
Number of words in this article:4635, reading time is about 9 minutes

introduction: 寻找科学家,连接科研院所、医疗机构和药企,是蔡磊努力的方向。

** Author| ** First Finance Wu Simin

Recently, Tofersen, the world's first gene targeting drug for ALS, has completed its first domestic application in the advance area of Boao Lecheng, Hainan. It was almost a year after the FDA of the United States approved the drug from Biogen on April 25, 2023. If we go back two months or so, Zhongmi Ruikang, a domestic innovative drug company, announced on February 23rd of that year that its independently developed small nucleic acid drug RAG-17 had been recognized as an orphan drug by FDA in the United States. Coincidentally, when Chinese patients completed the first injection of Tofersen, good news came from RAG-17. "the latest progress in the Sino-US Ruikang clinical study with us shows that the vast majority of the disease has been significantly delayed, and even there has been almost no development for about a year, while the original rate of development is expected to die in about three years." Cai Lei, former vice president of JD.com Group and patient with ALS, said in an interview with China Finance and Economics recently. But both Tofersen and RAG-17 offer hope for treatment in the field of ALS, where there have been few new drugs for a century-both of them are used to treat ALS caused by a superoxide dismutase (SOD1) mutation. But patients with this rare genetic mutation account for only 1% or 2% of all ALS patients. On March 28, when Cai Lei participated in the discussion of the Boao Forum for Asia on the theme of rare diseases by video, he once again proposed:"There has been no major breakthrough in ALS in the past 200 years, and the cure rate is 0." We hope to accelerate drug research and development and clinical trials. There are approximately 500,000 patients with ALS worldwide, of which more than 90% are sporadic, and no clear genetic mutation or cause can be found. "With the development of the new generation of technology, some progress has been made in the research on the genetic causes of rare diseases. However, for breakthroughs at the clinical level, related companies still face financing difficulties." Cai Lei revealed to the First Financial Reporter.

Three drugs have entered China, and one faces global delisting 渐冻症,又称肌萎缩侧索硬化(ALS),是一种罕见的神经退行性疾病,绝大多数患者在25年内死亡。在渐冻症后期,患者像被逐渐“冰冻”住一般,失去行动能力,无法说话、吞咽,呼吸依靠机器维持,但神志依然清醒。全球每10万人中约有46名渐冻症患者,中国ALS患者估计近10万人。 在渐冻症被发现的200多年来,直到近30年——利鲁唑在1995年被美国FDA批准上市,渐冻症领域才打破针对性用药的空白。近30年来,全球已上市的ALS治疗药物仅4款:利鲁唑、依达拉奉、AMX0035(Relyvrio)和Qalsody(Tofersen)。 对于中国患者而言,在Tofersen进入海南先行区之前,国内可及的治疗药物为利鲁唑和依达拉奉,但二者作用于ALS的机制不明,疗效甚微。前者通常可延长患者2~3个月的生存期,后者在蔡磊确诊的2019年才被引入中国,疗效甚至不优于前者。 而今,Tofersen叩开中国市场的大门,另一款药物Relyvrio则面临退市危机。3月8日,美国制药公司Amylyx宣布Relyvrio在一项全球性的3期临床试验中未达到预期的治疗效果。此时距离该药上市刚满2年。 Relyvrio在获批之初就并不被业界人士看好。Relyvrio是由2014年火遍全球社交网络的冰桶挑战(Ice Bucket Challenge)筹款“助产”而最终在2022年推向上市的。但起初,美国FDA外周和中枢神经系统药物咨询委员会并不打算批准这款药。当时的临床研究结果显示,该款药虽有一定统计学意义,但尚不足以确定其可以延缓疾病进展。后来,患者及家属强烈要求召开听证会,FDA在民众压力之下最终作出让步。彼时,Amylyx方面表态称,如果III期试验不成功,公司自愿将该产品撤出市场。 尽管上市波折、充满市场营销的意味并面临退市危机,Relyvrio在美国和加拿大市场上已取得商业上的成功。去年,该药物为Amylyx带来了3.81亿美元的销售额和4900万美元的利润。截至 2023 年 9 月底,美国有近 4000 人正在服用该药物。不过,有媒体报道,新加入治疗的患者人数在逐渐减少。

