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introduction :形式主义具有较强的隐蔽性和跟风性。隐蔽性是指形式主义往往会披上“正确的外衣”;跟风性是指每当一个产业、一种做法受到肯定,许多地方就会一哄而上,照搬照抄,而丝毫不管其是否符合当地实际。

** Author| ** Yicai commentator

A few days ago, the Office of the Special working Mechanism for Grass-roots burden reduction at the Central level, together with the General Office of the Central Commission for discipline Inspection, briefed on three typical problems, and pointed out that all localities and departments should compare the typical problems in the report, take their seats, reflect on themselves, profoundly analyze the ideological roots of formalism and bureaucracy, and make continuous efforts to rectify formalism and bureaucracy. At the beginning of this year, a meeting on the special working mechanism for reducing the burden at the grass-roots level was held at the central level, which put forward clear requirements for efforts to rectify formalism such as "political achievement project,"image project," and "face-saving project." In the three cases reported above, the growth task of operators in some cities and counties in Shanxi Province is listed in the first place. In disregard of their own reality and contrary to the laws of the market, these places have issued targets in the form of administrative orders, forcibly promoting the task of doubling the number of business entities. Formalism prevails in some places and departments, which not only has a serious negative impact on the party and government style, but also has a profound impact on economic development, which is a stumbling block and an obstacle in economic development, which must be seriously rectified. Especially in the current environment in which China's economy is still facing greater downward pressure and there is an urgent need to achieve tangible results. Specifically, we should pay attention to several levels of problems. First of all, let's take a look at the forms of expression that formalism does harm to economic development. Take the reported task of allocating the growth of economic entities, for example, these layers of data mixed with water will undoubtedly have a negative impact on macro decision-making. At the micro level, distorted data will transmit distorted market signals and mislead the decisions of enterprises and investors. In addition, formalism will cause a huge waste of resources. From a large point of view, some projects in pursuit of glamorous forms, social projects and so on will not produce social and economic benefits, and are more likely to cause half-pull projects. From a small point of view, if the limited funds at the grass-roots level are used to engage in formalism, it will inevitably affect the effective investment in people's livelihood and well-being. Secondly, let's look at the ideological root of formalism's harm to economic development. The fundamental reason why some places are impractical and blindly set targets and set tasks, and increase layers of code to force grass-roots data fraud, is due to poor performance views. Although this is no longer the era of "officials produce numbers, figures produce officials", this kind of thinking is still deep-rooted in some places and among some officials. The lack of long-term tenure and responsibility of "running water officials in iron-beaten places" is also an important reason for the "fat" economy in some places. As the economic data go up, there will be more opportunities for promotion, but it is not the consideration of these officials as to how big a hole will be dug for the economic development of the place where they are in office. In addition, formalism has a strong concealment and follow the trend. Concealment means that formalism often puts on the "cloak of correctness"; following the trend means that whenever an industry or a practice is affirmed, many places will rush in and copy it blindly, regardless of whether it is in line with the local reality or not. Third, how to reduce the impact of formalism on economic development. Formalism must be spent, and blocking the "source of money" from the source will restrain formalism a lot. Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission organized a working meeting on investment consultation and evaluation in 2024, requiring evaluation institutions to adhere to the center of service investment and do a good job of consultation and evaluation around the expansion of effective investment. The purpose of investment evaluation is to strictly enforce the investment decision-making process and improve the scientific and democratic nature of investment decision-making. It is hoped that this work can be promoted and implemented in various localities and departments. At the two national sessions this year, Finance Minister Lan Foan told the media that the next step will continue to strengthen supervision and punishment, resolutely put an end to ostentation and extravagance, and resolutely prevent image projects and face-saving projects. In view of the short-term behavior characteristics of formalism, it is necessary to enhance the long-term responsibility awareness of local officials, that is, to establish and improve the lifelong responsibility accountability system and responsibility reverse investigation mechanism for major decisions. Officials who engage in formalism that seriously endanger economic development should be held responsible for their previous actions no matter where they are promoted, transferred, resigned, dismissed, retired, etc. This is one of the sharp weapons to correct formalism. In short, we must be deeply aware of the seriousness of the harm caused by formalism to economic development, especially at a time when the economy is in urgent need of practical work, it is all the more necessary to seriously rectify formalism as a stumbling block and obstacle to economic development. It is hoped that more formalism cases will be exposed in the future, so as to form shock and awe and provide a better environment for China's economic development. **


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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