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introduction: 记者在门店内停留观察,意向购车群体仍以年轻人为主。

** Author| ** First Finance Huang Lin

In the first weekend after its launch, the popularity of Xiaomi cars continued to rise, and a large number of young people continued to pour into the stores. On March 30 and 31, China Business reporters went to three Xiaomi car stores in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou and found that there were crowded people inside and long queues of people waiting to see the car outside. Late at night on March 30, there were still many customers watching cars and test driving in stores. Salespeople in many stores didn't get off work until the wee hours of the morning, and they received inquiries from customers at 7 o'clock the next morning, which was very busy. This has not happened in the auto industry for many years. Beijing Huaxi LIFE Xiaomi car store staff told reporters that the store arranged six test drives, pre-ordered customers directly to test-drive experience, the store and outside the queue are mostly natural customers to the store. But naturally, there were many customers who came to the store. After walking out of the store, a father and son immediately asked the staff how to order on the APP, how to lock the order, how to pay the final payment and the time to pick up the car. The staff said that within one hour of the morning, three customers who arrived at the store naturally made a decision. At the Xiaomi car sales and service center on Panyu Avenue in Guangzhou, there are also gray-haired old people and young parents pushing strollers, but in general, most of them are young. "at present, there are four test drivers in the store, of which three are given priority to customers who have paid a deposit in the store channel, and one is reserved for customers watching the car on the spot." The salesperson told me. However, some consumers told reporters that the store made people feel that they had been treated differently and had the feeling of "forcing an order" in disguise, but in order to test-drive as soon as possible, it was finally decided by compromise, and whether or not to confirm the locking order would be decided after the test drive. The reporter noticed that the flow of people passing through the Xiaomi car store would also be discussed from time to time. Whether they were aunts who "walked their children" or young student couples, they would say, "look, this is the car that Xiaomi has just come out of the store." this shows that Xiaomi car-making has a great out-of-circle effect, which is the communication ability that almost all other automobile companies do not have. Among the surging crowds of car watchers, how many consumers have decided? The data given by Xiaomi car is:88898 orders in 24 hours. The reporter learned from Xiaomi Automobile that as of yesterday afternoon, the number of lock orders had reached 20,000. While Xiaomi SU7 was selling well, there were also some episodes. On March 29 and 30, more than 400 users who subscribed requested to unsubscribe or modify configuration. More than 100 users defended their rights on platforms such as Black Cat Complaints and requested to unsubscribe. **


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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