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** Author| ** First Finance Xiao Yisi

With the intensification of corruption in the energy storage market and the frequent phenomenon of losing orders, the Ningde era, the leader of lithium batteries, has come to an end.

On April 9, Ningde Times released Tianheng, a five-year zero-decay energy storage system that can be mass produced. Ningde Times revealed that the Tianheng Energy Storage System can not only achieve zero power and capacity attenuation for 5 years, but also achieve high energy of 6.25 megawatt hours in a standard 20-foot container.

"There are not many companies on the market that can achieve zero attenuation for 2 years and integration at 5 megawatts of energy storage systems in mass production. Therefore, Ningde Times Tianheng Energy Storage System has a certain leading edge from a technical perspective." A person in the energy storage industry told the First Financial Reporter, but from a cost perspective, the selling price of Tianheng energy storage system is estimated to be not low, and the Ningde era may give priority to overseas energy storage projects.

Ningde Times said that the reason why it can achieve zero attenuation for five years is that the Tianheng energy storage system uses bionic SEI and self-assembled electrolyte technology to clear roadblocks for lithium ions, and the power consumption of auxiliary machines can be controlled and not increased throughout the life cycle. The high energy of 6.25 megawatt hours is due to the Tianheng energy storage system being equipped with special energy storage cells L series products, which makes the energy density of the lithium iron phosphate energy storage battery reach 430Wh/L.

In recent years, the energy storage market has grown rapidly and has become an important starting point for new development momentum for local governments. The frequency and intensity of policies have continued to increase. However, with the influx of capital from all walks of life, the energy storage industry has become a red sea, and overcapacity and price wars have become industry development problems.

At this time, Ningde Times, as the leader of lithium batteries, released energy storage system brands and products with great fanfare. What is the logic behind it?


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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