* * "my condition is not getting any better" * * facing a considerable lack of clinical needs, patients with ALS are in urgent need of innovative drugs. According to the statistics of market institutions, so far, there are dozens of drugs aiming at the indications of ALS and entering the clinical stage, of which nearly 20 drugs are in the clinical stage of III. These drugs include improved new drugs, small molecular drugs, as well as small nucleic acid drugs, cells and gene therapy. China is in the stage of gradually catching up with the latecomers. According to the latest data provided by Cai Lei, there are only 15 clinical pipelines for ALS in China in the past 70 years before the second half of 2020. In other words, there is only one clinical pipeline for ALS every five years, and more than 30 clinical pipelines have been launched in China since the second half of 2020. "in the past 2023 alone, we have worked together to promote more than 15 clinical pipelines for drug development for ALS." Cai Lei calls himself a "taster of herbs". "if you want to achieve a breakthrough, you are destined to be the first person to eat crabs. For me, my time and body are limited, I prefer more people to try innovation together. But because I have more direct access to these resources, it is relatively faster and easier for me to try and get the cooperation recognized by the relevant researchers. " Cai Lei told China Finance. However, to participate in these drug research and development trials, there is no positive feedback for Cai Lei's own body. Cai Lei told Caijing, "for me, there is no clear treatment benefit from medication at present." Even because he is "too busy at work" and "has little time for any rehabilitation training", it may be related to the side effects of repeated drug trials, and his condition continues to worsen. "before the breakthrough in drug research and development, my illness will be the same as it is now, and there will be no improvement." Cai Lei said with certainty. Why is this? Cai Lei gave an explanation in his autobiography believe.:In principle, as long as the mutated gene is silenced or modified, the symptoms of ALS will be alleviated or even completely restored. Among the several drug pipelines it follows, one is in this direction.

