification Registration Form for Non-Coal Open Pit Mines in Anhui Province

Approved mine name





Safety production license number


starting and ending time


Mining license number


starting and ending time


production system


Approved results


Approved professional and technical personnel (signature)

Piercing and blasting link


Procurement and installation link


transportation link


Soil discharge link


power supply link


surface production system


Comprehensive production capacity approved this time: million t/a


Remaining service years: a

Approved qualification unit (seal):

the day of


Legal representative (signature):

the day of


Project leader (signature):

the day of

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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