The next step in drug development但渐冻症中,所谓最典型的SOD1基因突变患者占比不过2%,所有已知基因致病性突变人群加在一起也不到10%,其他都是“散发性”的。 “如果不找到病因,就算是满载‘弹药’,也没有瞄准的方向。”中科计算技术西部研究院研究员、图灵-达尔文实验室主任牛钢在接受第一财经采访时做出上述比喻。 牛钢表示, Tofersen的上市,意味着标志物改善可以作为渐冻症新药获批上市的替代终点,但前提是找到病理标志和具有潜力的治疗靶点。渤健的选择是SOD1-ALS,并最终获得初步临床成功。但是否Tofersen对非SOD1-ALS的渐冻症患者就无生存改善?不一定。因为没有临床证据,药企也没有动力为病因不清的渐冻症表型去做临床。 “对于渐冻症的新药研发,通常是按照‘单基因决定论’的思路。换言之,是将单个基因的‘致病性’突变与疾病直接关联,进而获得对ALS关键驱动因素的重要见解。但事实上,任何一种疾病尤其是罕见疾病,都更可能是基因组编码多种病因决定患者发病的,其中一定涉及基因组上更广泛的基因变异。”牛钢说。 在他看来,每个人生下来都携带多种与众不同的突变基因,在后续成长中,有一些基因也会发生后天突变。这些突变汇总在一起,共同决定了个体在各种细胞功能上增强或减弱的独特特征,而这些特征的某些罕见组合是造成患者发病的根本病因。 牛钢表示,罕见病之所以罕见,是有统计学基础的:能集齐一组特征功能组合,在人群中并不常见。细胞水平上的功能组合可能是随机的,但是功能增高或者被显著抑制却有明确的基因组编码规律。 “时下这些单基因上所谓‘致病性’突变,可能只是‘压死骆驼的最后一根稻草’。” 牛钢认为,目前,因为观念上的缺失,领域内严重缺乏对渐冻症患者体内基因组编码病因的全面研究。 2023年下半年开始,牛钢团队开始开发“科学的人工智能模型”(AIforscience,AI4S),以包含大规模健康人群的数字孪生“元宇宙”为全基因组学研究的基础。基于该模型,输入患者个人疾病信息,可以找到该患者与健康人群在基因组编码的细胞功能上的差别,并以此找到患者的病因、病理、潜在预后、治疗方案及潜在靶点。 这样一种全新的方法论,吸引了蔡磊的注意,牛钢和蔡磊两个团队合作的方向是找到“组装”渐冻症的“拼图”,然后再分门逐类地去击破。去年,牛钢团队先后分析了蔡磊本人及其他约100名渐冻症患者的相关数据,这些患者包括散发性ALS、SOD1-ALS和其他基因突变相关的ALS类型。从数据呈现的复杂调控模型来看,尽管这些渐冻症患者基因存在不同的突变,但基因组整体驱动的下游细胞内事件是一致的,而且与对照健康人群有极显著的差异。基于这些可解释模型,现在科学家可以从全局性的角度去看待渐冻症的发病机制并寻找可治疗疾病的药物及其组合。 据牛钢透露,经由蔡磊的“牵线”,目前这一疾病研究进展已在国内某神经内科临床专家团队处启动IIT(研究者发起的临床研究)。该研究是依据已发现的渐冻症患者组学信息,找到调节患者免疫、代谢功能的“老药”,从单药到组合用于渐冻症治疗。 “‘老药新用’的意义在于对药物机制信息较明确,不仅可以对病因发现进行概念验证,而且老药的疗效明确、毒性可控,剂量参考有标准,因此可以较快用于患者,延缓病情,同时为新药研发争取到时间。”牛钢表示。 寻找科学家,连接科研院所、医疗机构和药企,是蔡磊努力的方向。1月27日,蔡磊在社交平台上发布消息称,将建立一支超百人的渐冻症研究团队,全力对接和支持服务科学家和医生,完善AI驱动的渐冻症科研体系,丰富细胞/类器官/动物/样本库/基因库等临床前研究合作平台等。 蔡磊认为,基因技术为生命科学、疾病病因研究带来了新的希望。他透露,通过对渐冻症患者规模化基因库的建设和分析,中国科研人员已在基因层面病因研究取得新发现,并积极往临床推进。“根据我们的病因研究,发现有相当高比例渐冻症和基因有关,这比之前(大约5%~10%基因病因)扩大了好几倍。”

"The cooperation environment in the capital field is not particularly good" 蔡磊在近日博鳌亚洲论坛2024年年会期间回应媒体时表示,目前,国内(渐冻症)药物研发企业的药物,在细胞、动物、人体试验上都取得了优于美国这款药2倍至3倍以上的效果,目前正在加快推进,但近两年融资环境不好,合作的这家药物研发企业,一直难以融资。 他在接受第一财经采访时进一步表示,在资本寒冬下,渐冻症药物研发进度放缓是显而易见的,而且现在这个问题特别明显。 “许多渐冻症研究的企业现在很难融到资,目前几家与我们合作的药物企业都是组合了帕金森和阿尔兹海默症研究,才能实现融资。”蔡磊说。 但他同时认为,资本领域的合作环境不是特别好,并非中国或短期所独有的现象。由于罕见病药物人数少、研发风险高、成本高昂,一般投资机构和大型药物企业并不愿意在这里面进行过多投入。“近期和哈佛大学麻省总医院Merit教授沟通才知道,一个很有希望的渐冻症药企,因为拿不到融资,七年没有往前推进。” 霍德生物CEO范靖今年年初接受媒体采访时还曾提到了另一现象,尽管其公司提高了有关渐冻症药物研发的优先级,可在将治疗方案落地实施时,范靖发现,很难对接到合格的PI,少数能满足条件的PI也可能没有精力和时间,或因为其他顾虑不愿意接手研究。


Author: spike

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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